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College kids for summer work?

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So I can't honestly say I'm skilled in any one thing; I'm a good driver and can make a mean espresso (3+ years cafe experience), so I'm just looking for a good paying job doing whatever for this summer, as is one of my friends. I'm just testing the market, and I don't know if there are any people here looking for what I offer, but if you've got anything for me its worth a try.
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Get a loan for $10k and start up your own house-painting crew or something. You could be driving any car you want by summer's end if you advertise right. Or you could make $7 an hour, avoiding risk. You're young dude, start something big early and leave the coffee-serving for mindless drones. If it fails you got plenty of time to go back to school or whatever.


definitly. I knew a guy who knew a guy who did this. They made ALOT of money in just one summer.

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Get a loan for $10k and start up your own house-painting crew or something. You could be driving any car you want by summer's end if you advertise right. Or you could make $7 an hour, avoiding risk. You're young dude, start something big early and leave the coffee-serving for mindless drones. If it fails you got plenty of time to go back to school or whatever.


Fucker, I did that and need the mindless drones to serve the coffee.

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Get a loan for $10k and start up your own house-painting crew or something. You could be driving any car you want by summer's end if you advertise right. Or you could make $7 an hour, avoiding risk. You're young dude, start something big early and leave the coffee-serving for mindless drones. If it fails you got plenty of time to go back to school or whatever.

See i work for a painting company right now, 75% of the employees owned their own company but failed. I will say this, in that type of field it's all about who you know. ;)

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im in the same position as you are. only things im really trying to do in the future, i cant get a job being so young (international security/languages)

last summer i was bored and wanted some cash, so i got a job at an exxon garage... all i had to do was pump gas once or twice per day, do a few oil changes here and there, drive cars around, and fix flat tires. it didnt pay well, but it was fun.

im just working construction this summer, pays well and i get to be outside.

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If you are local when you aren't in Akron I could get you some work in August-September before you go back to school. It's a 10 hour day, 6 days a week, usually 8-4:30/5ish. It feels good to make that kinda cash in a months time.


I wish it were August, I'd be 21 and have the money to finish my car in 2 weeks :mad:

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If you are local when you aren't in Akron I could get you some work in August-September before you go back to school. It's a 10 hour day, 6 days a week, usually 8-4:30/5ish. It feels good to make that kinda cash in a months time.


I wish it were August, I'd be 21 and have the money to finish my car in 2 weeks :mad:


Coolness. I am in Athens.


I'll be back by mid-June until early (or maybe late) September. Back as in Canal Winchester.


I'll need another job before that but would leave to make good money.

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