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Fucking Ohio Courts

El Karacho1647545492

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The sad part is that these are the people who were caught abusing foster children. There are many people who take in foster children for income and seriously neglect them. Truly sad.


There was a statement in the article from a child that said they should be imprisoned for the same length of time that they imprisoned the combined time off all the children. That simple logic from a child was the the best thing that court could have done, instead they drop the ball with a 2 year sentence that the abusers will parole out of.

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If it's any consolation, then know that no one gets treated worse in prison - not even ex-cops - than people that abuse or sexually molest children. Granted, it's only two years, but it should be the two of the hardest years anyone can do in the system. Believe me, there are plenty of felons on the inside who do little more than watch the news every day just to see who's getting convicted of what and how they can best "greet" those people once they've been processed.
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