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Guy Breaks Up With Girl, Girl Smashes Cars...


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I blame Carrie Underwood and that ridiculous fucking song that they won't quit playing on the radio. I figured there'd have been more stories by now of stupid ass women doing the same stuff she describes in that song. And, I'd burn her house down (with her inside) for revenge.
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  Austin said:
I blame Carrie Underwood and that ridiculous fucking song that they won't quit playing on the radio. I figured there'd have been more stories by now of stupid ass women doing the same stuff she describes in that song. And, I'd burn her house down (with her inside) for revenge.



I hate that damn song. My ex played it in my car once and said "you better watch out". I said don't touch a damn thing on my car (in my new RX-7, even!) but hell why would a woman do that? she seems f'ing crazy!! :eek:




both an Impala SS and Mustang GT were hurt in this attack.

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I wonder if he'll attempt to sue Carrie Underwood.


After hearing that song last night I warned my girl "If you touch my car you won't have to watch out for me, I promise. You will have to watch out for bullets though"

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  Brian said:
Saw it a few days ago, he dumped her after she did this. He said he likes to go cruising around at night and she thought he was cheating on her, so she went crazy.


No, he broke up with her before she did it. Still a crazy bitch.


She gives the engagement ring back, thank God. We talk some more and she starts to tell me of what she didn't like in me and how she was only with me because she was settling. She said some more hurtful things that cut deep like a knife. So I leave. I couldn't take it anymore.

Waking up this AM already disgusted and upset that I had made all these plans with this one woman and losing a lot of money and having to face people that I have told that we are getting married, I try to get dressed for work. All of a sudden, I here a boom and my Mustang alarm going off. Uh ohh, something don't sound too good. My now ex-fiancee is ramming that BIG AS$ Escalade truck with the BIG AS$ chrome ramming bar into the back of my Mustang that is parked right behind the SS in my garage.


HOLY FUCK! I just saw the pics of the mustang. She fucked it up good. What a cunt.

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