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Dr. Pomade

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le sigh.


powers, are you speaking for doc because he said that to you? or are you "jussayin"?


hey doc, i bet that car rips it up in the standing mile. maybe you and joe can have that down and back race now. well have to go rent the salt flats or something. heh.

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John, out standing! Getting that throttle response/spool down will be fun to learn. Plus torque, damn crazy is all I can say. Happy for you and looking forward to next season.


BTW, I own you from 0 to 110 right now. Cause you have no traction, till about 90 for right now. :) LOL

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Wow, Powers thats pretty gay of you.


Someone post compliments to Tilley, and your so concerened with being the cool guys best friend. You take it upon yourself to flame the guy, seriously what are you trying to prove. I mean, your basically looking like more a dick rider then Thorne is just by making that post. You sound like a fucking highschool girl.


Jennifer doesnt wanna be your friend

Jennifer doesn't like you

Jennifer says your not pretty enough to be in our click.


I seriously fail to see how men get jealous of other men. What is the world coming to?!?


Speak for your fucking self son, you know how much shit you can bury yourself under by trying to be someone elses mind?


quoted for truth- "****a be you ****a"

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Listen all wheel show.


Dr.Me So slick doesn't wanna be your friend.

He doesnt want you complimenting his car.

He doesn't want to meet any new people period or accept compliments from them because this may shorten the time he has to spend with powers.


Ok thanks so please get off his dick, its harder to suck with you on the other end.

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Ok, why are there two of these?


cus its Johnny Mother Fucking Bravo :).


Tilley aside from possible issues with the tranny how is the IRS going to handle that power. If and went it does break are you going to to go to a H/D IRS or possibly a solid axel??

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Again powers of IPS showing his TRUE Business fashion. It was a fucking joke. I must have missed the part were you were driving my car the night i lost money, So BLOW ME. Must be the only jokes you make are ones to insult others, As in the true fashion Myself and other on CR half experianced.


And powers if you wanna start or say someting to me I'm pretty sure the pm button works as does acting like a adult not a tool. I would think IPS Motorsports would not want you running your mouth online like a tool because of the possible impact on business.


Run your mouth about me all you want, Don't fucking matter honestly since all your doing is showing off how well you can conduct yourself as an adult. I don't represent anyone but me, And you weak ass jabs about me owning a bug and previously being a tool are all known facts. I really think if you look in the mirror at the end of the day you will relize that your jabs are just that weak shots were my statements are true and concise.


In closing.


I will make it a point to make it known that I've sent customers your way, I've also had plans to come to your shop for work on my car. As long as you work there I'm going to just refer people elsewhere. If you don't think one persons statements about a small company don't matter then maybe marketing 101 is something you should take. But here i will let you know Powers, ( If you do something great for a customer/potial customer they will talk a little about your company, But if you do something bad towards a customer/potial customer they will talk to no end about how they were mistreated).


This Topic is Closed

All further posts on anyones part regarding this post will only be address via PM


This has nothign to do with IPS

I was a member here far before IPS was around

I knew john far before I worked at IPS.

You started stalking John before I started working here.


I can say what ever I want on a personal basis. I am sure ANYONE who has done business with me would back me up on that.


You are a nut swinger. Stop



Rane you really want a pissing match here? You can't speak for John either.

Oh and Rane hows that Z comming?

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Ok, why are there two of these?


I re-started this one because the last one got off track, through no fault or request of the original thread starter. I asked people to stay on topic, but as usual; reading and comprehension has, and never will be a strong point here.





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The status of the Z is no secret, but the past is.


I brought it in for some work. Picked it up and brought it back the next morning because a bolt came out or whatever the hell happened. This was before the car was broken and prolly haden't even seen 10% throttle. After breaking it in and having you guys set my boost and shit it was running so bad I brought it to Tank out at a meet who told me my shit was set uber lean and tried to fix it. The next day I had it towed back to your shop. I haven't seen it since.


Keep in mind this was like within a week of when Dr.z06's car leanbombed.

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le sigh.


powers, are you speaking for doc because he said that to you? or are you "jussayin"?


hey doc, i bet that car rips it up in the standing mile. maybe you and joe can have that down and back race now. well have to go rent the salt flats or something. heh.

I don't want to throw John under the bus but what I posted is not my opinion.


I don't need to sit here and prove why that is.



I am not going to even get into the IPS stuff to try and use who I WORK FOR against me is lame. I work there that's it.

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Keep in mind this was like within a week of when Dr.z06's car leanbombed.


We didnt tune his car last year but thanks for playing. Even if we had, John would be the first person to tell you that running a 200 shot on pump gas on a very cool night wouldnt be something he would do again in rectrospect.


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I don't want to throw John under the bus but what I posted is not my opinion.


I don't need to sit here and prove why that is.



I am not going to even get into the IPS stuff to try and use who I WORK FOR against me is lame. I work there that's it.


easy greg. i was merely asking. kinda wondered if this was something doc has verbalized already to thorne.

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easy greg. i was merely asking. kinda wondered if this was something doc has verbalized already to thorne.

Oh I am not provoked in any manner. I was mearly stating that what I posted was factual but John is a very nice guy and perhaps would not be as blunt as I was about it.


Like I mentioned in the first post it has been wearing on me for a while, thus my small outburst last night.

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Oh and Rane hows that Z comming?



Wow reguardless you are employed by IPS so anything you say refects on them weather your intention is for it to be related or not. Above is one of the most fucked up sentences I have seen typed here and you being an employee of IPS shows me a lot. A business is ONLY as good as it's employees. I'm going to make sure I don't order anything from you as I was thinking of doing for my STI, I have heard lots of good things but with all this comming out and your comments, I will just stick to the net research myself. You sir are a dick. I hope someone at IPS has the balls to put an end to you running your manpleaser.

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I'm leaving for the airport at 5:45 and will be sitting there reading CR like usual.




Why? Because there's another thread now dedicated to people trying to fuck each other in the ass and bitch about IPS, the Vette, Greg, stalkers, etc.


Keep this to the basics of the thread. Do not test this theory, just know there will be bans handed out and locks activated. If you have something negative to say, go to the other thread dedicated to it and keep this one from having people wanting to kill one-another. Winter doesn't officially start until December 21st.

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Okay, thanks for the compliments everyone. I'm going to respect Anthony's order and conveniently dodge all of the craziness going on in this thread right now.


Shawn, well, we both know the rear end will only last so long. Hopefully, I can get more life out of it by not beating on it - that is, by avoiding a lot of 5K clutch dumps and so forth. Not sure what direction I'll go in - IRS or no - when it eventually does go.

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