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Don King says its PARTY TIME


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I know. I feel like a toolbag, but I am waiting for a part-thats out of my hands. Its going on 2 months now. :(



So out of what will be three visits (once last year, once two years ago when you were afraid to race Linns car, and then this weekend) to Columbus you've made the trip in your own car a grand total of one, but you didn't race anyone. It's been at least three years of your incessant internet trash talk but you haven't raced a single person from Columbus. A hype man that never gets into the rin himself. Don King is the perfect name for you. Too funny!

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So out of what will be three visits (once last year, once two years ago when you were afraid to race Linns car, and then this weekend) to Columbus you've made the trip in your own car a grand total of one, but you didn't race anyone. It's been at least three years of your incessant internet trash talk but you haven't raced a single person from Columbus. A hype man that never gets into the rin himself. Don King is the perfect name for you. Too funny!




You got it!


Also-NO ONE can argue I was ready to race when the Tilley bet was on the line-I was ready for the many months before the car was crashed. If IPS took there head out of their ass, and figured out how to put a motor together in a timely fashion, that race would have been done, and one of the most whored videos on the internets.



But, I cant operate a sport compact with no downforce @ 200, and IPS, well just sucks. Some of its bad timing, some of it is bad karma, but its not all my fault.



And-when the fuck was I afraid to race Linn?

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You got it!


Also-NO ONE can argue I was ready to race when the Tilley bet was on the line-I was ready for the many months before the car was crashed.


Well the end result is that you didn't end up racing anyone. Excuses are just that.


If IPS took there head out of their ass, and figured out how to put a motor together in a timely fashion,


Kinda like Jaimie's S4? I hear that thing is running well these days and it's only been in the shop for a year or so.


And-when the fuck was I afraid to race Linn?


If I'm not mistaken this was the summer of 2005 when you first started poking your head around here (Columbus). You were talking trash about racing Linn for money but then showed up in Columbus without telling anyone you'd be here. There was a thread on Columbus DSM but I can't seem to find it...

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Well the end result is that you didn't end up racing anyone. Excuses are just that.



Well-how in the fuck do you expect me to race a car for $1000 that was not running? Also-realize this race was only set up since THEY (IPS) said the car would be finished, and ready to race by XXX date.



Kinda like Jaimie's S4? I hear that thing is running well these days and it's only been in the shop for a year or so.


Well, considering its a 100% one off fab project, putting turbos on an S4 that have NEVER BEEN on an S4-I dont even know how you can compare that to a 95% bolt on turbo set up, on a platform that’s been around longer than most of us have been alive. That, and the fact that the car has been running since last year (just has not come home yet), and your argument flows up a creek without a paddle.


And besides-when you have/had arguably the nation's fastest true street car, and then a Twin GT30 XXXwhp 13X traps Porsche 996, WTF do you care what’s happening to your s4?



If I'm not mistaken this was the summer of 2005 when you first started poking your head around here (Columbus). You were talking trash about racing Linn for money but then showed up in Columbus without telling anyone you'd be here. There was a thread on Columbus DSM but I can't seem to find it...



People know I was there, matter of fact I think I spoke with Linn that very night. (Although, I could be confusing this with another date-)

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Where did you hear Jamies s4 has been in the shop for a year?


Actually 15 months to be exact....with about 2 months of total work time :) Too long of a story to type, but it's finally on a truck tomorrow coming home. Needless to say, the "kit" wasn't even in prototype yet when I shipped it out to the only shop crazy enough to tell me they would do it. That and well, nobody was quite aware of what it would take to get it done.


JP is right, I've bought 3 cars in the meantime and sort-of forgot about it. But seeing it for the first time last week made me realize how kick-ass that S4 really is....

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I am arranging the 2nd caravan to meet at Polaris QS&L around 10-10:30pm. I was told this is the usual hangout the past few weeks. Are you guys going to be around to incite some action?


I will know aprox. How many cars will be showing up there tomorrow.



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I am arranging the 2nd caravan to meet at Polaris QS&L around 10-10:30pm. I was told this is the usual hangout the past few weeks. Are you guys going to be around to incite some action?


I will know aprox. How many cars will be showing up there tomorrow.



Right after work, in there. Most people feel froggy enough to jump round there.

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Well, considering its a 100% one off fab project, putting turbos on an S4 that have NEVER BEEN on an S4


OMG THEY'RE USING COMPLETELY NEW TURBOS THAT DON'T SHARE ANYTHING WITH ANY OTHER TURBO OMG IT'S ALL CUSTOM THEY REINVENTED TEH WHEEL LOL!! That is too funny. From what I can tell the only real difference between the TT Z06 and the S4 from a fabrication standpoint is that the S4 may have custom exhaust manifolds and the Z06 doesn't. Wow. So how is the vette a 95% bolt on project? :rolleyes:


I dont even know how you can compare that to a 95% bolt on turbo set up, on a platform that’s been around longer than most of us have been alive.


The LS1/2/6 and C5 have been around longer than we've been alive? Are you really this stupid or are you just doing it for entertainment purposes?


That, and the fact that the car has been running since last year (just has not come home yet), and your argument flows up a creek without a paddle.


How did that dyno time turn out last week? Is the motor rebuilt yet? lol


And besides-when you have/had arguably the nation's fastest true street car, and then a Twin GT30 XXXwhp 13X traps Porsche 996, WTF do you care what’s happening to your s4?


Okay. So when it takes a shop 15 months to do a built motor and a GT28 setup on your buddies car (let's not forget that exactly 100% of every S4 came turbo from the factory) it's okay, but when it takes the same amount of time for a shop that you don't like to build a motor and GT35R setup on a car that was NA from the factory, it's horrible. AKA you're a hypocrite. Thanks. Got it!

I'm not even sure how the fact that he has two other fast cars is relevent information. He didn't turn a wrench on any of them and one of them was pretty damn fast when he bought it.




Oh and, being the master car builder dude that you are, your RX7 still isn't done 9 months later and, AFAIK, that is the only car you have to worry about. Oh you're waiting on parts though so it's fine. But no one other than you and your buddies ever have to wait on parts. Or wait for engine shops to build engines, or fix their mistakes. Ugh.


In summary I cannot figure out why the hell everyone is so willing to tolerate the BS that you spew. True, you have at least been entertaining over the years, much like a miniature poodle that barks at everything bigger than it is entertaining, but after a while that just gets annoying. Throw in the fact that some otherwise rational people seem to like you and it's even more mystifying. I guess because you had a fast Dodge Colt. That must be it.


PS I don't mean to pick on Ohiosk04s4321. Okay, let's be honest. I do.


Here are some links for the peanut gallery to peruse. If anyone cares.








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WTF?! :lol: You have completely whiffed on so many of your points, and statements you have pulled clear out of your ass that you are trying to pass as facts.....There is no point in me waste my time formulating a reply.


If you want to get educated on the truth on any of the 2173512079 points you botched, find me tomorrow.



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