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Son asks for a Cell phone


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Okay you're right you know it best. I'll take your word for it and advocate to all parents to let their kids walk alone down the streets of a college campus as long as they have a cell phone.


Well, seeing as how I am a Senior at Otterbein, gone there all 4 years, am in a fraternity at Otterbein and am involved in student gov't at Otterbein, i am sure I know the school better than you do.


and if you had any brains, you would know that I was making reference that crime can happen anywhere

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It's rather interesting to see the ages of those replying, and their replys.


Personally I agree that there is NO FUCKING REASON ON THIS PLANET for a 13 yr old kid to have a cell phone.And to those of you that were still sucking on your mama's tit when I was your age, and younger. Once you have a kid you too will understand that this is bullshit. Gee, went I was your age they didn't have cell phones, I seemed to have made it through those dark times ok, as many of us did.


I will say this, if this is the group that will be running the country when I am old and gray, I am sure glad I smoke to hurry things along.

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I didn't have one and initially rejected the idea of getting one until the end of freshmen year in high school. I got a job and my license soon after, and it was nice to have. My parents call and ask where I am, I tell them and if there's anything wrong, I can call them for a hand. It's a convenience, not a necessity. I could do just as well without one. I agree with what you said. Once you can pay for it, you can get it. I only got one because my dad got a nice family plan with free phones and a discount from cingular. I do help pay a portion, but it's not too much with rollover and free nights and weekends, the only time I really use it.
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Guest wesxprs
Exactly. And I bet 9/10 if a kid is every in danger, it will be a situation where they dont even have time to use a cell phone, or even think about it.


If I were you Buck I would ask him if he wants the little green froggy looking 5-year old phone that you can program 4 numbers into. I guarantee you he won't even want one then.


Think about it, he just wants one because everyone else has one, and not even think of it as a safety device.


The wife and I decided to get the kids a Migo(froggy looking thing referred to)so when they went to Maine to visit their sperm donor they could call or we could call them to talk. Well long story short, they are 10, not the least bit responsible just like there donor, it wasn't packed to make the trip back to Ohio and the dog in Maine ate it.


I agree with the kid needing to pay for it since it will be merely a showpiece for his or her friends to oooh and ahhhh over. When I was that age a phone wasn't needed, we weren't that lazy and would just go to our friends house and knock on the door. What a concept????? I still can't believe the 10 year old 2 houses down will call on his cell to see if our kids can come outside.

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Migo is the best option.,.. but like stated 1 million times before Its just something for them to loose. I personally remember riding my bike home leaving a blood trail the entire way on one or two occasions. Bleeding and not knowing if you are going to pass out before you make it home builds character :D
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Migo is the best option.,.. but like stated 1 million times before Its just something for them to loose. I personally remember riding my bike home leaving a blood trail the entire way on one or two occasions. Bleeding and not knowing if you are going to pass out before you make it home builds character :D


I remember doing shit like that. Riding home with a broken arm ( I grew up in SE Del. county, so the ride was about 1 1/2 miles) and saying "dad my arm hurts"


But I am just saying they would need the cell phone for actual emergencies. I don't understand why some people snub technology so bad sometimes. It's not like a kid would need a cell phone to call friends, but what if there was a family emergency and you needed to get ahold of your kid immediately and they are out running around somewhere with some friends? A cell phone is obviously very helpful in certain situations.

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I remember doing shit like that. Riding home with a broken arm ( I grew up in SE Del. county, so the ride was about 1 1/2 miles) and saying "dad my arm hurts"


But I am just saying they would need the cell phone for actual emergencies. I don't understand why some people snub technology so bad sometimes. It's not like a kid would need a cell phone to call friends, but what if there was a family emergency and you needed to get ahold of your kid immediately and they are out running around somewhere with some friends? A cell phone is obviously very helpful in certain situations.


I dont knock it, hell Verizon Wireless has been signing my checks for the last 6 years. Its just that people sign a contract for 2 years and the kid can loose the phone in 2 weeks. Then they are paying full price for a new phone or at least $50 for an insurance claim. Prepaid great idea, migo good idea, but at that age its a risk. I say go with a cheap walkie talkie.

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I dont knock it, hell Verizon Wireless has been signing my checks for the last 6 years. Its just that people sign a contract for 2 years and the kid can loose the phone in 2 weeks. Then they are paying full price for a new phone or at least $50 for an insurance claim. Prepaid great idea, migo good idea, but at that age its a risk. I say go with a cheap walkie talkie.


I wonder if Tmobile uses sim cards for their prepaid? If they do, stick the kid with a old ass nokia and a 100 minute card or something. I think you can also make it so the phone can only make calls to certain #'s

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The only reason I am knocking it is like everyone said. People now will call eachother even if they live 2 houses down instead of walking their asses to knock on the door and ask if they're there. No wonder everyone is obese.


