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My new (first) tattoo

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I've been wanting to get a tattoo for a long time but never really could come up with a design I really liked, until my girlfriend made a great suggestion. My grandfather served in the Army in WWII and the Korean wars in the 96th Infantry Division. This group's badge is located on their left shoulder on their uniforms which you can see in the first picture. The second picture is what the badge looks like in color. The third is a crappy picture of mine that I got on Sunday. I got it in the same location as on the uniform and 1:1 size as the actual badge. I thought this would be a good way to honor what he along with all the other solders have done for us. He's never been big on tattoos, but when he sees this one, I hope he likes it and approves.







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Actually the guy is really good but this is a really bad (thus why I said crappy) picture I took with my camera phone. It also hasn't really began to heal yet since it takes at least a week for the colors to come through. It does look really good in person however.


Here's a link to some of the guy's work.

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im not really into the tattoo, looks too amature, but i hope your grandpa likes it (and you, of course)


While the design itself isn't real intricate, I think as long as there's some sort of sentimental reason behind it then it works.


My tat, which i have yet to get, will have an irish collata ring on it. It's my father's wedding band. Anyone who see's it and doesn't know the meaning behind it will probably just see two hands holding a heart... which is just slightly ghey. But I dont care, it will have alot of meaning to me and really that's all its about.



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agreed... tattoos with meaning are great.

its better for you to answer hey whats that tattoo

"it means... blah blah blah... meaning ful something.. blah blah blah"


"i saw it on the wall and it looked sweet"


also its somethign you wont regret..


next time you get a tattoo go check out

Joe Evans at liquid visions, he is owner and tattoo artist. i have been tattooed by 6 different places around ohio, and he is the best. only because he is incredible artist and he works great with a tattoo gun, light hand, great attitude, and an eye for creating a great piece.

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My tattoos (5) have their meanings all on their own. If people are happy with em, it honestly don't have to mean a damn thing. It should, but most the time it don't. For instance, TRAMP STAMPS, the little rose means................. nothing, 75% of gals think it's cute etc.. I like it as a good target.
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Cool, thought should be put into a tattoo as you're more than likely to spend the rest of your life with it. I know some vets/service people do not like someone copying any badges/medals as they didn't "earn" them. But being that he's your grandpa and it's not necessarily a badge of honor, I'm sure he'd appreciate it and that's all that matters. Screw any other humbug who would bitch only to bitch especially after hearing the reason why you did it.
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tattoo on my back is in remembrance of my father(its a jaguar). And my other is on my arm in rememberance of my best friend who died in motorcycle accident(motorcycle tire burning out with a halo and honda wings..)
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