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Parents of the year.


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That's not right.....but when kids are learning to speak they do end up saying some crazy stuff.


My son had 3-4 things that just weren't right when they first came out. One was funny as heck right in daycare. They were all sitting around imitating animal sounds and when I when stood there watching and it was my kids turn "what does a duck say?" he proudly said FU#!, FU#!,FU#! in place of Quack, Quack, Quack.


The look on the daycare teachers faces was priceless and as bad as it was, I laughed my ass off. :D There were others and I know I video taped them all, but I wouldn't You Tube them :rolleyes:


NWS for language.


Wow.. this kid will be a star.



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Learning how to speak.........hell that shit still happens to me...mostly at the office....I just blame on Turrets Syndrom though :D


its children learning how to speak. it doesnt come out perfectly and you used to do the samething.
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