Bleeding and not knowing if you are going to pass out before you make it home builds character



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But I am just saying they would need the cell phone for actual emergencies. I don't understand why some people snub technology so bad sometimes. It's not like a kid would need a cell phone to call friends, but what if there was a family emergency and you needed to get ahold of your kid immediately and they are out running around somewhere with some friends? A cell phone is obviously very helpful in certain situations.


I understand it's good for emergenices but I don't think kids are responsible enough or even possibly need one until they can pay for it themself or when they can drive.

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Normally it would be in my nature to disagree with JP just because;


Hey now.. :asshole:


but I can't. While I do realize the world has changed since we were kids, I don't think we need to rush out and buy our kids cell phones in the name of safety. Some of these "emergencies" we all experienced as kids taught us how to deal with a situation when Mom & Dad weren't around to save the day. While there are times it could be useful, I think it's much more likely to be shown off and abused than to be used for its intended purpose.


Indeed. These experiences teach us to become men, and how to deal with shit on our own. Maybe all this technology is to blame for the big pussy/emo movement with adolescent boys these days...

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I think its a good idea to have in case of emergencies. Didn't you have people come close to hitting him with a car? What if something happens where he needs to get help.


I understand the point where1212431 generations lived without cell phones. So go join an Amish colony. Get rid of your microwave, george foreman grill, fridge, and car. people lived without those you don't need them either.

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I don't agree with that.... You would think that Otterbein would be a safe place, private college, good police presence, nice neighborhood. 5 armed robberies in the past month
this is about kids as in teens under 18. hell, if you're over 18 and you need mommy and daddy to pay for you're phone, you're pathetic. get a J O B.
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I know that I have a 6 month old daughter, and when she is old enough to...go to the movies, or to the mall with friends she will have a cell phone. Im not saying im gonna buy her a cell phone...but I am saying that she will have one...either mine or my wife's. There are too many instinces that I could think of that I would rather her have one then not....just my .02
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It really depends on the kid if I was going to give the kid a cell phone. First they would have to be a responsible kid and lives up to it. Not just "oh he is pretty responsible when I yell at him to mow the lawn." No I mean the kid that does it with out anyone telling him to because he knows that it is his job. If you truely trust the kid, then yeah, I would get my kid one. I hope that when I have a kid, I will be able to trust them that much. But 99% of kids out there that have them, have them just because. No other reason. I think those programable ones are great. Prepaid is another good way to go. They are normally cheap phones so if they loose it, oh well, guess you need to save up money to buy another one if you want one. I am glad to hear parents that put there foot down and say no. It shows there are some people out there that still have some brains.
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As mentioned before, the kid just wants it to be like his friends. So this throws out any argument about emergencies and stuff. I say don't get him one, unless you enter in a deal with him about doing extra chores or stuff. Make him work for it.


+1 against the pussification of America. In a third world country I bet you would be asking us if you should let the kid have a machete so he can defend himself against snakes when he goes out. :D

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I agree with most of the reasoning for him not having one. 13 is a bit young but from a convenience factor you will know where he is at all times. "You fail to take a call from me and I will beat you within....." Anyway, my wife and I have gone round and round on this and I have shown her examples as to why it is a good idea and she has given me examples as to why it isnt.


When I was young I wrecked my bike pretty bad and broke out a tooth, scraped a knee and elbow. I walked a couple of miles pushing my bike and bleeding, if I had a cell I could have called my mom who was probably 20 miles away but what good would it have done?


I applaud your stance on this Buck. You make the decisions in this kid's life and you will turn him into the man that he probably should be. I agree with the whole, it costs more than just the purchase price of the phone idea too cuz in 3 years..... C A R

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holy shit this got crazy. I posted this and went to bed. Wake up and see this.


Ok.. to answer a few questions.


1. My son never leaves the house. He goes to school and comes home.

2. Doesn't have many friends. Maybe 2 that he hangs out with after school. and THEY come here to the house. I never let him out after dark anyways.

3. That stalker guy from a year or two ago is gone and moved out.

4. The guy that spun his car out was across the street from my house. He's going to call me when he's across the street?

5. He goes to his grandparents pretty much every weekend. Starting Friday night. So it's not like he runs around the neighborhood all weekend.

6. We have a house phone if he really wants to chat with his friends.

7. I'm not going to be paying an extra charge a month for him to chat with his buddies. I have enough bills right now and don't need to be paying for another phone. That's the last thing I want to add to my already huge list of shit.

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I'm with Shawn. The kid doesn't need it. We didn't get our daughter a phone until she started high school sports, as she was going to be after school, needed a ride, just giving us an update on things, and if there was an emergency, etc... :nod:
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