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ITT: It's been a slow day on CR, so do something about it

El Karacho1647545492

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Its nearly 3am and nothing useful has happened on CR today. The AMC Boys thread died faster than a snitch in a Tarantino flick, Linn didn't post something that made me simultaneously puke and question my faith in humankind, and no one, to my knowledge, has been banned. Even more importantly, there's been no benchracing, and the only argument that I've really seen continue through the day has been Thorne and coltboostin arguing about skunks.


And now for something completely different.


Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter is pregnant. I say fuck all the people who are condemning this (for whatever reason, liberal or conservative) because the child will never have a father, or because the child won't have the rights of a heterosexual couple (VA banned same-sex marriage). The liberal gay-rights activists are saying that this child will grow up abnormally because its in a family with a vocal opposition to gay marriage. The conservative side is saying that this is a bad example, because not all children of gay couples will have the financial advantage that this child will, and some other jibba jabba that basically amounts to more ignorance.

Why the fuck does it matter? Why does a gay couple infringe on anyone else? I don't get it. I don't want the gov't to force the church to marry gays, but why should the government take a religion-based stance against gay marriage?




Alright, someone say something offensive or controversial.

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This is a good thread actually.... I saw this on the news yesterday. I don't know where I stand on gay marriages. To me, it doesnt effect me and its not like they are doing anything wrong.... they just want to be married like a man and a woman. Who cares.

Bringing a child into it.... again, doesn't effect me and if they are good parents and can provide for that kid, why wouldn't they be allowed? I grew up with a mom and dad that got divorced early in my life. They both loved me but not each other. Does that mean my upbringing wasn't as good as a family that wasn't divorced? No. I'm fine, with the occasional outbursts.


So there you have it.

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Gay people don't understand, being married is not that great, in fact, it really is just a piece of paper that the "government" gives you, like a diploma, go ahead and let them get said paper from the government. When some dude gets taken for half, after his gold-digging man slave gets his pedigree, I want to be the fist to interview him about gay marriage.


Most men wish the government would have said in their relationship they could not get married! Shit the conversation would have gone like this, "damn honey, I really want to spend 3 months of MY salary on your ring and pay for a big wedding with all your family just to "prove I love you", but I guess we are just screwed, the government will not allow it, sorry, I will try to make it up to you baby."


Dumb fuckers don't even know they have a good thing.


All marriage does is, to make litigation for lawyers, I forgot the percentage of marriages that end in divorce, but I know it is high. Oh and I forgot, that statistic will not hold true for the gay community, they are super human when it comes to relationships.....


Hell when you really break it down religion says no sex before marriage, and most women want a big ceremony. SO you spend the money on her, ring, wedding, house, car, ect. Then what does the man get? 1 Pussy for the rest of his life. Sounds like prostitution to me with payment up front instead of leaving it on the night stand.


BTW honey if you are reading….


I love you!

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Gay people don't understand, being married is not that great, in fact, it really is just a piece of paper that the "government" gives you, like a diploma, go ahead and let them get said paper from the government. When some dude gets taken for half after his gold-digging man slave gets his pedigree, I want to be the fist to interview him about gay marriage.


Most men wish the government would have said in their relationship they could not get married! Shit the conversation would have gone like this, "damn honey, I really want to spend 3 months of MY salary on your ring and pay for a big wedding with all your family just to "prove I love you", but I guess we are just screwed, the government will not allow it, sorry, I will try to make it up to you baby."


Dumb fuckers don't even know they have a good thing.


All marriage does it make litigation for lawyers, I forgot the percentage of marriages that end in divorce, but I know it is high. Oh and I forgot, that statistic will not hold true for the gay community, they are super human when it comes to relationships.....


Hell when you really break it down religion says no sex before marriage, and most women want a big ceremony. SO you spend the money on her, ring, wedding, house, car, ect. Then what does the man get? 1 Pussy for the rest of his life. Sounds like a prostitution to me with payment up front instead of leaving it on the night stand.


BTW honey if you are reading….


I love you!


You wouldn't trade it for the world....







Or would you?

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Hell I wonder how much Vermont or wherever makes on civil union fees.


Or how much they lose in paying out benefits to so many more married couples than there were before gay marriage.

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couple of things. the only reason gay marriage is an issue is because insurance companies dont want it allowed. sure, conservatives find it sinful, but thats not the real issue. who has the most to gain from gay marriage being outlawed? insurance companies.


also, having an anti - gay stance isnt homophobic, its an opinion. people are as entitled to that as they are to thinking black people and mexicans are second class citizens.

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to satisfy everyone. gay marriage should be allowed but without the benefits of a straight marriage. gays would then not care about marriage.


but yes it is all about the benefits of being married. thats the only issue. the goverment hiding behind religion and moral rights is bullshit. its all money.


but isnt the goverment always about money.


but this hasnt effected my life one way or the other so i dont give a fuck.


the thing that pisses me off is slowly but surely the right of americans are being slowly taken away.


thats why im for gay marriage. if you take that right away form the american people its just one more move towards dictatorship

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gay mariage imo should be allowed anywhere in this country for 2 reasons.


1) saying you can't marry someone you want is not being free.

2) some insurance companies anymore won't cover someone who has been living with you over 6 months if they are not family and the same sex. Not everyone has a good job that offers health insurance... (fed ex)

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