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OSU Sucked!


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All moot now, we lost, we lost bad.... not much point to going into it anymore :/ Maybe next time people will just enjoy the game for what it will be and not hype stuff up so bad....sigh nevermind no they wont:(
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It really sucks getting owned by Florida in both football and basketball in one season. Can you imagine what would happen if OSU and Florida meet in the NCAA basketball tournament and OSU loses again? People would probably burn the campus down.
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That is laughable, can ginn run a 4 sec 60 yard post? The deep threat was not there because Troy couldn't sit in the pocket long enough to let a "deep threat" develop..... Seriously did some of you watch the same game as I did?



Yes he could have made a difference. When Troy Smith did have time to throw the ball the receivers were not open. Ginn could have opened up the short pass game.

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That is laughable, can ginn run a 4 sec 60 yard post? The deep threat was not there because Troy couldn't sit in the pocket long enough to let a "deep threat" develop..... Seriously did some of you watch the same game as I did?


See, people keep saying this, and I have to ask... do you know much about football? With Ginn in the game he draws a double team with the safety over the top and a corner manned up. When this happens, it leaves the middle of the field open for guys like Gonzo and Hartline to get open. Without Ginn taking up the safety support, the safety could sit in the middle of the field and shut down any chance of a short passing game that OSU may have had. Also, Ginn would have been able to provide bubble screens and such neutralizing the UF rush...


My question is, why didn't they start running the screen or the dump pass in the flats to a RB more? that would have helped in neutralizing the rush

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My question is, why didn't they start running the screen or the dump pass in the flats to a RB more? that would have helped in neutralizing the rush



More? There was a defensive end in the backfield to break it up every time. Do you remember the one time he threw to the post? It was picked and Troy got fucking leveled because he didn't have time......But I know nothing about football so I don't know what I watched. :nono:


BTW ginn doesn't have a rep of dropping balls lately either... :rolleyes:

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More? There was a defensive end in the backfield to break it up every time. Do you remember the one time he threw to the post? It was picked and Troy got fucking leveled because he didn't have time......But I know nothing about football so I don't know what I watched. :nono:


You obviously don;t know anything about football if you are questioning what I said about running screens and flats passes, it is known coaching strategy that when you have an aggressive defense that is getting through the line, you run screens and passes to the flats, that is because the defense is sucked into the backfield, then the ball is dumped off to the back for a nice gain...


Remember what UM did to OSU in 2003 with chris perry? OSU had a very aggressive blitzing defense and Perry just ate OSU up with screens and passes in the flat...


And there was not someone there to break it up every time, I think you are thinking of anytime that TS held on to the ball for more than 3 seconds, which is another thing that running screens helps with...


Some draws would have been really good calls too

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I can't believe that the defensive didn't adjust to that 2nd quarterback #15 coming in the game and running it up the middle. Also, I think Ohio State's offensive line was horrible, and a few times Troy Smith got sacked by people who were never touched.
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LOL A screen! Ohhhhhhhhh Never heard of one of those! Yeah the linebackers and defensive ends didn't reconize them and bust them up. Big T didn't call those because they WORKED!


Actually, the only thing close to a screen they ran was that delayed fake option pitch to Beanie... that got around 8 yards...


the running game was working, and I don't know why they kept going away from it

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I can't believe that the defensive didn't adjust to that 2nd quarterback #15 coming in the game and running it up the middle. Also, I think Ohio State's offensive line was horrible, and a few times Troy Smith got sacked by people who were never touched.


Florida has been doing that all year, and it has worked more often than not. Tebow enters the game, and he's just a glorified fullback. You'd think the defenses would see it coming and find a way to stop it, but nobody did.


Did anyone see Laurinaitis get plowed by Tebow? It was quite entertaining to see a Nagurski-winning linebacker being run over by a quarterback.

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Florida has been doing that all year, and it has worked more often than not. Tebow enters the game, and he's just a glorified fullback. You'd think the defenses would see it coming and find a way to stop it, but nobody did.


Did anyone see Laurinaitis get plowed by Tebow? It was quite entertaining to see a Nagurski-winning linebacker being run over by a quarterback.

that quarterback was bigger then him lol
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I was at the game. It was a massacre. Worst.game.ever.


When one team plays about as bad as it can play, and the other team plays as good as they can play, then the outcome isn't surprising.


It was disappointing to say the very least. OSU didn't appear to show up. That's sad - I very much would have liked the OSU team I watch play 12 previous games this year play one more.

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I was at the game. It was a massacre. Worst.game.ever.


When one team plays about as bad as it can play, and the other team plays as good as they can play, then the outcome isn't surprising.


It was disappointing to say the very least. OSU didn't appear to show up. That's sad - I very much would have liked the OSU team I watch play 12 previous games this year play one more.

+100% .


I am still upset about the lack of adapting the coaches did and the less than 100% play from a very good team. BUT we still are #2 in the country AND Big ten champs so you that are saying we lost becouse we "suck ass" Are ether a new found flordia fan or cheer for a even more "ass sucking" team. Also for the one wining about some osu fans that have a little less than class keep in mind you live here and are seeing everyone, you don't think that there are moron fans that cheer for other teams the wrong way in thier home state? Sportsmanship is tought not born with and there are many people that have grown up thinkng it was rite for the dad to yell at the ump at little leage games and tount the kids.

