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One of those days.


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Well my day started out ok, All was well till at work my phone out of fucking no where decides to go nuts. Then it let the magic smoke out, Now I have a Sprint PPC6700 that wont even show power. Its fucked.
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I was at Ledos last night enjoying myself, you know how bars are...I left the bar at 1:50 to smoke a cig outside. when I tried to get in with a few minutes remaining until close the bouncer got in my face. I told him "my girlfriend is inside I need to get her real quick" which wasn't the case, but, one of my buddies was still inside. Anyway, I gradually try to push past him not being crazy forceful, this guy decides to yell "get the fuck outta here!" and start pushing me at high speeds in reverse.


He got me out the door with a ton of people outside when I planted my leg and tossed this fuck out into the center lane of high street. He tried to stand up (obviously hurting) when I decided to help him about half way to his feet before I slammed him back down in the road. I was getting ready for the punchline when 3 guys jumped on me; everything happened so fast, next thing I knew a cop broke it up when he rolled up with the paddi and told me to take a walk ( i wasnt going to pass up the oppurtunity). Today I have a bump on hte back of my head, a rugburn/cherry on the front of my head (both are under my hair thankfully) and my knee is all bruised and battered.


/thread revived

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I was at Ledos last night enjoying myself, you know how bars are...I left the bar at 1:50 to smoke a cig outside. when I tried to get in with a few minutes remaining until close the bouncer got in my face. I told him "my girlfriend is inside I need to get her real quick" which wasn't the case, but, one of my buddies was still inside. Anyway, I gradually try to push past him not being crazy forceful, this guy decides to yell "get the fuck outta here!" and start pushing me at high speeds in reverse.


He got me out the door with a ton of people outside when I planted my leg and tossed this fuck out into the center lane of high street. He tried to stand up (obviously hurting) when I decided to help him about half way to his feet before I slammed him back down in the road. I was getting ready for the punchline when 3 guys jumped on me; everything happened so fast, next thing I knew a cop broke it up when he rolled up with the paddi and told me to take a walk ( i wasnt going to pass up the oppurtunity). Today I have a bump on hte back of my head, a rugburn/cherry on the front of my head (both are under my hair thankfully) and my knee is all bruised and battered.


/thread revived


SO.... what your saying is, bouncer told you no and you didnt like it. therefore you tried to fight the bouncer? why would you do that? Dont you NEVER fight just one bouncer there's always like 7 more behind him somewhere.

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SO.... what your saying is, bouncer told you no and you didnt like it. therefore you tried to fight the bouncer? why would you do that? Dont you NEVER fight just one bouncer there's always like 7 more behind him somewhere.

The guys that jumped me were not bouncers at all. You can try to turn that around all you like, but I was being perfectly peaceful/reasonable until he shoved me like a rag doll. Either way, I still had a good time.


Besides he failed to wear his staff shirt, so he was fair game. :p

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Some bouncers can be dicks..



Sprint 6700 .. ftl :D


Could say the same about cops... oooo burn...


No I wasnt trying to spin the story, it just sounded like you instigated the sitaution. It sucks but when a bouncer thinks he's right there's really no other way around it. If he didnt want you in you weren't getting in.

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I was at Ledos last night enjoying myself, you know how bars are...I left the bar at 1:50 to smoke a cig outside. when I tried to get in with a few minutes remaining until close the bouncer got in my face. I told him "my girlfriend is inside I need to get her real quick" which wasn't the case, but, one of my buddies was still inside. Anyway, I gradually try to push past him not being crazy forceful, this guy decides to yell "get the fuck outta here!" and start pushing me at high speeds in reverse.


He got me out the door with a ton of people outside when I planted my leg and tossed this fuck out into the center lane of high street. He tried to stand up (obviously hurting) when I decided to help him about half way to his feet before I slammed him back down in the road. I was getting ready for the punchline when 3 guys jumped on me; everything happened so fast, next thing I knew a cop broke it up when he rolled up with the paddi and told me to take a walk ( i wasnt going to pass up the oppurtunity). Today I have a bump on hte back of my head, a rugburn/cherry on the front of my head (both are under my hair thankfully) and my knee is all bruised and battered.


/thread revived


Fuck that place. I was there about 2 weeks ago. A fight broke out, and the only part of the fight i caught was a dude standing up after being knocked out with blood gushing from his head. I overheard two guys talking about it.

One black, and one white. I went up to the black guy and asked him what happened. He immediately made accusations about me being racist, or else i wouldnt have asked a black guy what happened in a fight. I tried explaining that i just overheard him talking about it with his friend. We exchange a couple other words and he started poking me in the chest. I started getting pissed, but decided to walk away. I'll never go back to that place.

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Some bouncers can be dicks..



Sprint 6700 .. ftl :D

Ya they really can be.



Fuck that place. I was there about 2 weeks ago. A fight broke out, and the only part of the fight i caught was a dude standing up after being knocked out with blood gushing from his head. I overheard two guys talking about it.

One black, and one white. I went up to the black guy and asked him what happened. He immediately made accusations about me being racist, or else i wouldnt have asked a black guy what happened in a fight. I tried explaining that i just overheard him talking about it with his friend. We exchange a couple other words and he started poking me in the chest. I started getting pissed, but decided to walk away. I'll never go back to that place.

It's a rough bar, good looking girls, but still not the best place to be for college dudes. I get the impression must of the older guys are abductors or guys looking for fights.


I just took a shower and my head is killing me. :mad:

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Want some cheese with that whine, nancy boy? It's not like anyone calls you anyway.


You obvious sweat my nuts your in every thread i start lately. If you don't like me don't click a threat I start, Wait that to ingenius of a idea for you to comprehend.

so fuck off PAB.

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You obvious sweat my nuts your in every thread i start lately. If you don't like me don't click a threat I start, Wait that to ingenius of a idea for you to comprehend.

so fuck off PAB.


OR, you could just stop making shitty threads. For future reference I strongly recommend you type out all your posts in Word and copy/paste them. My impression of you would go up with spell and grammar check alone.



Miller, your bar story went almost far enough to save this thread. Sounds like a good time.

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Every experience I have ever had at Ledos involves someone either A) getting their ass kicked or B) taking a ride in the paddy wagon



Speakin of St. Paddy's Miller, I'll give you a call or something tonight.....or maybe you call me. who cares, lets get drunk.

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Every experience I have ever had at Ledos involves someone either A) getting their ass kicked or B) taking a ride in the paddy wagon



Speakin of St. Paddy's Miller, I'll give you a call or something tonight.....or maybe you call me. who cares, lets get drunk.

I woke up Saturday and felt like shit from this fight, slept right through my Disc Golf game, and then woke up late in the afternoon and started drinking. YOU FORGOT TO CALL ME.


I still don't quite understand it, but it is Monday and I'm more sore from this then I was Friday or Saturday.

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