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FU non global warming people


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Al Gore doesn't seem to live a life in tune with what he preaches - and is buying "carbon credits" from himself and some business partner that mean nothing - except he's paying himself to look good.


By the way - a little more reading for you:


Look at this Al Gore


If you go to AlGore.com he has mostly global warming information on there, with a link to buy his movie about global warming. If you cant see that he is a capitalist at heart, you need to go to Pearl Vision. He just uses the smoke screen of a cause to make money



Lets break it down.... Tell us we are the reason why the earth is getting warmer(if it really is), gain the respect of the left wing "causeiods", make a movie, get the Hollywood wack jobs to give you an award... Sell more of your movie.....


You got to make some cash to keep from flying commercial.

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I have most likely forgot more about WWII history than you know... I have studied it for about 20 years.

The people of Germany knew, they condoned it. The NY times reported what was happening in the 1930's. The elimination of the Jews was outlined in Mein Kampf wriiten in the 20's. Hitler outlined his plans more than a decade before the death camps. Dont believe every thing that is on you high school text books. The people of Germany knew, and condoned it. The Jews were moved by the train loads never to be seen again.


After WWI the people of Germany were in such bad financial condition they looked for a scape goat for there feelings. The were angered at the "November criminals" and the rules of surrender that were negotiated restricting the military. Along comes a short guy from Austria that says your problems are due to the Jews we need to get rid of them. They gain power in the Richestag with that platform. The Beer halls of the 20's were filled with this sentiment given by the Nazis.


Would the average German kill a Jew them self, most likely no. As long as someone else did it they turned a blind eye.



On to the slavery. It began around 1619 in Virgina the first slaves were most likely indentured servants. By the early 1700's slaves were critical to the economy of Virgina. Due to the economic impact of the slave A LOT of people thought is was a good idea. I did not say all of the people, I said A LOT of people.


That was easy!


Im pretty sure the rest of the world did NOT condon the burning and slaughtering of Jews. You are right, however, Hitler had Germans convienced that the Jews where the source of their problems. We aren't talking about genocide, we are talking about the future of a planet in which we reside.


In America, slavery was a common practice. The rest of the world didn't condone this policey and if they did the only 'slaves' they had where usually spoils of war.


More than anything we need to understand that both of these scenarios are long gone. I really do think that global warming is something that is here to stay.


Even if this is just some 'causeoid' at least it does something and provides a better future for your young ones.

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I'm not a Gore fan. I have watched his movie. I didn't think it was all that bad really. I feel there is a level of profitable scare that is being exploited by the topic, but I didn't see his movie to really focus on that. I'm not defending his movie. I'm saying it's worth the time to watch it though.
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Why are educated people trying to argue with rednecks about global warming? I just had a guy make a horrible analogy involving opening pop cans, only to have him turn around and try and say 'Haha! you fell into my trap!" by blurting out something about recycling.


You're all not worth it, and your ignorance is destroying the world we live in.


You keep demonstrating what a ignoramus you are! Funny thing is... you do not even understand how or why.

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GW fools,


When I was in 6th grade good ol' JC would tell us how we were in an ice age and would run out of oil by the year 2000 and coal by 2020. I remember calculating how old I would be when we ran out of gas; I liked cars then too, even though I could not drive, and was bummed to figure out I could not drive when I was over 40.


Get off your high fucking horse.... get some perspective and STFU.


There are for more pressing issues if you "want" something to worry about than this contrived GW issue. Maybe like the massive caldera out west about to blow. Wanna talk about climate change.... there you go.

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Gotta love guys arguing over something that may or may not happen knowing that none of us will be here to even experience what they claim MAY happen


But I'm all for keeping the earth clean no one wants to live somewhere dirty..

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GW fools,


When I was in 6th grade good ol' JC would tell us how we were in an ice age and would run out of oil by the year 2000 and coal by 2020. I remember calculating how old I would be when we ran out of gas; I liked cars then too, even though I could not drive, and was bummed to figure out I could not drive when I was over 40.


