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house pets killing every other living thing!


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OK, so a few months ago we started letting our indoor cats Kibbles and Bitz outside to have a little more freedom. Everything was cool until about a month an a half ago. I think I may have started the blood lust with my girls. My backyard had a major mole problem so I caddy shacked the little bastards (garden hose down the hole). Thinking if nothing else they will drown. Well they survived and came out of hiding. Bitz has been the major killer of the two but now Kibbles is starting to catch on. So far we have had more than a dozen moles, at least a dozen chipmunks, an entire rabbit family, several birds and one mouse killed and left on our back doormat. Cute at first that they are killing all of the pests in the yard now I am getting more concerned. Tonight I walked outback and they were stalking a Raccoon that was digging through my composter. They are up to date on their shots so they should be good but this little raccoon looks pretty scrappy. Any thoughts? I have tried to keep them in but they are not having it.



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its normal we had a cat do the same thing. every couple days would find a mouse or chimpmonk on the back stepps. Vet told us it was normal was the cats natural instinct to hut. the fact it never ate what it killed was due to the fact we feed him too well.
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I don't think they are eating them... just playing with them.... killing them and playing some more... However some of the bodies have been presented and then taken away again. So I'm not sure if they are eating them. We feed them a ton so they really should not need to eat them. I am going to go get worming medicine just to make sure thou
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keep the coons at bay....they will tear the cats up. we had one in our garage one time and I thought I was going to get him out......not alive I wasn't....not without some serious firepower. I ended up pepper spraying him and he still didn't leave, but got really foamy and extremely pissed off. I never knew they growled and went on like that. :eek:


he eventually walked out but I had to leave the door open about 12" that night. freaky shit he was.

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If you cats manage to kill the coon you should breed more of them. Coons bigger and wilder than most domestic cats. Cats love to hunt and they are bringing you back presents. I can wait to get moved into my house so I can get some cats just for that reason. I love watching them eat entire rabbits. Its really funny when they are laying out in the yard trying to cough up the feet and hair.


On a different note, My neighbor used to raise coons and one day he was walking down the road with the momma on his back hanging around his neck and another neighbor drove by and honked at him. Wow he was a bloody mess by the time he got the coon off his back. His back looked like someone took a rake to him.



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I had a big ass cat that used to stalk and kill coons and possums. This thing fought everything that moved. He's was battle scarred and wicked. But listened everytime I called, etc and was always the sweetest cat to me. I wouldn't have worried about the coon anyway. The coon only wants to get away unless it's protecting young. And if the cat's getting it's ass whipped, it'll run. The coon has no reason to chase it.
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My neighbors love our cats, because they keep rabbits and other vermin out of all teh gardens..


We are are so lucky for all our neighbors. THey are car people, pet people and all busy bodies so we all know who's in town and out fo town.. (totally beside teh point)


They are cats. They will Kill. its good for them, but try to bring them in at night.. thats the most dangerous time for a cat.

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A full sized coon will destroy your cats. I've watched coons kill walker dogs before


Was it a puppy? ;) My cousin has enough coon dogs and dog hunting trophies throughout the years to fill a whole house and has never had a dog go down to coons. That doesn't mean they can't do some damage, but no more than any other animal of that size w/claws and fangs and again, I've seen cat take a coon out. Granted, Smokey was one of the biggest domesticated cats you've ever seen. And I don't mean overfed. The biggest thing to worry about is wild animals w/rabies, like a raccoon. Then they have the crazies and may attack w/a completely different vigor.


All the debating aside, if you want to let them go out, you're going to have to trust them to take care of themselves and know that one day you may need a trip to the vet. I can't count the amount of outside cats I've had especially when I lived on my own property and very rarely have I ever had to treat an injured cat. It's either that or they become 'inside' cats.

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Was it a puppy? ;) My cousin has enough coon dogs and dog hunting trophies throughout the years to fill a whole house and has never had a dog go down to coons. That doesn't mean they can't do some damage, but no more than any other animal of that size w/claws and fangs and again, I've seen cat take a coon out. Granted, Smokey was one of the biggest domesticated cats you've ever seen. And I don't mean overfed. The biggest thing to worry about is wild animals w/rabies, like a raccoon. Then they have the crazies and may attack w/a completely different vigor.


All the debating aside, if you want to let them go out, you're going to have to trust them to take care of themselves and know that one day you may need a trip to the vet. I can't count the amount of outside cats I've had especially when I lived on my own property and very rarely have I ever had to treat an injured cat. It's either that or they become 'inside' cats.



West Virginia coons are meaner? Dunno. These were full sized hounds.

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