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Die for a Wii

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If you had sirius and listened to Bubba yesterday he played the audio from the contest where she complained that her head hurt and she couldn't move before she quit. She said she needed help to move. She took Justin timberlake tickets as a runner up prize and let the other girl win because the radio offered it for a second time to end the contest. What is also heard in the conversation is one of the station workers talking about the dangers of the contest, so they knew the hazards and symptoms. Being fired is the least of their worries, they have to live with the fact they killed a mother of 2 for "ratings" and to give away a $300 WII. I know some people are going to say that "she entered the contest" myself and others and I bet including her didn't know you could die from drinking too much water. Not everyone is a doctor.
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....didn't know you could die from drinking too much water. Not everyone is a doctor.

I'm not doctor, and I knew. It's actually taught in highschool health class. What people don't know is how much will harm them.

If you own a car, you need to know how to take care of it. We make fun of people who don't, even if no one had ever told them that the oil needs changed. Well, you've got a body, and it's really no one elses job to tell you how to take care of it. If you're going to enter into a competition that is designed to stretch your physiology in any way, you need to call a doctor first. It is a shame, but she needed to make some calls. I'd only fault the station for not having some medical professional on hand.


First aid tip: If you feel like you may throw up, throw up. Don't hold it, your body is telling you something. 5 minutes of puking is a good way to avoid 5 days of ass explosion, or in this case, poisoning.

"No one told her it was bad for her", wrong. Her body told her.

"They keep telling me that it's the water. That it will tell my head to hurt and then it will make me puke,"

Lawsuit = over. They'll probably settle.


Anyone remember the Vodka Drinking contest a few years back? Where the top 2 both died from alcohol poisoning? Who's fault was that?

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I'm not doctor, and I knew. It's actually taught in highschool health class. What people don't know is how much will harm them.

If you own a car, you need to know how to take care of it. We make fun of people who don't, even if no one had ever told them that the oil needs changed. Well, you've got a body, and it's really no one elses job to tell you how to take care of it. If you're going to enter into a competition that is designed to stretch your physiology in any way, you need to call a doctor first. It is a shame, but she needed to make some calls. I'd only fault the station for not having some medical professional on hand.


First aid tip: If you feel like you may throw up, throw up. Don't hold it, your body is telling you something. 5 minutes of puking is a good way to avoid 5 days of ass explosion, or in this case, poisoning.

"No one told her it was bad for her", wrong. Her body told her.


Lawsuit = over. They'll probably settle.


Anyone remember the Vodka Drinking contest a few years back? Where the top 2 both died from alcohol poisoning? Who's fault was that?


I agree with you on this and I thought everyone knew the dangers of too much of anything including water intoxication and hyponatremia. Still, just because you're ignorant doesn't mean your safety is someone else's responsibility. It is however, a terrible incident.

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I'm going to say that was not tought in any health class in my high school, and if people are honest others will say they didn't know either. BTW when is the last time you called your doctor and spoke to him ON THE PHONE? They don't do that, they make you come in to pay your co-pay or pay for an office visit. Get real, medical advice is expensive any way you slice it. Some people don't have access to a doctor. This is NOT common knowledge or it wouldn't be fucking NEWS, you are taught to drink lots of water all the time. Never in a million years did I ever hear or would have thought of water intoxication. If that makes you smart and me stupid, great, congratulations.


None the less the RADIO STATION KNEW it was dangerous because they told her she would puke during the contest, guess what she never puked. Where should her kids park their Continental GTs?

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Ignorance is not an excuse. The radio show talked about how it could be deadly before the stunt took place. Still people came in, signed a waver thinking "oh it couldn't happen to me" and she died. No one is to blame but herself. Darwinism at its best. I remember a few years back this happened in a hazing stunt for a frat house. It made big news back then, so I am not surprised that this is making big news again.


I mean come on, we all know many people that drink every weekend. We all know it can kill us but still many do it every single weekend. Basically what I am say is we all do dumb things that can kill us. But just because someone does it and then actually dies doesn't give the family (in my opinion) to sue anyone. I think this world would be much better if people just took responsiblity for there own actions and not blame someone else for our own ignorance.

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Get real, medical advice is expensive any way you slice it. Some people don't have access to a doctor

Medical advice is not expensive and everyone has access to a doctor. I actually receive about 4 hours of hands on medical training from real doctors annualy (you want in on that?). The most that medical advice has ever cost me was a trip to Dayton for a seminar.


You have control over your puking, she didn't because she faught it.

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I never knew you could die from too much water consumption and it sure as hell wasn't taught in any highschool I went to.


In my eyes if the radio station was holding the contest they should have said, "Hey, you can die from this." I bet most of the people wouldn't have competed. Also, they definately should have had medical personnel onhand because they probably would have seen signs she was not going to be okay. It just seems the station was plain ignorant by the way they talked on air about "OHhhhhhh I think we might have one guy die soon. HAHAHA"


Also, to say it is her fault and no one elses is bullshit. Everything these days has a waiver on it saying "This can cause death". I am not saying she is at no fault for being ignorant, but medical personnel should been on hand.

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they should have said, "Hey, you can die from this." I bet most of the people wouldn't have competed.

You listen to much talk radio? This honestly isn't the stupidest stunt I've heard of, not by a long shot. ;)


I totaly agree that medical personel should have been on hand, as with any physical competition anywhere. But they are not responceble for the womans inability to take care of herself. She left the station alive, anything after that was all her. She could have found a free clinic, instead she went home. She could have found a non-free clinic, they're not allowed to turn her away. I feel sorry for her, but no one else needs to suffer for her descisions.


You can sign all the waivers you want but you cannot sign away your rights.

Actually Ben, that's exactly what you do when you sign a waiver. lol

Things I've signed away:

-Right to sue (alot)

-Right to press charges for specific things

-Right to free speech

-right to legal counsel

-right to jury trial

-right to speedy trial

-right to bare arms (kekeke)

-right to free press (right to publish)

And I don't live a particularly dramatic lifestyle, these are just things that come up. Try reading NTRs waiver some time. ;)

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You can sign all the waviers you want but you can still sue even if the waiver says you can't sue, and the judge has the right to throw that agreement out like they will in this case if she signed anything.


I deal with this all the time being a State Coordinator for the PDGA, we ask tournament participants to sign a waiver that if they get hurt in the competition they can't seek monies from us but guess what? We still carry a 1 million dollar insurance policy on every event I aprove because they still can seek monies.

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I heard about this on Bubba as well (who the hell would listen to that Grego crap?).


I also had never heard of water poisoning, though I am aware that excess of pretty much anything can be bad for you.


I feel sorry for the lady, and pretty much lay blame to everyone involved, including her.

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only if you are not really doing anything to process it.

You hit the nail, but not on the head.

Quick Oversimplification:

The body can process the water, and can do it fairly quickly. The problem is, it enters your system and dilutes your blood. Just like your car, you need a specific "octane" to run right. If it's too far off, you quit running.

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