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ohio terroist


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You would think if you wanted to ay low you would not dress like that


For realz, though he doesn't seem like the "intellectual" type to me.


God damn Al Queda. I always wanted to grow a decent Fu Man Chu beard, and now I can't cause I'll look like a fucking terrorist.

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wtf what kind of weapon of mass destruction was he going to use??? does that freak anyone else out that a C-bus resident had ANY kid of access to a WMD (as they allege)




as for Rob (sol740) having facial hair doesn't make you a terrorist, espacially a Fu Manchu....


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If you read TBOM or Anarchist cook book using allot of accesable checmical you can build some pretty nasty bombs. I mean I dont know how large they can ge.


The good ol' A.C. Had a lot of fun with that growing up. Now I'm even afraid to say I've ever seen it.


Wait ...


I think I heard a loud knock just ...






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I printed that SOB out and took it to school. It took 2 days to print it on my Okidata microline 182. I had to move my printer to another oom beacause the noise was pissing me off and fix paper jams atleast 5 times. If i did tha tnow I would be in so much shit.



Calling me a terrosit and crap.

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Nice knowing you. Dont drop the soap or else... :eek:


Sorry fellas, just got back from the federal slammer, and what they told you in "Office Space" isn't true.


I need a band-aid, some colon cream, and a percocet. Stat.

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