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New Crackberry Storm


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The new G1 from Google is so much more badass than anything (Iphone included) I have aactually considered switching to sprint for it. Oh well. The LG Dare will have to work... But yea, the storm is nice.

I wouldnt suggest it.. The G1 is T-mobile you fury little monkey.. NOT SPRINT.

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I wouldnt suggest it.. The G1 is T-mobile you fury little monkey.. NOT SPRINT.


My bad, meant Tmobile. And yes my friend pre ordered it. I played with it... AWESOME. I want one. Fucking Verizon

Get the Storm, dude..Nothing beats the iphone anyways, so....

sprint sucks

Oh please!

Has anyone actually seen/used the G1? I have t-mobile and am in need of a new phone.

Looks big on TV.

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I am to retarded for touch screens and broke phones constantly so if it is more than a 100 bucks I dont even look at it. I got a samsung slider with camera and all that ho-ha bs I dont care about but it was only 50 bones.

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i don't think the new storm is running smartphone hardware but more PDA hardware (software whatever)

not that it changes your mind or anything. chris if you do get a smartphone i can show you some tricks and stuff, smartphones are all nearly identical anyways so what you can do with mine you can do with yours.

but those same tricks and hacks also work with the PDA as well.

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I loved the Storm and was going to get one once my current contract ran out until...

...I realized that it HAS NO GODDAMN WI-FI!

How is that even remotely imaginable? 3g is SLOW. I don't give two shits about what the commercials say; 3g is slow. Yes, it's faster than other wireless data networks, but when you put it up against any normal 802.11b/g/n wi-fi, it is slow as hell. I want a phone that uses 3g as a backup when there is no wi-fi around. This is exactly why if I were to buy a smartphone, I'd go with the iPhone. As much as I hate apple and that smug douchebag Steve Jobs, I have to admit that the iPhone is still the only smartphone out there that does everything. The other phones are all missing features :( The G1 is the next best thing, but T-Mobile is terrible. Stick it on Verizon and I'll buy one on launch day, but until then...*tear*


(I discuss smartphones ALL THE TIME with my roommate beacause he is completely addicted to gadgets and tech toys. I've been bitching about the Storm for days ever since I found out about the wi-fi garbage)

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at least the price point is competitive...never wanted to buy blsckberry before since they were like 500 fucking dollars

That one will be that much to existing customers. Subsidized pricing is for new activation only.

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That one will be that much to existing customers. Subsidized pricing is for new activation only.

Can't you renew your contract and get the sale price? I know I do that at T-mobile. Every two years I can renew and get a discounted phone. So that G1 would only be $180 for me now actually.

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Can't you renew your contract and get the sale price? I know I do that at T-mobile. Every two years I can renew and get a discounted phone. So that G1 would only be $180 for me now actually.

Yes Verizon has the new every two plan. Go for the G1 man. its awesome :dj:

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