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Question to those in the Service


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I am not currently in but when I was I liked the Submarines, since that is what I worked on. I liked small deployed numbers so you get to work more as a team. Those 5000 person carriers don't really get that feeling.
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Comanders having penis masuring contests over who is in charge, policies and regulations that contradict each other, slackers that use the regulations like they where a bottom of the barrel UAW member trying to not work and still keep getting paid.

But fuckit, you have this in any orginization, military or not.

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Guest Scooter

I've been in the National Guard for the last 7 years. I've been on three deployments, one to Lima, OH to the Lima Army Tank Plant facility (got to play in the tanks, and the-then prototype AAV/Stryker vehicles), one to Rickenbacker Air Force Base (these don't really count, but hey, I was on federal orders) and last to Germany for a year and a half (sweeeeeeet). If you ever get a chance to hit the Autobahn, I RECOMMEND it! I was going around 150 miles per hour in a 5 series BMW (that I paid 300 US dollars for) and I was GETTING PASSED LIKE I WAS SITTING STILL by Porches, new Beemers, Audis, and other vehicles. Talk about a RUSH!


Downside? Lets see... Incompetant leaders. Lots of them. They think they are the bomb, but are complete retards. Power trips and the like. Some regulations can be pretty crappy at times when dealing with certain troops that know how to get around everything and not get in trouble... Depending on your Occupation (infantry, military police, cook, etc), you can either see no deployments, or a ton. Luck of the draw I suppose.


All in all, I love the Army, they pay for 100% college tuition (actually, they give me an extra $1000 a month just to go to school, on top of free tuition). You meet some cool people, and some not cool people. But if you have nothing else to do with your life, by all means, join the military! It will change your perspective on some things, whether good or bad.

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I am currently in Security Forces tech school for the Air Force. I graduated basic in july and I still have untill the end of october to go. So far I love it. It is just like anything else or any other job there is still bullshit. I am definatly looking to persue my career even farther and I hope to go to sniper school within the next year. Feel free to let me know if you have questions. I know I havent really experienced a lot of the operational side of things but I can tell you anything that I do know.
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I don't think you're going to have as much as you think you will.


ditto, a friend just got out, she was in for 4 years, its not all the icing on the cake that they make it seem to be.

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Guest Scooter
You don't get paid jack shit. That sums it up.


Maybe you didn't. When I was in Germany, we were getting $3000 in Per Diem a month. THAT IS TAX FREE. I was clearing around $5500 a month AFTER taxes. Not bad for a 24 year old with no college.


Not to mention the free health care and free apartment. One man apartment. No barracks for me! NCOs lead the way, haha!

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Roughly 900bucks a month after taxes, but you dont pay for shit....so thats 900bucks a month to blow on whatever the fuck I feel like.


You are to young to know better at this point in your life.


There are things you will do down the road with some rank that you can/will NEVER be repaid for. You sacrifice a lot and pay is really NOTHING when you look back at it. I make 4 x what you make and my reenlistment bonus is $90k right and I still wouldn't reenlist... :nono:


I am glad I joined the Air Force but it's time for me to move on to something else.


For those that stay in and retire, I'm glad you can take the BS. There are so many changes going on right now, I won't put my family through it any longer than I have to (7-months left). There is a lot more to it than that but I don't have the time tonight to type a book... :cool:

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well then teach me,....cause I have friends in the different services and they dont pay for boarding and food plus no bills. So other then those what would I have to pay for.


Now that I have reread your post, what branch are you going in and what's your job?


Don't get me wrong, the military is great for a lot of people and one of the best things I ever did so don't take what I posted the wrong way. I feel it's just time for me to move on.


Make sure you sign up for the GI Bill and get into TSP as soon as possible. Don't forget USAA and a few others. Lots of great things from the military so don't let this thread change your thoughts.


P.S....be ready to be seen as one of the "old guys" in basic training... :p

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Got-Busa how many years you got in the Air Force? I just passed 5 years and I agree the way it is changing and such, I don't know if I want to stay in and deal with the constant BS.


As Busa said what is you AFSC (job) going to be? Some work harder than others and deal with alot less BS, honestly I think the finance and personnel people have it made everyone knows they mess everything up so they aren't even expected to do their jobs. SAVE EVERY PIECE OF PAPER CONCERNING YOUR CAREER, THEY WILL LOSE IT AND YOU WILL BE S.O.L!!!


Pay is all about what you have going out, yes that $900 is yours to spend but cable, cell phone, car payment, insurance, ect. all adds up very quickly. My advise get a cheap beater car that is paid off and cheap on insurance. Get a pre-paid cell phone or a cheap plan (home phone is worthless in the dorms but you will need a phone for recalls). Get the GI Bill and TSP as said earlier, and save what you can. Or you can be the cool guy in the dorms with a brand new car, expensive phone, awesome home theatre for your 10x10 room, and also your the guy that has to beg for rides because he can't afford to put gas in his new car, lives paycheck to paycheck racking up debt on his Star card until the next payday, ect.


The military is all about what you make of it, but there is some good advice being thrown out from those that have gone through it already. I have seen the guy that saves everything and gets out after 4 years with a nice nest-egg and college under his belt ready to be successful. I have also seen the guy that buys a brand new Corvette but can't drive it because he can't afford the gas or the insurance and is so far in debt that his commander kicks him out and he is screwed, the choice is yours.


