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Few Questions regarding Contractors and Prices

T Rex

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This is not the right area (of town) to post this in, but there are a lot of people on here so maybe someone knows.


Im looking to do a few things to our new house in Cuyahoga Falls.


1) It needs a new roof. I am currently working with the sellers on a deal where they pay for it, however, I don't know any reputable companies up there. Anyone know of any up there? Or maybe someone down here that doesn't mind travelling a 2 hours for some cash?


2) I want to install French Doors off the dining room to lead to the back yard. Currently there is a small window, some electric, and HVAC ducting. My plan is to do most of the work DIY. This house was built in 1929 so its ALL Plaster and Lathe. My idea was, before any contractor came to install the door, I would take that entire inside wall down (IE. Take all the Plaster and Lathe out) reroute all the HVAC ducts and electric. So all the contractor would have to do is cut out the space for the door, install the door, weather proof the door, then trim it out on the outside. Does anyone have any idea how much it would cost to have a contractor come out and do some of that work? Im thinking, if Im lucky, in the $700 range.


Unfortunatly, I will probably have to have Structural Engineer come out and tell me what size header I will need over the door :(. Which means more money.


3. I want to tear out the wall inbetween the kitchen and the dining room to maximize space. I am almost 100% positive that this is a load bearing wall supporting the weight of the wall above it :(. How much does it normally costts to take out load bearing walls? I know it will take a bigger header, per the structrual engineer, but Im more concerned about labor etc. Again I would reroute and electrical and HVAC myself.


Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post!

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