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kids hair


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Both of my sons, ages 7 and 11 are into the shoulder length hair thing that seems to be going around like the plague. I see this hair style everywhere from movies, tv, and yesterday on campus. But to me it looks stringy and unclean. Should I make them cut it? I wear my hair very short. Usually, unless I need it cut and I am to lazy to have it done. Now I did have my hair longer when I was their age, but looking back it looked bad then as well. They look much better and clean cut with it short. Where I grew up all the little hillbilly kids had long stringy hair that looked like it wasnt washed in a few weeks and maybe thats why I associate it with looking so dirty. But whats everyones opinion. Make them cut it or leave it long? They have had it long for several months now.
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Fuck that. Slap them across the mouth and make them get it cut. Drive them there, sit in the car, and watch them as they ask to have it cut against their will. Break their spirit. Before you know it they'll be putting on black eye liner and sucking dick. Show them who the hell is boss before its too late.
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Nobody has told me what to do since I was 17. I was just curious as to opinions about the style. If I wanted it cut bad enough it would have been done. I am wondering if it is a big deal or not. I dont want to make a case of nothing if it is simply a fad. If they see it as some sort of socially accepted thing by their friends, I dont want to deny them of this since their friends all have identical hair cuts.
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Both of my sons, ages 7 and 11 are into the shoulder length hair....I wear my hair very short.

Classic. Of course they want it long.


hey look much better and clean cut with it short.

They don't care. ;) I had long hair, when I was 16. They're too young to have free range over they're looks, so it is entirely up to you. Honestly though, you should have nipped it in the butt months ago. It's going to be painful now.

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IMO, pick and choose your battles. My kids aren't there yet, but it's not like they are doing anything wrong....and don't let everyone what if or not yet you to death. Their your kids.


They are just out trying to find themselves and who they are. They will look to you as a parent to see what's right. If you push them and force them, they may just resent you and learn that if you don't get your way to force others to do it. That's not cool.


I'm not saying let them run the house, but to those that feel you need to lay down the law, I say, fine, but where it counts. How would you like it if your dad or boss told you how to wear your hair?


Sounds like you're on the right track really. They're kids. You're the role model and we can all remember our fathers. I didn't emulate him in everything he did, but my dad is/was God to me and I learned from him even when he didn't think I was paying attention.


Heck, their gonna do what the girls are into here soon, so when those days hit...you'll have your hands full. Enjoy it now.....and do keep those photos for when they are married :)


Good Luck.

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let them do what they want till the F*** up like in school and other things. My parents let me wear what i wanted, keep my hair like i wanted, and others things till i started to F up then they would take away the things i liked.
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I have long ass hair too, passed my shoulders. Don't make them cut it. Hair is hair and if they like it let them keep it, as long as they wash it and stuff that is good, if they dont wash that shit and it gets all dry and stringy and knotty, then make them cut it.


Main reason parents make kids get there hair cut is because they think they are pot heads with that hair, there 7 and 11, no need to worry about that.

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Its not actually that long. Its more the length of the emo kids video.

Every time I see one of those EMO kids, I want to beat their head into the concrete!



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As long as it's not emo.



make them cut it

i'd be scared the hair would put them into a certain social status (emo) that you wouldn't want


emo: enough said (do you want your kid dressing like that?)


long hair one day, the kid wearing blush and eye-liner the next

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