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Weight Loss and ..


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The gay game that made it happen.



so after I had my surgery on my kneck/back I was able to walk again. But i was over 300lbs. I've got pictures im going to post as soon as i get time.


I was told by my docs that if i did not start loosing weight I would be back infor another surgery. I was set to loose weight. I started going to the gym but in general it bored me. (I still want to go but cardi was my downfall) Then I one night after a few drinks decided to play DDR again . I had tried it once before and really got frustrated. But this time I was a little lit. So I started playing it. then it became a goal to beat certin levels. Next thing i know I'm able to play it pretty well for a 300lb guy.


Not long goes by and inotice I'm down to 275. then my clothes stop fitting right. I get down below 250, Then into the 240's . Now 240's wasw the last time i weighed myself about 2 months ago. My clothes fit even less now and i can wear some of my clothes i got years ago . I did this drop in weight in a matter of 4-6months. I will be weighing myself for the first time since xmas this week. I feel like I've lost more I can jump around I can touch my toes.



Rolopter. If you've ever been a FAT guy you know what im talking about.



So I don't know why i typed all that out, Not sure how many flames I will take. EHH WTF. Its more postive then half the posts on here lately.




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Yes, I have always been the fat kid. Before summer, I weighed well over 300lbs. I got down to 280 around summer's end, and down to 260 at the start of the CR Weight loss contest. I wont reveal what I am at now, lets just say that I had to go shopping the other day :).
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Dance Dance Revolution......You know....most popular arcade game of all time......


OMG. I fucking hate that game. I would rather run 10 miles than play that stupid ass game. BUT, whatever works for you I guess. Everyone needs goals, I started playing hockey again last session (OCT) and gives me something to shoot for, sorry no pun intended. Since then I've hit the gym 3-4 days a week and am constantly on the treadmill or bike. My game's gotten ALOT better.

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I saw something in your post, and it immediately made me stop reading. I will give you one guess what it was that caused me to post this quickly and then get away from your post.


oh? whats that?


"I started going to the gym but in general it bored me. (I still want to go but cardi was my downfall)"

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OMG. I fucking hate that game. I would rather run 10 miles than play that stupid ass game. BUT, whatever works for you I guess. Everyone needs goals, I started playing hockey again last session (OCT) and gives me something to shoot for, sorry no pun intended. Since then I've hit the gym 3-4 days a week and am constantly on the treadmill or bike. My game's gotten ALOT better.


I dont play DDR, anymore anyway. I have a machine that has been all I have used at home, in combination with situps and pushups.

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you know what does it for me? 3 things...


1. jogging

2. Subway diet (Roasted Chicken on wheat, lettuce, tomato, pickel, little bit of mayo)

3. railing the chick that works at subway


ummm, yeah can I get a number 3 please? with a small side of the clap? j/k


The subway by my place is stocked with hs girls, 16 maybe 17 at the most. I sincerly hope you dont live in my neighborhood.

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