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I worked with a guy that smoked salvia a few times and he said it was bterry good but harder to get than weed and the high can last anywhere from 5 minute to 5 hours and it all depends on the person. ?But he did mention that there are different leverls of strenght for it....its legal but maked you trip harder than weed ever could. He described it like being on acid because some of his buddies were saying some f-ed up things and doinf crazy stuff and seeing things that werent really there

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Who you callin "these people"? :lol:

Heard of it, but never tried it. I think you can buy it at Waterbeds.

You know who you are!:lol: I sat and watched 10 or 12 of those fuckers getting ripped, and I just could not believe that could be much fun. Thats coming from someone that has had more than his fair share of a lot of things.

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I have smoked my share of salvia, and I still have some left over from the last time I purchased a few grams. People react to it differently, plus, you will have a rough time depending on your mood and personality. You can buy it at any "head" shop here in Ohio. Also, you will trip harder depending on the dosage. Let's say you take a hit of 10x, which is a lower dose. Sure, you will feel it but my first time I took 40x, along with two of my buddies. Now one of those lads was suffering from depression so he had a bad time, with a few minutes of crying as well.

So now I take a monster hit out of the water-bong, hold my breath and wait. As soon as I exhaled, I just left reality, in about three seconds. Just gone, and what I was seeing could be described as a 2-D cartoon freakshow, with everything in the room suddenly having a life of it's own, and appearing to melt. I forgot I was tripping yet I remained calm. It felt like I was pinned down to the sofa, which is called "salvia gravity" by some people. Then when I came back, I truly thought that I was in another life, like waking up from a long illusion. It wears off in about 12 minutes, give or take. I tripped another two times before calling it a night. It makes you really sweat as well. The potency of salvia, when you take 20x or higher, will surprise you. It's illegal in some states as I write this and Ohio has a bill that would make salvia a Class A substance, like heroin if I'm not mistaken. It's fun every once in awhile as well as not being addicting. Try it but make sure you have someone who won't fuck with your head while you trip. Here is a link to the funniest salvia trip on Youtube...


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