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Well, I got a new dog!


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That dog is awesome...


I <3 Cesar Millan.

Allot of things i learned from the show has made my dog quite a good boy.


hes 10months old and already walks without leash outside beside or behind me..


Enjoy the new puppy and bye bye coach..


Little trick i learned the more you walk him on/off leash the better they listen and the less likely they are to chew things..


Drake + no Walk = Somethings getting destroyed tonight (When he was younger)




Dog Whisperer for the mother fucking win.

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Those blue eyes are awesome. My neighbor had a lab with blue eyes and they just stuck out of the darkness like none other. I look out the window or am walking inside, I would see only the blue eyes. Scared the crap out of me sometimes. Cool dog!
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Little trick i learned the more you walk him on/off leash the better they listen and the less likely they are to chew things...


You will almost never be able to take a Siberian Husky and let them walk without a leash. They are too independent, no matter how loyal you think they are. It's just how they are bred. I'd say 95% of Huskies you'll never be able to walk off a leash, without extensive professional training.

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