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strong winds.. got damage??


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anyboy else have any damage from todays winds


i got up for work at 1:30 p.m. and look in my drive way had 4 huge ass tree branches laying in my drive way. took the main power line and cable line form th epol to my house down and its still live (still had power at my house). its laying in my driveway.


couldnt even get my car outta my garage cause there was so much shit there and i dont want to fuck with live wire.


also took out the lines from my house to my garage. so now my garage has no power to it.


called aep and they didnt show till 11 p.m. and i called at 2.


i have pics ill post up later.


thye left all the limbs and branches in my driveway still too. what homos.


so now sunday i gotta re wire the electric to the garage. and tomorrow before work clean up my driveway so i can get my car outta the garage.



all in all fucking wind was strong. and i got some damage.

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We were out in the storm hunting/camping on my Uncles property, which happens to be the second highest point in Ohio. We were sleeping a 1968 Bean. The Bean is about 6' long, Jelly Bean looking Camper (pimp, chicks dig da bean). Anyways, we almost died.



This post is useless without content :)


What happened?

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We set up camp on the highest peak out in the open because it was dry. In the middle of the night we had to hook the Camper up to the truck in fear of getting blown off the hill or flipped over. It was a good thing we did because we were on one tire several times after that. Wow! Drunk on the Goose + the Bean + 60MPH winds FTW!
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