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Video of the lady going to the hospital and gets arrested


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I gotta be on the cops side this time. Are they supposed to believe everything someone says? How many times do you think they've been given excuses? And FUCK Bill OReilly and his racist motherfuckin ass. I dont' even know where to f'n start here.

1. So, it's obvious Bill O likes to stereotype, make false assumptions, etc. "This woman is not some low-rider, something, looking for trouble, cheat..." Obviously, had she been Mexican or driving a particular auto, she would've been lying and it would've been ok for the officer to do his job.

2. She disobeyed the law. Whether she was telling the truth or not. Give me a fuckin break. I guess it's ok to believe this women because she's white and doesn't match a certain stereotype. These two idiots in the video are just that, idiots. Anytime people run after being pulled over, you have to assume the worse.

3. She tried to take off with him standing by the car possibly injuring him. I've had my head slammed into my wheel after having that same head (the top one) bruised with the barrel of a gun by officers just a moment before for a lot less than this. I've seen much worse. Do we get our own special news? Could he have been more gentle? Well, of course. Does he deserve this attention from Bill Fuckstick OReilly and the ass bandit on the video? No.


Actually, I'm done. Foul mood this morning and if I listen to these idiots anymore... :nono:

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I gotta be on the cops side this time. Are they supposed to believe everything someone says? How many times do you think they've been given excuses? And FUCK Bill OReilly and his racist motherfuckin ass. I dont' even know where to f'n start here.

1. So, it's obvious Bill O likes to stereotype, make false assumptions, etc. "This woman is not some low-rider, something, looking for trouble, cheat..." Obviously, had she been Mexican or driving a particular auto, she would've been lying and it would've been ok for the officer to do his job.

2. She disobeyed the law. Whether she was telling the truth or not. Give me a fuckin break. I guess it's ok to believe this women because she's white and doesn't match a certain stereotype. These two idiots in the video are just that, idiots. Anytime people run after being pulled over, you have to assume the worse.

3. She tried to take off with him standing by the car possibly injuring him. I've had my head slammed into my wheel after having that same head (the top one) bruised with the barrel of a gun by officers just a moment before for a lot less than this. I've seen much worse. Do we get our own special news? Could he have been more gentle? Well, of course. Does he deserve this attention from Bill Fuckstick OReilly and the ass bandit on the video? No.


Actually, I'm done. Foul mood this morning and if I listen to these idiots anymore... :nono:

He says "lowrider" and you get all defensive and shit. Perhaps you're the one stereotyping if you believe he's citing a specific race.

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If I was the officer, I would have escorted her to the hospital. Technically she did break the law so I can understand if she was cited afterwards but I think the officer went about it wrong. He was also quite physical and I didn't think she seemed too much of a threat.
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I think he was wrong in how rough he was. When using force we have to determine what force is necessary to control another person while keeping our saftey in mind. And I beleive he crossed that boundary. On the second stop he should have approached the car with his gun drawn and ordered her out of the car. I garuntee she would have listened then, and he wouldn't have had to drag her out. Once out of the car and in custody he could have more rationally assessed the situation and wrote her a ticket and given her an escort to see her father. However, she did dis obey the law. If she would have just complied she could have been on her way in 20min with a citation. instead she spent 5 hours in jail.
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Break law = ticket.

Running from officer = jail.

Trying to drive away with an officer hanging out of your window = lucky your ass is not in the morgue.

Cop could have checked with the ER. Cop could have been less violent. Cop could have let her go on her word.

Or she could have just followed the law, and none of this would have happened. 63 in a 35. What if she would have hit a pedestrian in her rush? Or caused an acident?

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Trying to drive away with an officer hanging out of your window = lucky your ass is not in the morgue.


I don't think she drove away. He ripped her out before she could put in it park.


I think he was way too fucking violent with her. She was at the hospital and he could of at least escorted her there. I understand it could have been an excuse, but he just generally didn't give a fuck, even when he was simply pulling her over.


Plus, for all he knew, she needed the hospital herself. Gee, why would someone speed to the hospital parking lot. You think they might have a reason.

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On the second stop he should have approached the car with his gun drawn and ordered her out of the car.



This is my opinion too, if he was feeling threatened he would have pulled his firearm. I have been pulled out of a car at gunpoint, and the officer had every right to do so, HOWEVER in this case the video to me clearly shows that he "the officer" did not feel threatened at all. He walked up and dragged her out like he would never get hurt doing so. He was doing it in rage. His assesment of the situation, shown on video, was that this situation was not dangerous and she wasn't a threat to him. That to me is clear.


I would still like to read more opinions, especially officers on here.

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When One of my sons was rushed into emergency surgery. I hauled ass to the hospital and got popped on 70 just past wilson road. He clocked me at 82 in a 65. once he got to the car I explained what was happening and he gave me the option of getting a ticket now or once I ws at the hospital. (82 was just too fast). I took the ticket and he told me to go to court to have it reduced to a no opp and said he hoped everything went well with the surgery.


The cop in the video IMO went too far. Like metioned above he could have easliy followed her to the ER verified her story and cited her. The fact that he was suspended for 5 days without pay( what was said on TV this morning) shows that his department felt he went to far as well.

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If I'm rushing to the ER for any reason regarding my family, no person(s) on this planet is going to impede me. I don't care if they're the fucking president.


And I agree with 91formula: were I to find a police office had done that to my wife or daughter when *they* were rushing to the hospital, I'm beating an apology out of him on his front lawn.

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He says "lowrider" and you get all defensive and shit. Perhaps you're the one stereotyping if you believe he's citing a specific race.


First off, nowhere did I say lowriders had to do with a particular race. I said he was stereotyping and making the assumption if you drive a lowrider you mean trouble. So quit being a penor and playing devil's advocate. Bill's statements are all too obvious even for someone slow. (No, I don't really know you so I am not refering to you as being slow. Just a statement. ;) )


After watching it again, maybe the cop was a bit rough and if it was someone I knew, yea, I'd probably be more upset. But she is disregarding the law and if you let her do that, where does it stop for others? The officer isn't there to pass judgement or take chances. His job is to uphold the law. Gotta say I'm pretty curious to hear some honest officer comments, too.

I also still can't believe I'm defending the officer (mostly) due to the problems I've had with them. Guess there's good and bad for everything.

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I can see it from both sides... but remember in the past when someone was pulled over and died because the officer would not let them go? If I was a police officer I would be very hesitant to do anything to anyone around a hospital. Mainly because stuff like this usually happens.


I feel sorry for you guys. You get criticized for doing your best to keep the streets safe. You are told not to hesitate... but if you act too quick, with the wrong decision, you are on TV being ridiculed by the world... There is just way too much political and corporate BS associated with it now.


Let it be known that I appreciate what you do for us.

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