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How to get rid of a cat?


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They do sell a cat and dog repellent at most pet stores. I worked at a Pets Mart through high school and I'd get people coming in all the time with the same kind of problem. A neighborhood cat would be shitting in their flower bed or a dog would be digging in their yard. All the repellent is, is a pellet and you sprinkle around what ever you don't want the cat or dog in (your windows) and it keeps them away. It’s supposed to smell really bad to the cat/ dog. I've had people tell me that it works really well. It's not expensive. That might be a more… humane way of dealing with it. That and you don’t have to confront any one. Although if that cat is a real pain in the ass I might just have to agree with the paintball gun. Good Luck
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Couple of those Glue Based Rat Traps from the Hardware store. It's the most adhesive shit I've ever seen.


I used a couple to catch some blue birds that in the tree outside my front door. I love birds, but these bastards would dive bomb me every time I went outside.


Little food in the middle, couple cranberries, ......bam! Caught both inside 30 minutes. There's no way they were coming off of those things.


You'll know instantly when he gets his feet stuck in one. Get a video camera though as it will likely be worth capturing :p

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I had a similar peoblem with a local cat trying to attack my fuzwad through the patio screen door. I waited in the bedroom (directly above the patio) with an air rifle. One pump is not enough to penetrate , just get its attention. It wont come near our place now. It will go acroos the street to avoid our place.
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