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Lifestyle fitness


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Wondering if anyone else has had experience with them. They opened up a new place right up the road from me off sawmill/hard and im contemplating making the switch from World to them. I've been doing alot of cardio lately to prepare for this biggest loser comp. It just seem's like they have so much more to offer for a nominal boost in price.


World = 38$/month (without contract)

20$/month with my discount through work


Lifestyle = 50$/month + 169.99$ (est.) one time fee w/o contract.

This price is without my 30% discount.


My work gets 30% discount with lifetime but still not sure it will be worth the jump. I like sticking with a fairly local place, but there's no competing with indoor/outdoor pools, full size gym and cardio, bball court, climbing wall AND it's open 24hours a day (pool closes at midnight though). Has anyone had and experience with them? are they negotiable on their one time fee? customer service good? Do they offer free classes? bball leagues or scrimages? I'll be taking a tour in the next week to see what its like inside.

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Lifestyle is the old California Fitness and if it's like it was when I was going a few years ago.... then I wouldn't go again. They were rude, they would take out more money in my account than agreed, and prolonged the cancellation process 5 months, while still taking from my account. Plus, I think that's really expensive for a membership.


Currently I go to Victory's but two of them in Columbus are all female so that doesn't really help you guys... sorry.



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Lifestyle is the old California Fitness and if it's like it was when I was going a few years ago.... then I wouldn't go again. They were rude, they would take out more money in my account than agreed, and prolonged the cancellation process 5 months, while still taking from my account. Plus, I think that's really expensive for a membership.


Currently I go to Victory's but two of them in Columbus are all female so that doesn't really help you guys... sorry.



I think your thinking of LifeTime fitness which is the old california. I could be wrong though. Lifestyle/Lifetime, I ALWAYS get them confused. The one im talking about is off sawmill/Hard rd by Dublin scioto highschool. But your right I heard the same complaint's about California fitness.


I'll post what I find tonight, My parents were talking about a membership, if I can somehow mooch off them then maybe it will be worth it.

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I think your thinking of LifeTime fitness which is the old california. I could be wrong though. Lifestyle/Lifetime, I ALWAYS get them confused. The one im talking about is off sawmill/Hard rd by Dublin scioto highschool. But your right I heard the same complaint's about California fitness.


I'll post what I find tonight, My parents were talking about a membership, if I can somehow mooch off them then maybe it will be worth it.


you are backwards.

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I have gone to lifestyle fitness [former calfit] for the last 5 years. I was a 'founding member' at the original location. The staff rotates on a weekly basis, the equipment is kept to only an acceptable level [i have asked for replacement foot straps for the recumbent bikes for 6 months, they still haven’t been ordered], all in all it is fairly mediocre. I have stayed with it because I pay less than 20 a month.


LifeTime, as I understand it, is quite the opposite. It is open 24 hours, has a pool, and most of the amenities one would expect from a full service health club.


I have rationalized the additional expense and will be making the switch when the facility opening on hard/sawmill opens sometime next month.

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I have been a member to Lifestyle (ex-calfit) for years and like what they have to offer. I use mostly the free weights, some machines and cardio. they have many locations in Columbus so I can get in a work out whether I am near home or work.


The rates ARE negotiable as is the upfront fee. Don't fall for the pressure. I ended up joining for what I consider a good monthly rate and NO enrollment fee. If they push it... stand up and begin to walk... they will change their tune. The sales reps get a small piece of the monthly and a large piece of the enrollment. Good luck.

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I go to the one out east but have been to pretty much all of them throughout the city been a member for the past 3 years I love going there everyone is cool they offer free classes (yoga, kickboxing, ect)


not sure on the b-ball league because the one out east doesn't have a court


But yes the women are there at all times of the day so I suggest you go for it!

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Can't speak to either of them, as I've been going to Westerville Athletic ever since I moved here. Great hours, equip is always kept in good shape, staff's helpful, and they've got a pool I can do proper turns in. My only gripes are that they could use a bigger parking lot (especially during the "New Years Resolution" boom), and the pool is usually a little too warm for my tastes (84 is great for kids playing, but for working out, 80 is better, and 76-78 prime).
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I have gone to lifestyle fitness [former calfit] for the last 5 years. I was a 'founding member' at the original location. The staff rotates on a weekly basis, the equipment is kept to only an acceptable level [i have asked for replacement foot straps for the recumbent bikes for 6 months, they still haven’t been ordered], all in all it is fairly mediocre. I have stayed with it because I pay less than 20 a month.


LifeTime, as I understand it, is quite the opposite. It is open 24 hours, has a pool, and most of the amenities one would expect from a full service health club.


I have rationalized the additional expense and will be making the switch when the facility opening on hard/sawmill opens sometime next month.


World Powell just uped their monthly no-contract fee from 32 to 38/monthly this prompted me to look around, and your right I was backwards, lifeTIME is the one off sawmill/hard, lifeSTYLE is in new market center near billingsley/sawmill.


I went into LifeTIME's "membership center" tonight (really a converted trailor) and talked to an employee about what they offer and price's. Their monthly prices stay the same, 59.99$ monthly, but their membership fee raises every 15th until opening day on April 5th. There are 2 different memberships, 'Fitness' and 'Sports'. Fitness is basic membership, 'Sports' you get two free day passes a month, free use of climbing wall, racket ball/cricket courts. 'Sports' membership is 10$ more monthly. The listed membership fee for 'sports' packaged was 169.99, but the employee knew this was wrong and actual price was 99.99. combined with my 30% discount through work I paid 69.99 membership fee.


Ken I HIGHLY recommend signing up asap. from what I saw in all their previews of their sister club in chicago, the extra price premium you pay is made up for in the little details, free towels, sauna's, everything is meticulously cleaned daily, marble floors, leather 'relaxation' furniture in the member's lounge adjacent to the locker room's, Each hottub is emptied and scrubbed down every 48 hours. I was thoroughly impressed that it ONLY costs 69.99 a month. If your not happy in the first month your a member you can be refunded your membership AND monthly fee, If you get 2 other people to sign off, your automatically refunded your membership fee.


I could go on but im pretty happy about it, I can't wait until april.

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damn, i'm a member at the dublin rec center, its $22/month for me and i don't feel like paying any more, fuck $70/month!


Trust me it was alot for me to agree to. But my parents had membership's to a similar place in cinci (mercy healthplex) and I loved it. If I find that in the first 30 days it isn't worth it or for some reason I dont think Im getting my money's worth then I can get a full refund and I'll go back to World gym powell ... BUT ... outdoor pool + lots of hot,rich, Dublin MILFS on a hot summer day = THE WIN. Can't go wrong with proven mathmatics.

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nice 70 dollar a month credit card payment a month could get you a fairly nice gym at home after a while


Could it buy me a pool too? how about bball court? I could go on but it would be a waste. You just dont get it, I dread going to the gym sometimes if this membership makes me actually look foward to going more often and in turn I actually DO. Then it's well worth it.


Have you ever been to play-it-again sports? Seen their selection on home exercise equipment? Just b/c you have the convenience of having it in your home doesn't mean you'll use it.

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