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anyone elses electric bill high?


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i can not seem to catch a break w/ AEP. my apartment is all electric. i moved in in may, was about 75$/mo. around september/oct was around 90, last few months its been 100-110, which i understand...


today i get my bill, and its jumped to $152.12!


i dont know why the hell it would be this high. im hardly here, when im not, all the lights/tvs are turned off, the thermostat hasnt moved in about 3 months (keep it at 72), and i even changed the furnace filter recently. about the only thing that has changed (which i would be shocked if it raises the bill this much) is i got a snake, which runs a friggin 50w bulb.


the bill says from jan-feb i used 1441 KWH, and from feb-mar i used 2273 KWH.



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you do realize it has been extremely cold this last month or so, like 0 and below for extended periods? Just because your furnace has been set at the same for however doesn't mean it won't run more often when its colder. 72 is a tad warm, they say above 67-68 is supposed to be the temp where it starts getting really expensive because the furnace runs a lot more. $150 for everything doesn't seem bad to me, but i guess it depends on how big your place is.


Not only that, but you have to look at actual vs. estimate, maybe the month before the only estimated and then it got abnormally cold, so you used more, now you've gotta pay for it.

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If you have all electric in your house then you have an electric water heater? If its colder then normal outside the water heater will be working harder then normal....


My bill was higher last month too.

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was it calculated? some times they do that (too the high side of course), i call, bitch, go read the meter, they adjust it, then i pay it.plus the prices are going up, which doesnt help.
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It's worse for me in the summer. I like the cold so I keep it cold in my ass. A cold, dark cave. I love it. The utility bills here through me off a bit, too. The way they 'round' shit up. But there's been months when it seemed lower than normal due to their 'system'. It sure wouldn't hurt to call and confront them about it. If nothing else, at least you'll understand what's going on. Ok, back to the Jerry Springer Show. :D
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Doing your own meter read is always the way to go when its a suspiciously high figure. Also I can +1 that utils for feb were through the roof, it was much colder and it hit me right in the wallet. Gas usage at my place doubled from Jan to Feb... ouch!
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72 is warm, but all electric heat isn't as warm "feeling" as gas, thus you'll tend to keep it at a higher temp to feel comfy.

I don't get when people say that? I have gas at my house and my parents have electric and their house feels warmer.

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bingo....back in 2001 we had additional insulation put in our attic, new top notch windows and all new doors. completely cut out any drafts and the house no longer has cold spots. heating bills dropped and now we can keep it at 70 and even that feels hot at times.


there house is insulated better
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