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Illness...this is new

Science Abuse

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Fever: had that

Weakness: always with fever.

Sore throat: nothing new

Gas: Ha, daily!

Abdominal cramp....thats new.

For the last 3 days, I've felt like I just ran a mile on a full stomach; persistent cramp-like pain just below the ribs on my right side. Not the usual diahrea-type gas pains.


Anyone else had this?

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What color is your poop?

Pink and purple, just like all liberals. :cool:

Its normal but soft, and I bet it will be going fluid as the day goes on. That's my vote for this ailment, anyways.


do you still have your appendix?

I do, but this isn't in near the appendix. Fever et al doesn't accompany appendicitis, though.

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Go eat a 1/4 pounder, and if it get worse, it most likely the gallbladder.


BTW... your poop should be a dark brown color. Not light brown, if it is light you are not getting enough bile into the small intestine. Therefore you have large amounts of gas and stool that loose.

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Definitely not appendicitis. Though the location of the cramp is spot on for the gaul bladder.

I did notice that drinking a small amount of 17% ABV spiced mead relieved the pain for a bit (no, didn't get me drunk). No jaundice, but still signs of the body fighting an infection.

Rather than suffer ingestion of any mcdonalds food, I may just drink some whole milk or something. :rolleyes:

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Definitely not appendicitis. Though the location of the cramp is spot on for the gaul bladder.

I did notice that drinking a small amount of 17% ABV spiced mead relieved the pain for a bit (no, didn't get me drunk). No jaundice, but still signs of the body fighting an infection.

Rather than suffer ingestion of any mcdonalds food, I may just drink some whole milk or something. :rolleyes:

Anything fatty will do it.

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Just because there is pain in the gaul bladder area does not mean it is the gaul bladder. My wife went through this. The problem would come and go. The doctors thought it was the gaul bladder but because of the crappy insurance that her parents had, they never got around to doing anything about it. After we got married it started up again and they finally did some tests on her. They did the gaul bladder attack test and it came back ok. They did a scope down her throat and discovered she had a herina right above her stomach and a nasty case of acid reflux.
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They did a scope down her throat and discovered she had a herina right above her stomach and a nasty case of acid reflux.

In related news, I chopped a cord-foot of lumber throughout the week prior to the pain. I should also mention that none of the logs were less than 12" dia when I started in on them.

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In related news, I chopped a cord-foot of lumber throughout the week prior to the pain. I should also mention that none of the logs were less than 12" dia when I started in on them.


pfff, thats easy, come on down to the mill i have some good wood for you to split


and you are not sick you are probably pregnant

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