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the post-ho thread begins again...


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Fringe is just the X-Files rehashed with Pacey, and with what appears to be a far less expensive writing staff.

Dexter, however, is some quality shit.

I hated X-Files. Pushing Daisies is fun to watch and underrated. I recently started re-watching True Blood again from the first episode, fantastic series.

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wait you want to buy a house again just to decorate it. You know you can do that to your current house right?

haha, no....

I want to buy a house because I'm sooooo sick of apartment dwelling. I watch HGTV because I'll pretty much be going it alone and I want to get a feel for what style/size/setup etc that I will want to buy and what to expect. Also, I can see what types of things are important for resale or whatever. It's just fun to be able to look inside other people's homes and see what's going on in there!

I've been doing some reading and other research as well so don't flame me for the TV habits :)

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well as far is ohio is concerned Columbus still has one of the better housing markets.

Yeah apartments tend to suck after awhile, try living in a 3 bedroom apt with 7 people for 1 1/2 yrs.

Not flaming for TV habits, I'm sure smuckingham will greatly appreciate it if you actually have a plan for decorating. Things tend to go smoother with less arguments.

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well as far is ohio is concerned Columbus still has one of the better housing markets.

Yeah apartments tend to suck after awhile, try living in a 3 bedroom apt with 7 people for 1 1/2 yrs.

Not flaming for TV habits, I'm sure smuckingham will greatly appreciate it if you actually have a plan for decorating. Things tend to go smoother with less arguments.

Holy crap, your rent must have been like $10/month :)

and who says Schmuckingham gets to move into my house?! :lol:

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actually it was with the family while we were waiting for the house to be built

I figured he'd at least be allowed in the basement

Man, I would Loooooove to build a house. I would make everything tall so that I didn't have to lean over to reach stuff.

and you're probably right :)

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Over building is one of the core contributors to the real estate down turn and current recession. If people are looking into building new they really need to look into buying property outside of a "planned" community. Otherwise you're pretty much getting custom cookie cutter housing built.

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I'd rather live out in the country than in the city. It can be easier to buy small and add on what you want yourself if your the do it yourself kinda of person.

We're looking to do something similar in the next few years. Would prefer to find something on the edge of a suburb with a decent amount of land that little chance of being commercialized anytime soon.

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That's what we plan on doing (and did with the current place). We are currently looking at a house built in 1917 out near Alex Bell. The wife is a real estate agent which helps speed up the process in both looking for properties and getting out to go see them a few times.

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