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need more help from snake owners...


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so recently i found out that my ball python has mites. how/where he got them, im not sure, but im not happy.


i went to captive born, and the owners wife gave me this home made stuff...a customer there was actually telling me about it. its just a spray, they said spray him down every other day and clean the cage out very well (which ive been using somewhere around 1:20 or 1:30 bleach:water to clean the cage), and i removed all his bedding and have him on newspapers.


he had 2 series of sprays/cage cleaning, and when i took him out today, it seemed like there were even more mites...mainly on the bottom of him, where i could see better on the white/yellow of his bottom. the owners wife of the snake shop said just to spray it on top of him, which i did, and it seems like most of them (what i could see) came off.


today while i was checking him out, i was pulling the mites off. i found some little tool in a nail care kit that sorta looks like a gardening hoe, but much smaller. i was able to use this to get some of the mites that were just under the scales that were easily removable, since i could get the tool under the scale and the mite out without lifting the scale much at all. i then placed the mites in a pool of the mite killer they gave me at the shop.


anyone have any other tips on how to get rid of these? i tried spraying his belly today in hopes of getting them off completely...im just looking for any other solutions at this point...or should i just keep spraying him every other day?


i guess the hardest part is im not sure what i should be looking for, or even if i see anything as far as the early stages of mites.


i just want them gone...! im more worried about my 2 cats somehow getting them, then having to deal with them on the cats

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Mites are a bitch!

Keep them out of his eyes, for gods sake keep them out of his eyes. One thing I've seen tried is a bathtub. Snakes can swim, don't worry about that, but you've got to keep hi submerged for a few hours at least. This will at least cause a migration. and make them more localized. If you're removing them with a tool, be careful and start at one end. Work your way from the tail to the head, like SWAT sweeping a building.


If the spray works, use it all over. REMOVE his substrate and scenery. Glass enclosure period, until they are gone. Sucks for him, but he's not exactly a complex soul, he'll forgive you.


Thought: feed him ALOT. Induce a shed, see how many that takes off. But again you have to control his enviroment.

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terry (captive born owner) said to get rid of his bedding, which i did, and to put him on newspapers so i dont waste so much bedding cleaning every other day. i had him on newspapers for a few days, but realized i couldnt really see mites on it. right now ive just got it lined with some plain white paper towels, and the only thing in his tank is his water dish, which ive been cleaning w/ hot soap and water daily and replacing the water, and his rock, which ive already done the bake at 250 for 2-3 hours 2x...


the tool seems to work to remove them from under the scales, but i can only use it where i can see them. being that probably 75% of him is dark, it makes it harder to spot them on those areas unless they are right on top.


i tried to look around his mouth in the loose skin area for mites, but he doesnt like to hold still...what should i look for in his eyes? terry's wife said when spraying him, spray his whole body, including his head and eyes.


edit: ill attempt the induced shedding...IIRC, hes probably due for one in the next couple weeks...his head is already starting to get milky. ive got him on a 7 day feed cycle right now, ill try to bump it up to about 4 days to see if that speeds it up


only thing im concerned with is how fast those mites are going to get from the shed skin to right back onto him...? i read that they can move like 11"/minute (i think....i believe it said 55 ft/hr which sounds about right)...i never seem to be home when hes getting out of the old skin that i can grab him out and clean the cage at that time.

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so doing a bit of reading, im finding out that mineral oil can be used to clean in/around his head and eyes and wont be bad for him...where do i find mineral oil? i think the product im thinking in my head is mineral spirits, which i believe is like paint thinner, and i dont think thats what i need.
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He may have gotten the mites from the feeder mice. Perhaps get your feeder mice from a different shop?



That is possible. If you think thats where your snake got them her advice is sound. ...or you can feed him frozen pre-killed which is better/safer all around. The snake may have come home from where you got it with the mites, or mite eggs, already on it also.


Once you get rid of the mites, I wouldn't go back to the bark that you were using before. As per mentioned in the previous snake thread. For reason as per mentioned in that thread.

It can be a haven for mold, disease, and parasites such as mites and ticks. They can also ingest it during feeding. This can cause compaction. A outdoor carpet works great. It is also very easy to clean and drys quickly. Although if the carpet starts to fray at the ends get rid of it. The snake can ingest the loose carpet.



Oh there is one neat way to get rid of mites. Get carnivorous mites that eat the parasitic mites. The carnivorous mites die when their food source is gone. Its a trick that exotic insect owners use.

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well i got the snake beginning of feb, so it would have been 50ish days before the mites showed up, and i think i read it doesnt take but 3 weeks to show up


feeder mice may be the culprit though. the kid at captive born and a customer there said that mites dont get on rats....maybe they get on mice instead?


i think ive gotten rid of them, ive been thouroughly checking him and havent seen anything in a couple days...im gonna spray him again tonight and wipe down the cage, just for precaution...he should be shedding soon, hes starting to get that hazed look over his whole body, so hopefully that will get rid of any eggs that may still be on him

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