Get off your high fucking horse.... get some perspective and STFU.


There are for more pressing issues if you "want" something to worry about than this contrived GW issue. Maybe like the massive caldera out west about to blow. Wanna talk about climate change.... there you go.



I'm sorry your 6th grade special ed class had you working with bullshit numbers and false speculations on time. If you're going to use your 6th grade learnings as a reference, you're simply proving how wrong and off base you were tought.


Your statement is so close minded, I find it hard to beleave you take even yourself seriously.

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I'm sorry your 6th grade special ed class had you working with bullshit numbers and false speculations on time. If you're going to use your 6th grade learnings as a reference, you're simply proving how wrong and off base you were tought.


Your statement is so close minded, I find it hard to be leave you take even yourself seriously.


WOW - you should listen to yourself!!! 1978 was my senior year in high school and we were treated to the same stories about the pending ice age and all the fossil fuels running out. Time and Newsweek even did cover stories on the "scientists" and their "studies " predicting all this.


Now here we are almost 30 years later and that same scientific community has latched on to "global warming", and for at least 20 years we've been hearing if we don't act in the next 10 years, it will be "irreversible".


Sound at all like your statements? Sound at all like the "ice age" scare? What do you speculate the scientific "crisis" will be in 2030????

(by the way - if it is all the "global warming" crisis as predicted, it will be because of the sun getting hotter and their's noting we can do to change that - just deal with it)

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Exactly how I think of it. I don't care if global warming is a myth or real, it's just plain common sense to try to keep the world clean for our own benefit.



I completely agree with the idea of trying to keep polutio to a minimum. This is we have been doing that for a long time, both through personal acts of not throwing shit from car windows going down the road to the technology of scrubbers on smoke stacks at the power plants and industrial boilers.


Take a look at this



At one time this was common to happen because of the shit that we dumped into the waterways. Another thing that has changed, is transportation and it's effect on the envroiment. Coal burning steam engines, now a curiousity in a museium at one time had coal by the ton shoveled into the boiler and burnt very inefficently. The particulate matter in the exhaust was such that even burning embers would make it out of the stack and set fires beside the tracks in the dry grass. Power plants and industry poured untold amounts of particulate matter into the skies from their stacks, of course this too is a thing of the past. The stream train was replaced by the diesel / electric locomotive. The power plant stacks now are mandated to have scrubbers on them. The only thing that makes it to the top of the stack now is steam. Evriomentalists seem to have a nack for getting the right picture and twisting it. Look here.





Now that looks horrible if you don't know what you are looking at. First there is the cooling lake in from of the plant, and this seem's to have been taken in the early morning, a simple temperature inversion and we have fog. Farm ponds and creeks will do the same thing with the right conditions with no power plant for miles. Second thing, the stacks themselves. They are bollowing white smoke? White smoke, ain't smoke it's steam. To remain efficent as possible, power plant boilers use special power washer unit's inside of their running boilers to clean the surfaces so they can extract more heat from the fire. This is done before the scrubbers and is not a envriomential concern, but it does put on quite a show when water is sprayed into a boiler that's at 2800 degree's and under full fire. The water turns to steam and puts on a show. Higher up the stack, some scrubbers use water mists to wet the larger particulate matter and draw it down so it can be disposed of and not go up the stack. This to generates steam, but not to the point of the boiler washers. With the goverment regulations in place no one can dump smoke into the atmosphere any more.


Another thing that technology has changed is the way we heat our homes. Coal at one time was not just put in a small stove, but rather delivered by the truck load, put down a chute into the basments of homes and burnt in boilers and furnaces that were auger fed and had again, really poor efficency, and smoked horribly. Something else that is little more than a curiousity and discussed by our pparents and grandparents as being 'back in the day'.

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WOW - you should listen to yourself!!! 1978 was my senior year in high school and we were treated to the same stories about the pending ice age and all the fossil fuels running out. Time and Newsweek even did cover stories on the "scientists" and their "studies " predicting all this.