Almost forgot: Yes you don't really pay for the dorms or the chow hall (DFAC?? Sorry Services its the damn Chow Hall!!) However you also don't get paid BAH and BAS, because that is what is paying for your dorm room, and chow hall. The $251 (or whatever it is now) for your BAS is what goes towards your trips to the chow hall, and that BAH that your entitled is what is paying your dorm room (BAH is variable by location and rank). So in reality you do pay for it but you don't actually see the money. Also I can assure you that you won't eat at the chow hall every meal, but you still won't see any of that BAS if you choose to eat at Mcdonalds or Burger King that comes out of your pocket, another thing that chips away at the $900 for you.

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Currently Active Duty in the Air Force here stationed in Georgia. I do satellite communications in a combat comm unit and absolutely hate it. Between squadron commanders blowing smoke up everyones ass, and having their pissing contests while working us to death, you realize they dont really care about anyone under them. You have no rights really to independent thinking, not to mention the Air Force is trying to trim down the number of people this then pretty much screws you if you get in trouble Ive seen 4 of my friends kicked out in the past year due to being late, having parties, or failing PT tests. I deploy 4 months(were enabler unit so we dont fall under the normal AFI) every year and constantly have exercises to remote parts of steaming georgia, and constant inspections, and the job I had 4 years ago isnt the same job I have now(Meaning as the air force changed so did the responsibilties of my afsc). Ive done security forces augmentee(hated it- they eat they're own, and the deployments suck also was "voluntold" to do this), Honor Guard (by far the easiest three months you can have). Lastly my AFSC is satellite communications but on top of that you have additional duties(paperwork programs that dont make much sense), making sure i dont go non-progression on training even though Im fully qualified, what the hell? Superivising troops, writing eprs, keeping excellent on pt scores, always moving furniture or vehicles every week which qualifies me as a 'custodial engineer', landscaping around our building cause the contractors are not required to do it, maitaining shiny boots when I build pallets every week, maintaing a nice looking uniform with starch even though its about 100 degrees and at least 80% humidity everyday, having to wear a hat all the time outside in this hundred degrees wether its to smoke a cig or work, and lastly that i have for my soap box today having to wear mop 4 chem gear today for 4 hours outside to fulfill some requirement.

- And another note PT test scores are messed up even if youare the most athletic person and max out push-ups, sit-ups, the mile n half run, but dont have a 32 inch waist you cant score a 100% even if your like 7'. I had a friend lose his job cause of this, he didnt max out all categories but would have been marginal, but do to his size his waist would of never made it down to a 32 and they dragged him through the mud for a year slowing taking rank and eventually kicked him out, this was a guy who had firewall 5 EPRs. I dont know how it is at other places for Robins AFB is the only place ive been for 4 years, still have 2 to go, but that is the trend here. Wish anyone else the best, but if i could do it all over again i think i would have gone guard or just struggled to pay bills through college.

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Almost forgot cant move out of the dorms now until 3 years in and stuck with crappy chow hall food. And if your droms were like mine no ALCOHOL ALLOWED it sucks. But hey you have a free place to live - kind of, got to pay for cable -. So you make about 1200-1300 a month for 3 years while having a car payment, cell phone, cable, internet, insurance at least I did and I wont lie I struggled paycheck to paycheck. Well I could of avoided this be getting married, (not gonna happen). Also co-workers come from all walks of life mostly it seems like the kids I picked on in high school (yes i was/am an asshole to some individuals), just dont have a certain idea of the kind of people your gonna meet cause when it comes down to it you have to work with kids that cant take care of themselves, alot of people with bad higene, a couple virgins into their young 20's (3 in my shop), supervisors with no balls, women that arent much of anything outside of the Air Force but when they enter these guys hype them up so much they think thery're actually hot, and constant talk of WOW, and all the dam safety precautions to everything.

Its all in your personality and my honestly doesnt fit well, I would leave (like i said its not hard to get out) but I want to clear my debt before I take a step back into the civilian world which I truly miss. so if you join think about everything I lost my scholarship and jumped in without thinking and have regretted my choice ever since. But hey at least the Air Force has taught me a maketable skill that I can use once back in the civilian life.

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^^^ I have seen that situation all to many times in the Air Force. Some have good expieriences some have bad. It's all about what YOU make it though. Nobody but you is incharge of your career, just some have to work harder at it than others. Sucks about your buddies being kicked out, but I myself am getting ready to boot someone who is constantly late, if this had been a real job he would have been fired a long time ago, but the Air Force does give you chances, chances to excell, and chances to fail. It is ALL ON YOU!
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We are different creatures, and all the Chow Hall food is the exact same everywhere you go (Air Force bases anyway) it is all about how they prepare the food though. In Korea the main Chow Hall SUCKED!! really really bad, but on the other side of base the flight line chow hall was awesome, same food just prepared better. Honestly though the best food I had was in Basic Training, everything after that just doesn't compare. Navy food sucks giant donkey balls, I ate salads everyday when I was stationed at a Navy base for 3 months. Salads were the only thing they could not screw up! They screwed up RICE for crying out loud, freaking RICE!!
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I haven't bitched about 4 months. Only thing I get upset about is other branches bitch "oh the Air Force only does 4 months, blah, blah, blah". Well yeah dumbass, thats how long our planes are there. We are there to support the planes, well used to be anyway. Now some of our career fields, mine included, are picking up the slack that the Army can't handle, like convoys. Not that the Army isn't capable, but they are spread too thin. So be thankful that the Air Force is stepping out of THIER responsibility to help you guys out, otherwise your 12-15 month tours over there would seem SHORT.
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