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So I went to the Bahamas last week...

Trouble Maker

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... and my first post on every board I'm on was going to be how you should never fly US Airways because it took me a day and a half to get there when I was supposed to fly out at 7 and get there at 2:20 the same day. But it was worth it after the fact.


My Aunt and Uncle who live near Daytona Beach have a boat that the took over with my Mom and Dad for a few weeks before that. My Mom and Aunt don't help take the boat over because things happen like on this trip when we were 30+NM from any piece of land and we went through a storm we had just seen produce a waterspout and there were easily gale force sustained winds while we were going through it. So I went over and helped bring the boat back. But it was still worth it because I caught a larger fish than probably any of you or anyone you know...




It's called a Wahoo or Ohauo (sp?), and it supposed to be a pretty rare fish that's mostly solitare and one of the fastest in the sea. We don't know how much it weighed because the biggest scale we had on board only went to 30lbs. We did measure it's girth and height which were 60" long and 22.5" around. I guess you can estimate weight from this but my Uncle hadn't found his book to look it up by the time I left. I could barely lift it with that rope, we were guessing ~60lbs.


The lure I caught it with. Also, my uncle had just taken 4-5 hours a few nights before and rebuilt the reel that was on the pole I used to bring it in. It was probably the largest pole he had. It was supposed to be for 40-60lb. line (the pole) and he had put 80lb. line on it. Probably any other pole that was out of the back of the boat trolling wouldn’t have been able to bring this fish in. Some credit definitely goes to him for setting that rig up.



The ‘dive’ platform off of the back of the boat where the poles normally are when we are trolling with the boat and were we were at when bringing the fish in.



Finally where we stayed that night and got to eat part of that fish, and it taste incredible. This island is called Moran Cay in the Abacos of the Bahams. It’s pretty far North East in the islands.



Some dolphins playing in the bow wake the next day. I have a really cool video of this but I’ve never done anything with compressing/hosting video before so I’ll get that up in a bit.



I have a ton more pics too, I'll post a few more up when I get a chance.

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I wanna see the pics of the cabana boy you told me you had the fling with. What was his name again...Manuel? You know the one who gave you the "largest pole"!


Anyway. Nice fish. I took good care of your sister while you were gone.



Hi, My name is Mike. I'll be slapping you around for the next few minutes.




Glad to to see you had fun Jesse.

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awesome pics jesse. i was there with my ex a few years ago. probably the most beautiful area to be in. atlantis was awesome too. glad you had fun! we had issues on the airlines too but it is worth it
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Nice, the wife and I go on winter cruises to the bahamas. Much nicer than January in Ohio. I'd love to sail there on a small boat though. That would truely be a vacation to me except my wife would probably hate it.



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I am US Air silver and stopped flying them because they hate their customers and the fact they have to transport said customers. Strange because that is their business I know but it is true.


I fly Delta (not much better but consistant) mostly.


Nice fish, my question is if you know it is rare, did you throw it back?

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