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This guy just needs shot.


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and I ask again if it even makes sense to keep people like this alive in prison....we should be executing at least 75% of the trash that is costing us so much time, money and space, not to mention the air they breath. I'll take killing a few innocent folks if we can knock out 75% of the total at large. our system is flawed, that's a fact.




Attempted Murder

etc.....should equal death upon conviction. no apeals, bs or anything. sorry but goodnight and kiss the devil for us all. lights out period!

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I say they should get a very sharp knife and a blow torch. Start at his toes, and everytime a body part is cut off use the blow torch to seal it (so that he doesnt bleed to death). If done properly by the time they get done he will be alive with no arms, legs, ears, genitals, etc. Then you make him live the rest of his life like that...
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It truly is ridiculous, this guy needs to go. Good behavior? Now there's an oxymoron.

He'd never be able to join society as a good tax paying samaritan. Yes our laws leave waaay to much to be desired - I'd volunteer to do the deed for the courts if they'd let me -

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yea... you cant shoot somone who does this crap... i agree with letting mum have her way with this one.



just somone better be there to make sure she takes her time... thats absolutly rediculess that they let somone like that BACK into society...


worst part about it is they probibly wont kill him.. and what is it like 100k(for a year) worth of tax dollars goes to this guys three meals a day with cable fucking tv?


i know its like 40-60k(for a year) for some low rent like druggie in jail i dont know about people who live the rest of there lives on death row.


whats wrong with the govt giving the NRA some moving targets? most of the guys on there deserve it n e ways.

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Where are all the bleeding heart death penalty nay-sayers now? He was let out for good behaviour and made such an overwhelming impact on our society as a good samaratin didn't he? For crimes like this prison for any amount of time is not a deserving punishment. We need stricter laws to keep animals like this from coming back into society. We also need to take an eye for an eye approach to let people know that killing innocent people will no longer be tolerated in our civilization.


Remember kids the Death Penalty prevents 100% of repeat offenders.

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