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Mother fucking bullshit. That last interception WAS NOT a fucking interception. Anyone with a pair of damn eyes can see in the reply that ball hit the turf. Looks like they were screwed on a bad call again just like against Texas. Granted, it shouldn't have been that close but UCLA played some incredible D. I do like UCLA, but not like USC.
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USC choked, big time. Got caught looking ahead and started believing all the hype about how great they are. Oopsie, muthafuckers.


We'll fuck Florida up. Michigan too, if they're unlucky enough to backdoor their way into the game.


My prediction is that Florida will get the nod and be OSU's opponent in the title game. With USC out, there's now two very good reasons to put in Florida over Michigan: (1) it will put in a SEC team, so the SEC can officially wash the sand out of their collective vagina; and (2) it will prevent a rematch, and thus (2a) keep the purists happy and (2b) keep everyone happy that hates when teams like Nebraska and Oklahoma backdoor their ways into title games. Florida's strength of schedule will go up, and they should get enough votes from the pollsters.

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once again, i agree with doc, and all of his points, save one. it wasnt a total choke job by usc. ucla's defense and coaching were unreal. i may get flamed for this, but im not completely sure that osu would hold them to single digit points.


itll be interesting to see if michigan acutally loses bcs points from people who will intentionally not even include them in their top 25 just so there wont be a rematch. keep an eye on that, folks. if michigan drops points at all, thats why.

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once again, i agree with doc, and all of his points, save one. it wasnt a total choke job by usc. ucla's defense and coaching were unreal.


UCLA did play really well, their defense was stellar. One of the announcers said during the game that UCLA was #1 in 3rd down defense, and they showed it, they swarmed Booty like crazy and broke up passes left and right.

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once again, i agree with doc, and all of his points, save one. it wasnt a total choke job by usc. ucla's defense and coaching were unreal. i may get flamed for this, but im not completely sure that osu would hold them to single digit points.


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with you - it wasn't a total choke, considering how well UCLA played. And, no flames from me - I also think that OSU would have had trouble keeping USC from putting a bunch of points on the board. Quite frankly, from one standpoint, I'm glad OSU won't play USC, as USC was really starting to scare me, with all of their weapons on offense and their speed and agility on defense.


Now, who is it: UM or UF? Polls of fans show a nearly 50-50 split across the nation on the issue. Either way, chaos should ensure - which I personally love, considering the implications (e.g., more pressure to establish a playoff-like system).

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Now, who is it: UM or UF? Polls of fans show a nearly 50-50 split across the nation on the issue. Either way, chaos should ensure - which I personally love, considering the implications (e.g., more pressure to establish a playoff-like system).




Looks to be UF. I think this will be a better game nationwide. The winner of the Big 10 v. the winnder of the SEC. i was listening to commentators all night last night say how Michigan had their chance, despite the fact that they MAY still be considered No.2 in the computer's. Alot of people dont want to see a regional rivalry that already took place weeks ago. Of course since the computers will be so close it will come down to the human vote of the BCS process. Of which Jim Tressel has a vote but in the classy Jim Tressel style he receeded his vote citing his "unique position in the BCS".


I'd personally like to see UF, if you look back in history any team that has had a chance to 'win back' a big game has won the second game of the same matchup. If you UM won, they wouldn't really be considered winners, we'd just be even.

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