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wow. more 5/3 horror


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so after the whole checking account card fiasco from what, a month ago?, i was forced to go with 5/3 once again.


few days or a week before the card issue, i went to 5/3 to inquire on auto loan rates. got a set number %, went shopping...dealership i found my car at told me they could match/beat the rate


a week after having the car, they couldnt. go to fith third, get the loan, get everything sorted out w/ the dealership


so its been 3-4 weeks, and i still dont see my loan on my internet banking. my old loan was there like 2 days after i signed papers. so i call today. here is the conversation, pretty much dead on


5/3 : hi, thank you for calling 5/3, name/info please, blah blah...how can i help you?

me : im calling regarding my installment loan i have with you

5/3 : i dont see an installment loan

me : yes, thats the problem. my 1st payment should be due sometime this week, but i cant see it online to transfer funds to make the payment

5/3 : ok, let me search by name... (nothing)...ok, let me call another department and see if they have anything


...hold for 5 min...


5/3 : ok sir, it looks like we haven't received something from the dealership to finalize it on our end. we need you to have the dealership call us.

me : ok, what do they need to send you?

5/3 : we just need them to call us to send over some information

me : ok, so i should call up, and say "hey mr. dealershipman, my bank said you need to call them and send them information, but i have no clue what youre supposed to be sending them" right?

5/3 : yes.


so then, i look like a jackass calling the dealership saying theyre supposed to be sending the bank info, of which i have no clue what it is.


im really convinced that im dealing with the dumbest people 5/3 has to offer, each time i call

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My "go-to" guys at 5/3 have all left and are working for different banks now. Are you dealing with the branch at 70/256?


i opened my checking account there, because it was close to my old job, but i think ive really only been at that location 4-5 times


for the longest time it was the gahanna branch, and since i moved to blacklick, with my work scheule, the branch inside kroger at eastpointe is where i go if i need to talk to someone after hours or on a weekend

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i opened my checking account there, because it was close to my old job, but i think ive really only been at that location 4-5 times


for the longest time it was the gahanna branch, and since i moved to blacklick, with my work scheule, the branch inside kroger at eastpointe is where i go if i need to talk to someone after hours or on a weekend



Move to Huntington... I'm tellin ya

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fuck 5/3 I had fradulate chargtes coming from something my exwife had done on my card I tried to get it stopped and they kept dicling me around well i closed my account and even after i had talked to the branch manager i was assured no more charges would go threw my account and it was clear I got dinged for a 200$ charge i did not catch until it was well over 350$ they would not even discuss the charge with me fuck 5.3
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If the dealer and the bank said you don't own any money, HUSH UP !


I don't have any problems with 5/3. Been my bank since late 2000. I have everything through them except my mortgage. If they would offer me lower APR my mortgage would be with them. I had no issues getting an auto loan. I got a loan before out of one of the branches that is in a Kroger. Actually any loan that I can get they give me a discount since I've been a member for so long, thats what they told me. I got a whole 1% off the APR of my car loan then what it would be if I wasn't a member of the bank.

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Oh there tech support is lame though. I don't even call them anymore. Just go to the bank and talk to a teller. You will be serviced a lot better that way. Back when I overdrafted my checking account 4 times I had 4 $30 fees. I went into the bank and they removed 3 of them.
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no, the dealership said they got the check when i called a couple weeks ago...i called because i got a "sorry we couldnt finance you" letter from 5/3, dated 2 days after i got the loan, but the guy at the dealership said it was probably from when HE tried to apply for me.


so let me clarify, you buy a car with money 5/3 gave you. Then 5/3 says they never gave you any money, but the dealership says they did and you paid for the car already?


its not that theyre saying they didnt give me the money, theyre saying they havent received something from the dealership to finalize it

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i've never had an issue, i swear its the branch/people you're working with. I work with 3 different branches, two of them almost daily, and the people are great, know me by name and are always fast and to the point.
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