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Mekafire passed away in his sleep?


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For anyone mad that their posts were edited, you never know who is looking at this site, what friends or family are here, I feel we don't need to upset family and friends. Have some respect please. Maybe I shouldn't have edited them but I did. It just felt wrong reading it the way it was worded......



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I stopped breathing 40+ times a night.

I was diagnosed with it this year and I had surgery (tonsils and adenoids removed, Uvula removed, and a deviated septum corrected) in Jan. I no longer have it I was re-tested in may.


I have just been diagnosed as well, and it has taken a heavy toll on my health. I am repeatedly missing work. It feels as though I am slowly dying when I am awake. I to am at 40+ an hour. Thats right stop breathing 40 x's an hour. Waiting to get a cpap? machine to hopefully get this shit fixed. I am surprised you went with the surgery. I was told it is most times just a temporary fix. If it wasnt for the fact that my wife tells me to start breathing most nights I probably wouldnt.

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I have just been diagnosed as well, and it has taken a heavy toll on my health. I am repeatedly missing work. It feels as though I am slowly dying when I am awake. I to am at 40+ an hour. Thats right stop breathing 40 x's an hour. Waiting to get a cpap? machine to hopefully get this shit fixed. I am surprised you went with the surgery. I was told it is most times just a temporary fix. If it wasnt for the fact that my wife tells me to start breathing most nights I probably wouldnt.

As in my case and in others the machine doesn't always work I even tried adding providgl(sp?)

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my name is adam zabkar i drive the white corvette. i was close friend with chris schnell. Here is the real story, my friend matt went over to chris's house thursday night and found him passed away in his bed sleeping around 9PM. His mom knows and is back in Columbus, if you would like any more details/information, please contact me at 378-4355. Please keep him in your hearts and prayers. Thanks



my number was wrong before its now correct. feel free to call me for information.

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If anybody comes out tonight I say a prayer would be in good order for a fallen CR comrad and his family. I will have a candle in his behalf. If anybody else wants to follow suit feel free!

I will have one with me man. cya tonight.




Hold me a spot in the big drag strip in the sky.

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I stopped breathing 40+ times a night.

I was diagnosed with it this year and I had surgery (tonsils and adenoids removed, Uvula removed, and a deviated septum corrected) in Jan. I no longer have it I was re-tested in may.


Both my brother's have it, I dont. Its mostly related to being over-weight. Alot of NFL linemen have it also. My brother wears this "thing", for lack of a better term" on his nose that constantly push's moist air through his nose, it looks fuckin stupid but he says he sleeps better now than he ever did before.

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Ok, enough with the sleep apnea posts for now (even though I started the idea). Let's help Chris' family and friend's get back on track.


I've made and stickied a topic in here if anyone would like to help CR with a flower arrangement for his family.

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Wow... I read through this whole thread hoping that someone would come and say they fooled us all. This is truly one of the sadest days I've experienced in recent years. Chris was an awesome guy and a true enthuasist. I feel so helpless.
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I stopped breathing 40+ times a night.

I was diagnosed with it this year and I had surgery (tonsils and adenoids removed, Uvula removed, and a deviated septum corrected) in Jan. I no longer have it I was re-tested in may.

How much does the surgery suck? I have Sleep Apnea but I haven't considered surgery yet.


Sorry to bring up the Sleep Apnea thing (Ant. I didn't read your post until after I responded). Ben, can you reply by PM?


RIP Mekkafire.

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Alright here's some more info: As said Chris Schnell was found thursday the 23rd by some of our friends deceased in his bed. He had been hanging out with my roommate Ray at Spice bar tuesday night talking DJ stuff and trying to break into the DJ scene more. He was a good musician(i'll be linking everyone to his last mix that he made shortly) and en enthusiast of motorsports, he was in the process of rebuilding his Mr2 turbo.


I'm not going to speculate what caused his death until we hear the autopsy report, but he DID have Epilepsy which may have contributed to his death. Again let's wait for final word of what really happened. Chris will be greatly missed.


Chris has a couple of my space pages, 1 under his name and also as "Djkiddquikk" that you can communicate through. He also was the founder of "Columbusstreetracing.net".


My heart and prayers are with him and his family, Ben Senft

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