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madam president?


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i like the people who say "IM MOVING TO CANADA IF SHES OUR PRESIDENT!!"

what a rediculous comment. first of all, no your not. second of all, if your that retarded, id be glad to see you gone. if its the idea of affordable health care you just cant stand, then i wouldnt suggest moving to canada anyway.

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i like the people who say "IM MOVING TO CANADA IF SHES OUR PRESIDENT!!"

what a rediculous comment. first of all, no your not. second of all, if your that retarded, id be glad to see you gone. if its the idea of affordable health care you just cant stand, then i wouldnt suggest moving to canada anyway.

Yes, I bet if Hilary is our President then the world will become perfect.

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In all honesty I don't think we will have a woman president for awhile. First reason is because it would make us look weak and inferior to other countries that oppress women (not saying we would be, but in their mind we would possibly making them more likely to attack us). Second, because it has been shown that when it comes down to it, women can't 'push the button' because they feel remorse and can't handle it psychologically, there have been multiple tests done and majority of the time this is true (this is also why women don't serve on the front line in the military).

Personally, I don't even think she will even make it to be the Democratic canidate.

All I have to say is I am glad I will be old enough to vote in this next presidential election.

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In all honesty I don't think we will have a woman president for awhile. First reason is because it would make us look weak and inferior to other countries that oppress women (not saying we would be, but in their mind we would possibly making them more likely to attack us). Second, because it has been shown that when it comes down to it, women can't 'push the button' because they feel remorse and can't handle it psychologically, there have been multiple tests done and majority of the time this is true (this is also why women don't serve on the front line in the military).



For the sake of your future sex life, keep these thoughts to yourself on dinner dates with girls over the age of 17. ;)

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I am hereby declaring my candidacy for the President of the United States.

My goals are as follows:


Eliminate Welfare for any able bodied person

-- You work or you starve!


Eliminate heath insurance for everyone

-- Therefore dropping heath care cost to the cost you pay your vet.

If no one has insurance the prices will not be inflated artificially


Amend the constitution to ban gay marriage

-- Sodimites should not marry!! Gays could still get married but they need to find someone of the opposite sex to marry.


Privatize Medicare!!


So what do you think my chances are?


If you want to make a non-tax dedutable contribution to my campain let me know!


Rodgers '08

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In all honesty I don't think we will have a woman president for awhile. First reason is because it would make us look weak and inferior to other countries that oppress women (not saying we would be, but in their mind we would possibly making them more likely to attack us).


did anyone attack sri lanka when Sirimavo Bandaranaike was PM three times?


what about england when thatcher was PM?




Second, because it has been shown that when it comes down to it, women can't 'push the button' because they feel remorse and can't handle it psychologically,


see: golda meir re: operation wrath of god


i dunno if youd call that "pushing the button" or not



IMO a woman president would be more apt to push the button to prove that she isnt just some bitch playing president. that she actually has the balls to get something done.


and RE them on the front lines:





but im not backing hiliary here or anything. i dont really like her either. stances on gun control, and her plans for iraq.



ron paul is the man IMO

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I too, think a woman should never be "fucked" with. If you catch the wrong one on the wrong day........irrational, doesn't even begin to explain it.



From my soapbox: I'm just tired of politics, PERIOD


Dear Mr or (Mrs.) Next President


#1 - Secure our borders

#2 - If Iran nukes Israel, please be prepared

#3 - Make Social Security right

#4 - Let the people decide if Healthcare is a right or a privelage by attempting to ratify an amendment to the constitution.....p.s., good luck

#5 - Don't raise taxes





We could bicker all day. I just want to be led.....not dragged.

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I too, think a woman should never be "fucked" with. If you catch the wrong one on the wrong day........irrational, doesn't even begin to explain it.



From my soapbox: I'm just tired of politics, PERIOD


Dear Mr or (Mrs.) Next President


#1 - Secure our borders

#2 - If Iran nukes Israel, please be prepared

#3 - Make Social Security right

#4 - Let the people decide if Healthcare is a right or a privelage by attempting to ratify an amendment to the constitution.....p.s., good luck

#5 - Don't raise taxes





We could bicker all day. I just want to be led.....not dragged.

I'm with ya.

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Amend the constitution to ban gay marriage

-- Sodimites should not marry!! Gays could still get married but they need to find someone of the opposite sex to marry.

This made me LOL after a shit day.

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no wonder nothing gets done it congress, beginning of 07 and politicians are already not focusing on their actual job


A non-binding resolution to state that this military action is not in the best interest of the nation.


They had to get together and a take a vote that meant NOTHING, and on top of that THEY CAN'T BE HELD TO IT. They should have just taken the day off!

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