Now here we are almost 30 years later and that same scientific community has latched on to "global warming", and for at least 20 years we've been hearing if we don't act in the next 10 years, it will be "irreversible".


Sound at all like your statements? Sound at all like the "ice age" scare? What do you speculate the scientific "crisis" will be in 2030????

(by the way - if it is all the "global warming" crisis as predicted, it will be because of the sun getting hotter and their's noting we can do to change that - just deal with it)


Are you implying that we stop trying to learn more about something once some one comes up with a theory and estimated speculation? The previous posts are saying that it was to happen at a certain time. No one has a time that is accurate. What is known, is that chemicals are in the air that are changing that balance of the atmosphere, as we've known it. We know that we need to be aware of the sources of our energy and how much we use. I think it's all theory at this point. But, I don't think we can call it all bull shit. To dismiss it completely is foolish.

Of course we aren't in a ice age now. My reply to Alfa was for his complete denial in his post that we have anything at all to be concerned with.


All of my posts on this topic have been to simply discuss. I have never said any time line or that it was one way or another. I am open minded on it, as long as it's acknowledged that there is something to be aware of. I'm interested in seeing more theory's on this that aren't Hollywood or political. Referencing 30 year old info that has proven its self wrong is no reason to say GW does not exist.

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Hehe I just don't give a rats ass and like pissing off libs. Always predictably telling everyone else they are dumb. I just bought 5 acres of trees, brush, and trash so I think I'll go clear cut it, throw some of the 10 or so tires I've got laying around along with about 40 gallons of motor oil and make myself a nice fire. Anyone want some hotdogs? We could have a CR BBQ:-) If yal feel this way about global warming get the hell off of an automotive racing forum because you'll kill your own hobby trying to save the planet. Not sure about the rest of you, but to me automobiles are all about the gasoline. I wouldn't have anything to do with them if they didn't waste mass quantities of it.



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Hehe I just don't give a rats ass and like pissing off libs. Always predictably telling everyone else they are dumb. I just bought 5 acres of trees, brush, and trash so I think I'll go clear cut it, throw some of the 10 or so tires I've got laying around along with about 40 gallons of motor oil and make myself a nice fire. Anyone want some hotdogs? We could have a CR BBQ:-) If yal feel this way about global warming get the hell off of an automotive racing forum because you'll kill your own hobby trying to save the planet. Not sure about the rest of you, but to me automobiles are all about the gasoline. I wouldn't have anything to do with them if they didn't waste mass quantities of it.



Don't make this even more political. You don't have to be liberal to give a shit about your surroundings. Quit being a d-bag.


Do I protest and shit? No. I simply just don't fuck with nature. Have trash to throw out? We have an invention called a trash can.


And seriously, cooking hot dogs over a tire-fire? Ew.

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Hehe I just don't give a rats ass and like pissing off libs. Always predictably telling everyone else they are dumb. I just bought 5 acres of trees, brush, and trash so I think I'll go clear cut it, throw some of the 10 or so tires I've got laying around along with about 40 gallons of motor oil and make myself a nice fire. Anyone want some hotdogs? We could have a CR BBQ:-) If yal feel this way about global warming get the hell off of an automotive racing forum because you'll kill your own hobby trying to save the planet. Not sure about the rest of you, but to me automobiles are all about the gasoline. I wouldn't have anything to do with them if they didn't waste mass quantities of it.




Not all automobiles are about gasonline... Maybe you meant to say internal combustion engines?

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If yal feel this way about global warming get the hell off of an automotive racing forum because you'll kill your own hobby trying to save the planet.





I wonder how many people on CR have cats on their exhaust. Good thing we don't have smog check here.

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Fight global cooling; take your cats off.


my little contribution.


I know nothing about this matter besides the climate is changing, and imo is only slightly if at all effected by man and part of the earth's natural cycles.

