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ER visit question


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Just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question..


Say a person needs to go to the ER for surgery, but the person doesn't have a job or insurance. How does the bill for the surgery, ER visit, etc get paid? Is the person still liable for all charges? If this person doesn't have a job, insurance, or any income, how are they suppose to pay?

I mean, the ER can't refuse someone because of no insurance or income, right? So, who picks up the tab?

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i believe its just billed to you.

and then you will have a debt until its payed off. your still responsible for it until the debt is payed. and will be on your credit history.


a temp at work has tons of medical bills from a tumor and he didnt have a job at the time.

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Yeah they just bill you. My wife had no insurance a few years ago and when she went to the ER I'm still paying a few grand off from all the tests they ran to come back and tell her that her sugar was just screwed up.
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I had to go about 7 months ago for a cyst on my ovaries thought i was having appendicitis issue. The bill was $10,000 all together then at the time i was there i applied for financial aide bc i didnt have insurance. They ended up paying $6,000 of it. SO im still left with 4 grand to pay off but better then 10 grand!! Good luck
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Hey, what if you go into Mitchells and order and eat and then just leave, who gets the bill? That is called theft.


Seriously, you give them your information and they bill you. You don't get the insurance company's negotiated rates you pay full rack rate. If you don't pay they send you to a collection agency. You can go to the hospital administration and negotiate a payment schedule.

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if you have no income and can provide proof and its nto 30 gabigillion $$ they withh charge it off as charity (i had to do this about 5 yrs ago for all my back problems) but you can have had a job for like 3 months or so i think
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the hospital eats the cost---period. we deal with homeless people constantly. where do we send their bill?? to the bridge under west broad st.???


i've had people come into my clinic and ask about their $30,000 bill from surgery that they received. the hospital works with them to reduce the cost, and they end up not paying for it.

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the hospital eats the cost---period. we deal with homeless people constantly. where do we send their bill?? to the bridge under west broad st.???


i've had people come into my clinic and ask about their $30,000 bill from surgery that they received. the hospital works with them to reduce the cost, and they end up not paying for it.


Ok, so let's say this person is not homeless. They are able to make their house payment, plus utilitites, plus living costs (food, gas, water, electric, car payments, etc). So if this person was to go to the ER, does the ER collect financial information, like how much this person has in their bank accounts, etc? If the ER doesn't collect this information, does the person just not pay the bill and it will be picked up by tax payers? Or what?

I'm hoping this person finds a job soon that offers insurance, but if not, the problem could become life threatening soon. I'm just trying to keep this person from dieing.

Should I just call the ER and ask them how it's handled?

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Ok, so let's say this person is not homeless. They are able to make their house payment, plus utilitites, plus living costs (food, gas, water, electric, car payments, etc). So if this person was to go to the ER, does the ER collect financial information, like how much this person has in their bank accounts, etc? If the ER doesn't collect this information, does the person just not pay the bill and it will be picked up by tax payers? Or what?

I'm hoping this person finds a job soon that offers insurance, but if not, the problem could become life threatening soon. I'm just trying to keep this person from dieing.

Should I just call the ER and ask them how it's handled?



if they need to go to the hospital, they need to go, regardless of insurance/money. this is why are health care system is fucked. people don't have family doctors to deal with routine problems until they get way out of hand, and become emergencies. there are plenty of clinics around town that cater to the uninsured

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If it is as bad as you are making it out to be, there shouldn't be a question, go and get it fixed. Worry about paying for it later. After you get the bill, there should be something on the back about how to reduce your bill if you meet certin finanical guidelines (below poverty level). I think in this case if you have no income, it is bascially done for free and they end up billing Medicare or eating the cost. Basically all hospitals have a "insurance" to cover to costs in situations like this, so they won't be out much money if any at all.
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I went to the hospital when I didnt have healthcare a few years ago (albeit i wasnt AWARE I didnt have healthcare at the time). What everyone said was correct, if they KNOW they can't pay it/dont have health insurance then they can work out a payment plan with the hospital and possibly get some of the cost taken off so its at least a manageable amount. As long as they contact the HOSPITALS COLLECTION AGENCY IMMEDIATLY, and they dont let it go to a third party collection's agency they SHOULD be ok. This is how it was explained to me a few years ago.
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