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Stuck in Saturday School

Rally Pat

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Saturday school sure isn't like what it use to be when I was growing up. There was no such thing as playing on the computer. Kids have it easy these days.


I am not "playing on the computer", I am using my AP Computer Science laptop for completely educational purposes.m

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I sat and watched the two latest episodes of Systm and The Totally Rad Show, and then I went and did research on Apple TV hacking. Man, I sure learned my lesson from this Saturday School.


Edit: There is 40 minutes left, gotta find a new way to fill the time. Flash games?

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I remember back in the day when I had Saturday school, :lol:


Seriously, we had to bring a textbook, or sit and do nothing, no talking, no passing notes, we didn't have cell phones for texting.....


And technically, that is what I am doing. The proctor said there are 2 rules: Stay in here (there cafeteria) and dont talk. I havent said a word in 3 and a half hours. I should be finishing my the VB.Net program due Monday, but I really don't feel like programming right now.

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Guest Mekkahfire
I spent my saturday schools programming games on my ti-82




I got inschool suspension so much i actually got used to it and started to like it after a while. I can spend like 5-6 hours just spacing out about shit.

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LAX players are special?


yes. At my school if you skip Saturday school you just get conduct points and if you get X then you fail conduct and cant be on the honor roll. Whoopty doo

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I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Basically, we were playing senior tag, and I got in trouble because 2 girls decided to get naked on church grounds. I got in trouble simply because my name came up. I didn't break any rules, and I didn't do anything illegal. I am still fighting this in the administration, and come Monday, they had better have a damn good reason why I wasted 4 hours at school that could have been used working on Mr. 2.


Additional information: This is the only saturday school of my entire high school career, which is stupid, considering we graduate in a week.

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I've heard the tale and still don't understand how you two got into any trouble for something you didn't instigate, couldn't do anything about and left when it happened - of course MH has always been an idiot (IMHO) !!!
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Mr. B, when I walked into the Dean of Men's office, he couldn't even tell me what I was getting a Saturday school for. He kept beating around the bush about it. We have also sent 3 notices to Napoleon (Read: Marian Huston) about setting up a meeting to talk about this, surely she can tell me about what it. So far, we have just been ignored.
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I've never met the woman - but I've yet to meet anyone who has that thinks she knows anything. When Mrs. B worked there - the city inspectors shut down the kitchen because she hadn't found a way to get the ancient stoves / fryers / etc. repaired/updated/replaced - but she airconditoned the gym and got the lobby redecorated!!! Too bad the alumni don't seem to notice that - or care! I'll never contribute to the school as long as she's there.
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I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Basically, we were playing senior tag, and I got in trouble because 2 girls decided to get naked on church grounds. I got in trouble simply because my name came up. I didn't break any rules, and I didn't do anything illegal. I am still fighting this in the administration, and come Monday, they had better have a damn good reason why I wasted 4 hours at school that could have been used working on Mr. 2.


Additional information: This is the only saturday school of my entire high school career, which is stupid, considering we graduate in a week.



Like my mom always said, you may be innocent t this time, but this will make up for the times you did not get caught.

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Saturday school sure isn't like what it use to be when I was growing up. There was no such thing as playing on the computer. Kids have it easy these days.

No fucking shit. We were aloudo ur school books and nothing else. If you had a book report you had to prove you were reading for a legit purpose. I had it once and after that just skipped it so i could get PEAK. Atleast there I had magazine to read.

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