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The current research on sun spot phenom as well as solar flare cycling can be shown to effect the overall temperature of the planets in our solar system. I personally feel that we as humans think very highly of ourselves if we feel that we can have an effect on the climatology of a planet that is 4.5 billion years old. The amount of harmful emissions emitted by one volcanic eruption total more than all industrialized society can put out in a year. Our meteorologists have time predicting cloud cover and precipitation for the next week, why then do we feel that we can predict out 50yrs? It is like the old movies that had everyone in 2000 wearing mylar coated outfits and flying in personal aircraft.

We do not have data that can even be considered to be remotely accurate on global warming except for ice cores that have been collected from the poles which has been previously posted on her. Lonnie Thompsons group at OSU have some extremely interesting work that totally supports global warming but for completely different reasons than what those who support the UN and people like Al Gore.

I have no problem with using "safer technology" as long as it works as well or better and costs the same as "environmentally harmful".

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There are alot of good posts in here followed by 10 times as much crap.


I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that the temperatures are getting warmer. The pill that's hard to swallow is the means to fix the problem......a problem in which there is no 100% consensus as to what causes the problem. So how do you fix a problem that you don't understand?


In the 1970's, after a 30 year cooling trend, scientists warned of a dwindinling ability to produce food for the world's growing population. Some of the remedies were to cover the polar ice caps in black soot to help melt some of the ice and increase the worlds temperatures. This article illustrates the worry from 1975.




30 years later we have an epidemic on our hands some say, called Global Warming. However, not everyone agrees on it's causes or it's solutions. The United Nations is releasing report that illustrates it's opinion on the causes, effects and potential ways to adapt.


The United Nations main way to "solve" this climate crisis.....a simple thing called the Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Treaty. This treaty calls for developed nations to reduce carbon emissions or undergo trading "carbon credits" with nations that do not use.


What are "carbon credits", to be put simply......if a developed nation does not use their pre-determined carbon emissions, they can ....carry over credits to the next year or perhaps.....SELL them to other nations.





Just the opposite is true for developed nations who use too many, you can PAY to buy carbon credits from other nations. However....developing nations, as defined by the UN, are not subjected to the same standard..........well they are not subject to ANY standard, they can be as dirty as they want.


So really what is happening? This is in essence a "global tax". The nations that have the most difficult time changing are those who have emissions embedded into their infrastrucure, i.e. the United States. Take from the rich and give to the poor, take from the rich and give to the poor........a simple redistribution of wealth.........which could lead you to believe.....possibliy a little bit of communism going on? It seems like were trying to level the playing ground......but remember who is on the top of this ladder.

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This is off the topic, but in the present time there is no such thing as "take from rich and give to poor". I and I'm sure you and many others can agree that now "the rich get wealthy and the poor get broke". Communism....huh.
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I don't agree with global warming being caused by humans, but I do have to fight one of the points made by my peers about this problem.


I've been an amature astronomer for about 20 of my years and I can tell you that the "sun spot" causing temp changes thing is not correct. It could be old news that our guys keep throwing out their since the sun changes sun spot activity in 11 year cycles and is currently in a calm period = one or no sun spots at this time. If you don't believe me come on over and I"ll show you with my telescope. there are almost no spots right now.


Of course this could mean that when there aren't as many sun spots the sun gets hotter, but I'd think that this defys logic since when the sun is in an active spot period the flares easily make it to earth and usually cause some really great auroral activity.


BTW your argument about Kyoto is a good one and I'd like to add that I heard on national public radio that some of the EU nations are either thinking about or have already pulled out of the treaty as its getting way to expensive for them.



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This is off the topic, but in the present time there is no such thing as "take from rich and give to poor". I and I'm sure you and many others can agree that now "the rich get wealthy and the poor get broke". Communism....huh.

If anything the poor need to pay more tax! "Miss I had three kids before twenty", with three different fathers needs to pay more tax. The way the system is now, most likely she would pay no tax, while using governmental services that we all pay for.


Flame ooooonnnnn!!!!!!

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