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Another fucking thread about turn signals


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So Friday, I'm heading to Mansfield to do my National Guard thing for the weekend. I leave my place in uniform for the drive. I'm just down the road from my place a bit (Kenny and Henderson) and I'm stuck behind a mini van. After the light he's out ahead of the car in the right lane. After a while, I signal and move to the right lane and start to pass him. I'm not speeding or being aggressive at all. My bumper gets even with his rear bumper and he moves right into my lane in front of me with no signal. I'm like, WTF asshole? He's just moseying along. So I signal, and pass him on the left. I get around him and the light up the road goes red. So knowing we are going to be next to each other at the light, I put my window down. He puts up hanging halfway out the window like a thug. I said, " You might want to start using your turn signal." "you just cut me off back there". His reply was "Fuck you". I couldn't believe this guy. He's like Mexican, but with the actions of the Russian mob. I said, "Fuck me"? "Fuck you". Where's your green card mother fucker". He called me a fag and a few other weak things. I told him to shut the fuck up and keep rocking the mini van like the bitch he is.

I know I was being more of a problem than resolving it. I just couldn't believe someone would reply with "fuck you" after they screwed up.


I'm so close to just paint balling mother fuckers that are stupid on the road.


End rant.

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I ran into that Sunday morning coming home from work. This hot chick in an RSX drove all the way from Tuttle to I-71 constantly changing lanes (at least 8-10 times) not once using her's. I backed off after she cut me off twice. Maybe her phone call was more important than using her turn signal.
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I really don't get all high and mighty about the uniform thing. But, this guy, I just could not fucking believe what an asshole he was. It was like he thought the whole world revolved around him. I had an hour + drive ahead of me and I was pissed the whole way. I know that's a bit drastic, but for fuck sake, how do you fuck over a stranger and be so blatantly none caring of the problem?


I would have loved to have paintballed the fuck out of this guy. It would have been so perfect to shut him the fuck up and have him washing the mini van because he's a dumb ass.

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Umm that was me I was taking my boys with me how dare you try to pass me. FUCK YOU!!!!!! FAG!





Had the same thing happen to me a while back was coming to work and got off at the Tuttle exit heading east. Was behind a SUV (the guy actually went through the light and didn't stop and wait for traffic to clear so he could cut arcoss 3 lanes which BTW is my bigest pet peeve :mad: ) we turn on to tuttle I singal to get over in the very left lane. As I start to pass him he decided he wants in my lane as well (my front bumber is already at his drivers door). So I hit my horn and he jerks back into his lane giving me a dirty ass look. So I'm setting in the turn lane he pulls up next to me and yells. "What the fuck is your problem"? MY response was "You ever here of using your fucking turn singal"?

He sat there for a second yealled at me so more. Finally I told him to STFU and move up in line (since there was room for like 4 cars). He resonded with "Fuck You I"m not done with you YET".


All I could was laugh at him which just mad him madder. Then I said," Listen your not going to do anything if you were you would have already so STFU roll you window back up and move on up in line". Ironically enough he did just that. I was like "holy shit". That just made my day.


Once the light changed he waited for me in the line and matched my speed and kept looking over at my until I turned off.

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  Mojoe said:
how do you fuck over a stranger and be so blatantly none caring of the problem?




He probably didn't have insurance and couldn't give a rats ass about a dent on his POS.

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  dragknee66 said:
Joe just for you I will ticket a no turn signal using mofo next time Im working!


Thank you.


"I dedicate this ticket to Mojoe". "It's drivers like you that are going to put a good person in jail for having to paintball your car so everyone knows you're a retard".

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  sciongirl said:
.....Sorry what happened? I was stuck on the "I leave my place in uniform....."


It is pretty nice to look at :-)


Opps.. oh yeah back to the turn signal thing.. lol

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