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Ginn comes off the feild, save tweaked ankle from being destroyed ankle, so he can get drafted with out being injured. And with no ginn in gamegonzo the overratted gonzo is double covered and taken out of the game witch means the 4 wr set we have is no use! gonza was made to look like a god because ginn got so much attention. Our deffense was able to handle them, look at the second half, feild possesion - brought you by our non-existent offense is what really killed us; also cover 2 does not work against a fast offense *quick get this to tressel before the game!* damn too late!


Oh, yeah; still a buckeye even after a another buckeye basketball loss. O-H!


We still beat Michigan, and still went 12-1! Tressel didnt want to win cuz then he would get a new contract and have to go to cleveland.

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Ginn comes off the feild, save tweaked ankle from being destroyed ankle, so he can get drafted with out being injured. And with no ginn in gamegonzo the overratted gonzo is double covered and taken out of the game witch means the 4 wr set we have is no use! gonza was made to look like a god because ginn got so much attention. Our deffense was able to handle them, look at the second half, feild possesion - brought you by our non-existent offense is what really killed us; also cover 2 does not work against a fast offense *quick get this to tressel before the game!* damn too late!


Oh, yeah; still a buckeye even after a another buckeye basketball loss. O-H!


We still beat Michigan, and still went 12-1! Tressel didnt want to win cuz then he would get a new contract and have to go to cleveland.


Wrong, Florida was able to put their +1 DB on Gonzo with Nelson playing center field on him with no one able to stretch the field. Nelson is even quoted as saying that the teams goal was to stop Ginn, when he came out ,they changed their defense.


Gonzo is a very good receiver

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No big ten teams can cover spread offense.


This is why OSU dominates the big ten, they run a spread offense with alot of recievers and a mobile QB. MICH especially gets raped against spread offense, along with draw plays or any delayed rush up the middle, its just how the big ten teams play football. They play strong not fast, and its just out dated. Michigan has what like 5 plays? And your suprised OSU beat us? They've been stomping us since they picked up a spread off. and a scrambling QB. Then they get up against florida that comes from a coference where the spread offense lives, and wonder why they lost. Cause your trying to use someones own style against them, gg with that. In the big ten is plenty easy to bring in a forgien offense, and dominate. Especially when our coaches are to stupid to run defenses that stop it. But apparently its hard to play against.


IMO OSU got a taste of there own medicine. 4 or 5 wide with a scrambling QB, its almost unfair. Sure OSU beat texas, but texas to me isn't a spread offense more of a run N gun old school style team still. All the big teams MICH/OSU beat run "normal" offenses instead of spread. And once Llyod car stops running everything out of the ace formation, you will get this taste of reality over, and over. Also now that you don't have a running QB we can man lock your "Fast" recievers to death.


I'm so tired I keep getting off my point and on to talking shit for next years game. So long story short, Big ten roughneck football style teams Sux0r against the spread offense. OSU is a prime example, they run a spread offense and run the big ten. Untill our teams start adjusting and stop playing these speed based teams like its just another big ten matchup we will continue getting shit on with any sort of pass or inside draw/ qb sneak.

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For one, whoever jumps off the OSU "bandwagon" and stops wearing the scarlet and gray just because of a loss isnt a true fan. And yes when I talk about the team I say WE because I think I am part of the team. I go to Osu, they make a lot of money from my tuition, tickets, etc, and I go to every game they'll let me buy tickets to.

The running game was working, pittman was awesome, dont ask me why they stopped. I dont know.

The defense wasn't bad, yes they allowed 34 pts in the first half, the reasons have already been said, but in the second half they fixed it, florida only scored one touchdown. The problem was our offense couldnt stay on the field long enough to make it seem like our defense was doing anything, or to give them any rest.

The reason we couldnt stop tebow because he "ran up the middle everytime" was because if you watched the game, he scored a touchdown throwing the ball. Thats why hes good, because you dont know what hes going to do.

There were a bunch of reasons OSU can attest to the loss, the refs not measuring a lot of downs(one florida first down they measured I personally thought wasnt a first), some bad calls, ginn getting injured and not helping the other receivers get open, blah blah blah. Would any one call or any one play really change the outcome? No, so we're not whining, we're just talking about the game.

And anybody that says OSU sucks or sucked is an idiot. We went 12-1, big ten champs. No one questioned us going to the national championship, unlike any other team. And oh yeah, we want to the freakin national championship, thats more than hundred or so teams can say. M*ch*gan definitely cant say it, cause they suck :)

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Supldys brain is hibernating for the winter don't mind him.


I do believe, for those of you who didn't turn the game off when the Florida kick returner almost silenced Ginns return if it wasn't for a 15 yard facemask from the kicker. That after the game they said something like, "And the coaching blah blah OSU used to air it out but in this game Troy Smith went X of 16 passes." I'm to lazy to go and look it up but if you only threw the ball 16 times, and you weren't running then what were you doing and whos to blame then? And "The reason you couldn't stop Tebow" is not because of his throwing threat, I watched the instant replay from the almost first person view. Did you not see every OSU player get blocked and the clean ass running lane to the endzone. Granted he didn't score but any other QB or a RB for that matter would have scored untouched, he just isn't as fast. But still you gotta try to find a way to butter it up and defend this team you "pay to play" for.


I'll tell you right now Morgan trent got shit on all day vs USC. Infact any DB that got near a USC Reciever got shit on. Michigan as a team got stomped, partially because of our 5 play offense. But if its been working all year to win, it could have atleast done decent here. Instead we got shit on, no if ands or butts. Its not the coach's fault, cause he got shit on too. Its not the QB's fault. Its everyone affiliated with the team on the field or the sidelines. Its not the Ref's fault either. OSU got waxed MICH got waxed, -1 for Old School style football +1 for Spread offense and Speed

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