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Selling cars rant


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My bad luck continues. Get a call from him this morning, he tells me that his bank won't lend enough to cover the cost of the car. Funny, last night he said he had cash for it. Fucking idiots... :mad:



Sean have you tried taking it up to the Spreingfield swap meet. should sell there prtty easy or even trade it for something you want to keep or roll over.

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If it's the car you want, pay the $200-$300 in ticket/cabbie fare/gas to fly there and drive the car back. This works especially well because the scammers will be found out -obviously they don't want your ass to show up so they come up with some lame ass excuse why you can't pick it up or see it :asshole:

We offered to go pick it up or extra $$ to meet us in the middle and they said no way. No way in hell I'm buying a car sight unseen. My hubby flew to Philly today and bought a car from a very honest guy. I guess there are a few left in this world.

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50% of the shit on Craigslist is low life weasle pos people trying to get something they have not earned or sell some shit for double what it is truely worth


Just had an offer of $2900 on an asking price of $5295 off Craigslist. I sent them the appropriate reply.

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What pisses me off is when people put there cars up for sale and when you tell them that you have money in hand and are willing to pick it up the next day and they reply with "Im not ready to sell the car yet, i have to find something else to drive first" then why fucking bother listing the car!
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  • 1 month later...
I was almost going to buy a 1984 Bronco, I think its still on there. But the guy at the last minute says I can pay him for the truck but the title isnt ready. I said hell no and laughed at the clown. Turns out it was a michigan title and was never inspected or transferred to ohio. Steer clear of this fool too.
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haha nicee.



I have had a few people back out on buying my celica. This one dude really pissed me off tho. He would call me and ask if the car is still for sale then we would set up a time for him to look at the car, he would tell me he will call me back on that day for directions. Every single time he didn't show up and i ended up calling the fucker because he did tell me he wasn't coming. So finally the last time he called he asked if the car was for sale I just told him theres someone else looking at it today and I'm not interested in selling it to you.

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I've got two new ones with my Navigator:


1. Guy drives in from Pittsburgh to see it. Loves it, wants it, we agree on a price, and he should have the money early the next week. Calls me back, says he's having problems getting the money together. That's OK, I still have it. This goes on for a week or two, then I never hear back from him. He won't return my phone calls.


2. Woman e-mails me about it. We trade e-mails for a bit one day, she stops off to see it, but doesn't drive it. She too, loves it. We agree on a price via e-mail. Then later that day she calls me and tells me her husband doesn't want to buy it now and they found one for $9K. :mad:


So I've gone all the way to people actually agreeing on a price with me and still bailing out. Stupid fuckers... :mad:

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