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Cat owners: step in


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My girlfriend and her cat recently moved into my house and since that time, he's been scratching the shit out of my stuff. We bought some of those "soft paws" but they don't work for shit. I'm about to end him, so before I murder her kitty, someone give me the name of their vet so I can get his ass de-clawed. I just called one place (Easton Animal Hospital) and they quoted me $250 just for the front paws. I know there's a better price out there.
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Call the spade and nutor clinic. My wife is not home or I would ask her. I agree my 1 cat is declawed and the other is not. Even though in general he's a good cat man he can shredd the shit out of things and damn when he hopes on your lap with claws out OUCH.
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You can trim their claws also, and that would be free. Its what I do with my cats because declawing is starting to be looked at as inhumane. To trim their claws you just use a nail clipper or you can buy one at a pet store made for cats, but a regular one works fine. You just have to use the clippers side-ways on the cats nails from how we trim our nails if that makes sense to you.
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You can trim them? Didn't think of that. Yes, we have the pet trimmers and if he would actually let us trim them on a regular basis, it might not be such an issue. Let's not start the humane vs. inhumane debate please. It's a medical procedure just like having them neutered, so I'm fine with having it done.
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you just have to clip them at the right time. my cat never has given me a problem with clipping his claws. i just wait until he is chilled out and comes up to lie on my lap or something.


you only need to do the fronts, dont worry about the rears. they dont use their rear claws to tear up the couch or anything.

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Let's not start the humane vs. inhumane debate please. It's a medical procedure just like having them neutered, so I'm fine with having it done.


its actually a little bit more than that... dont think of it like having your fingernails removed... its more like having the entire tip of your finger down to the first knuckle removed...

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You can trim their claws also, and that would be free. Its what I do with my cats because declawing is starting to be looked at as inhumane. To trim their claws you just use a nail clipper or you can buy one at a pet store made for cats, but a regular one works fine. You just have to use the clippers side-ways on the cats nails from how we trim our nails if that makes sense to you.



actually the laser procedure is considered more humane (of a procedure) than spaying is. The kitty bleeds a bit afterwards, but other than that they are fine. DO NOT get the surgery, that is an actual amputation of the claws, the laser just burns the claws really far back then they cauterize a flap of skin over it so that they never grow back.


Edit- Take the cat to Refugee Canyon in Hebron, they do the laser for the fronts for about $150

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well, being that i just went thru this last month, i will say


the prices you are being quoted are no where near what people are saying. maybe they got em done for that price years ago, but not now. i actually called probably 12 places, most of them menioned above.


the place on billingsley wanted to update all their shots, give them this and that, do bloodwork, before the declaw ever happened. this place would have been 550-600$ for 2 cats, declaw only (no exaggeration)


the place on hamilton anthony is talking about will only do cats up to 2 years, and its 140$...i almost went here but 1 cat is 1 year old and the other is about 4.


every other place was about 120-160, and anywhere you go, they have to be updated on vaccines and rabies


i ended up taking my cats to the vet behind olive garden and the aquarium cafe, got them both rabies/vaccines shots for 104$. that was the cheapest i could find


for the declaw, i went to OSU. it was 264 for both, with pain medication patches, and they hold onto em for 2 days. i took them in on a monday, and picked them up wed night. OSU was really good to them, and was good in explaining everything to me about how to care for them afterwards


btw, i got them both declawed because they tore up my old furniture and we just dropped 1100$ on a new couch

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well, being that i just went thru this last month, i will say


the prices you are being quoted are no where near what people are saying. maybe they got em done for that price years ago, but not now. i actually called probably 12 places, most of them menioned above.


the place on billingsley wanted to update all their shots, give them this and that, do bloodwork, before the declaw ever happened. this place would have been 550-600$ for 2 cats, declaw only (no exaggeration)


the place on hamilton anthony is talking about will only do cats up to 2 years, and its 140$...i almost went here but 1 cat is 1 year old and the other is about 4.


every other place was about 120-160, and anywhere you go, they have to be updated on vaccines and rabies


i ended up taking my cats to the vet behind olive garden and the aquarium cafe, got them both rabies/vaccines shots for 104$. that was the cheapest i could find


for the declaw, i went to OSU. it was 264 for both, with pain medication patches, and they hold onto em for 2 days. i took them in on a monday, and picked them up wed night. OSU was really good to them, and was good in explaining everything to me about how to care for them afterwards


btw, i got them both declawed because they tore up my old furniture and we just dropped 1100$ on a new couch



Got it done in April

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I wont debate at all. Just give you a ..


There are ways around this. Could the cat just be adjusting to its new environment? How long have they lived with you?


Trimming a cats claws is a great way of taking care of this, if you or she dont feel comfortable doing it, most vets will only charge like 15 bucks to do it.. and you can have it done as often as you like.

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I wont debate at all. Just give you a ..

There are ways around this. Could the cat just be adjusting to its new environment? How long have they lived with you?


He did this in her old place (3 years) and completely destroyed her Ikea bed. It's not new behavior.

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Spay and neuter, sheesh Bill, learn the fucking spellcheck feature.


Tim, it's $40 for the declawing procedure at the clinic.

I used it all the damn time now, Mike showed me how to use it. But I was not sure what the word was supposed to be.

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