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Who here mountain bikes?

Trouble Maker

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Bought a bike a few months ago, finally got out for the first time today. I don't know why I was so worried about going on my own and waited so long to make time to do it. Did phase I at Alum, had a blast.


I plan to get out there and some other places soon. Who here mountain bikes? Where do you usually go? We should get some people together and get out somewhere sometime and go riding.

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BTW phase II is a little less techincal and a bit faster than phase I



What are you smoking? Maybe if you take all the alternate routes. Phase II is the advanced course while phase I is the intermediate/entry level course.

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Bought a bike a few months ago, finally got out for the first time today. I don't know why I was so worried about going on my own and waited so long to make time to do it. Did phase I at Alum, had a blast.


I plan to get out there and some other places soon. Who here mountain bikes? Where do you usually go? We should get some people together and get out somewhere sometime and go riding.


I go all the time to Alum. I usually start out early in the season hot lapping around the beginner course across the street from phase I to get myself back into shape, then a few slower rides on phase I to get my legs under me, then it's go time for the season. This year though I jumped the gun and went out for the first ride of the season on Phase II. Lost control going down the big curvy downhill at the beginning of the course. Didn't have my brakes and everything set up correctly and locked up my front brake and went over the handlebars. I smashed face first right into a tree and broke 2 bones in my right hand. My hand has hurt too much to ride since then. I am hoping to get out there next week

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There is a amazing bike path at Hoover dam. It runs along the lake and goes quite a distance if you have the energy for it. Amazing and beautiful environment to be in on a nice day.
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Odd, one thing I read (on spoke junkies) said Phase II was more technical.


Going fast on a few of those sections was fun!


I made it over just about ever obstacle I saw, went out of the way to go over them! One I knew was out of my league so I didn't try. They even had a little tree ride (? where they take a tree, cut it in half, stick it lenght wise and you ride on it). I just about fell off when I first got on it so I was pretty pumped I made it over it. A few large obstacles (think trees stacked on trees with trees leading up to them), I didn't get over the first time. But I turned around, got in the right gear and went at the right angle of attack and got them the second time.


I didn't make it up a few of the very steep sections, wrong gear sometimes, didn't have enough weight transfered forward, lost my momentum and lost balance sideways. I'm sure I will get them with experience though.


I'm sure you are more busy than I with a wife and triplets, so let me know when you would like to go and I can try to make time. :) I'm in ok shape right now, I'm sure you won't have a problem keeping up with me. Anyways I have no problem with slowing down a little bit if need be, I'm sure there are plenty of technical things I can learn from being around someone who's done this some.


I wasn't quite finished for the day yet, I wish I would have known that Phase II was 'faster' (less up-down-up-down I assume) I probably would have went and done that too. Probably for the best anyways, I have other things I should be doing later.

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Way outta shape, but we got some mb's a couple weeks ago. Got em together and trying to tune everything now. I know I'm no spring chicken anymore, so I'm not gonna be stupid and hit the hard trails for awhile. Thorne and his wife have some now, but he's waiting for me to get over to help him adjust the gearing, etc.

We'd probably have to set up two groups; newbs/outta shapers & experienced. :D

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Odd, one thing I read (on spoke junkies) said Phase II was more technical.




I wasn't quite finished for the day yet, I wish I would have known that Phase II was 'faster' (less up-down-up-down I assume) I probably would have went and done that too. Probably for the best anyways, I have other things I should be doing later.


Phase II is more technical, TripleThreat has no idea what he is talking about. It is only faster because the majority of the course goes downhill. But the downhills are much more technical. You need to learn how to choose your line before you ride phase II...


Just a teaser pic of phase II



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Phase II is more technical, TripleThreat has no idea what he is talking about. It is only faster because the majority of the course goes downhill. But the downhills are much more technical. You need to learn how to choose your line before you ride phase II...


Just a teaser pic of phase II


I hadn't read your post when I posted. That looks like fun. I'll run Phase I a few more times, but nothing like a trial by fire. I'm sure I will be on Phase II soon enough. :woowoo:

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I hadn't read your post when I posted. That looks like fun. I'll run Phase I a few more times, but nothing like a trial by fire. I'm sure I will be on Phase II soon enough. :woowoo:



Make sure you pick up a map at the trailhead before you go. They have the trail emergency evacuation routes mapped out on them.

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I picked one up already and will be looking over it a little better before I go out next time, regardless of which one I go to.


FYI, I broke a rib skiing in Vermont this last winter (on a Friday), skied out of the glades I was in. Went drinking in Burlington the next night. Was back here the next weekend and it was the last weekend of the season. So I skied here. I'm on ski patrol too. I think I'll be ok. Thanks for the tip though.

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I picked one up already and will be looking over it a little better before I go out next time, regardless of which one I go to.


FYI, I broke a rib skiing in Vermont this last winter (on a Friday), skied out of the glades I was in. Went drinking in Burlington the next night. Was back here the next weekend and it was the last weekend of the season. So I skied here. I'm on ski patrol too. I think I'll be ok. Thanks for the tip though.


Breaking a rib is completely different than shattering an ankle and thinking you have to go 3 miles to get out. Also it's good if you break your bike so you don't have to walk it all the way out. I've seen many many accident's at Alum where you wouldn't be able to walk out. Also I was there when they found a guy half dead on the trail that wrecked his bike early in the morning and was by himself. He laid there for over an hour before anyone found him

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personally phase II didn't feel anymore techical to me. I have riden it a half dozen times. I used to like on phase I before i was even called that and there was no set route to follow. but anyway. I want to go ride the coming Sat. 16th. we can do I or II.


Unforantantly it will be my first time out so it will be a slow ride if you like we can do both.

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Breaking a rib is completely different than shattering an ankle and thinking you have to go 3 miles to get out. Also it's good if you break your bike so you don't have to walk it all the way out. I've seen many many accident's at Alum where you wouldn't be able to walk out. Also I was there when they found a guy half dead on the trail that wrecked his bike early in the morning and was by himself. He laid there for over an hour before anyone found him


You completely missed my point.


Once I get a better bike I will get back into it.


Let me know if you need help shopping. I went to just about every shop in town checking out their selection and seeing if I liked the shops. I honestly don't know very much about the different bikes/components, but I think I got a really good feel for which shops I would ever buy anything from and which shops I wouldn't buy a $10 part from even if I knew they were losing money on it.

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Ive been to phase 2 3 times this week and phase 1 twice. I think phase 2 is more technical because of the logs that you have to get over. I hate just walking over them because it ruins my momentum. Phase 1 seems faster to me because of the couple longer downhill parts. Also phase 2 seems more dangerous since the trail is on the edge of a cliff. Is there going to be a CR meet up there sometime?
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Is there going to be a CR meet up there sometime?


Name a time... I work m-f 9-5. Way outside chance, but you don't happen to drive a yellow focus do you? I (try if I have time to) spin on Monday and Wednesdays and try to run one or two other days. I'll happily switch spinning out for a real ride.


How's sometime on Saturday the 23rd or Sunday the 24th sound for everyone? Give people a few weeks if they need to get their bikes ready. I very well may go up next weekend too, if anyone wants to go. 23rd or 24th is just an idea for everyone to go. I'm out of town the next two weekends after that (30th, 1st and 7th, 8th).

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