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All in favor of making Mexico the 51st state.....


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Funny you mention passports. I called yesterday to get info on getting mine. It's a pain in the ass. It's $100+ after the photo. And it takes 12 weeks right now. If you want it in 3 weeks it's $180+. At least it's good for 10 years.


Sorry for the thread jack.


Why make them a state if we would have to carry them?

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And then the problem really just gets worst. Mexico is having the same exact problem with illegal imagration as we are. All of Central and South American countries are having the problem. People in that region are all moving north. The people that leave Mexico are being replaced from illegal imagrants from other countries to the south of Mexico.
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Get bus.

Find illegals.

Put illegals on bus.

Bus goes to mexico to drop off illegals.

Rinse and repeat.


Then we have... schools that can spend time teaching classes and not holding back our youth while teaching the slower kids that dont understand english.

Get rid of "Press 1 for english, jkasdkjbajksd blab blah freakin blah for espanishlo"

Get rid of hit skip accidents with no insurance

Get rid of illegals that have criminal history in their own country and come to ours and continue in ways we can NOT identify who the fuck they are because they change their names the next day.


I can go on and on and on and on and on and on

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And then the problem really just gets worst. Mexico is having the same exact problem with illegal imagration as we are. All of Central and South American countries are having the problem. People in that region are all moving north. The people that leave Mexico are being replaced from illegal imagrants from other countries to the south of Mexico.

So we should all go to Canada??? Fuck that. Alaska doesn't look too bad though.


Seriously, let's make Mexico our 51st state. Reasons why:

    They'll work for $5.15/hr. That's a huge pay jump for them. Ah, but now they have to pay taxes.

    They'll do the jobs we don't want to do.

    I don't know what the fuck "¿Querría usted fríe con eso?" means. Force them to learn English.

    Add 750,000 square miles to our country.

    To become a citizen, you must serve two years in our armed forces. That solves the enlistment problem.

    We're already supporting them with "$65 billion in trade, an estimated $25 billion in remittances from Mexican citizens living and working here illegally, and at least another $25 billion generated by the illegal drug trade across our southern border". That doesn't even include how much we spend in health care and other benefits they receive being here illegally.

    Solar power. Thanks to the tropical climate below the twenty-fourth parallel, there is plenty of vacant land which could be used as a giant solar farm.

    Wind power. Just as solar power, the ocean currents from the tropical climate create constant winds. Windmill farm.

    Oil. You know the US wants every drop of oil in the world. Mexico has a good amount. Let's take it.



Feel free to add more reasons. I will as I have more time.

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I vote for "The Great Wall of America".


-18" thick


-Steel reinforced concrete


-Give a differnet contractor responsiblity for every 5 mile section, giving out TONS of work to US Citizens ONLY...


-20ft tall, 10ft deep


- small sentry tower every 1000M with sharpshooters to prevent people from digging and climbing.


- 3 border Gates, one East(Laredo/ Nuevo Laredo), one Central (Presidio/Ojinaga), one West (Nogales), controled by the US military.

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When I read, "Felipe Calderon Sunday demanded the United States surrender its sovereignty, abandon the rule of law and accede to Mexico's inherent supremacy.", I thought to myself, "wow, I have never heard words that were more worthy of an ass-kicking." Be it via sanctions, war, or other.
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Can we take over Mexico without any of the people in it?


I still go with my 3 step plan (in order):


#1: Wall all the way across, armed guards, with a "shoot to kill" policy for anyone trying to border jump


#2: Deport any illegal you find here, on the spot. No family notification, nothing. Find where they live, and deport the family too.


#3: HEAVY fines to anyone who would rent to or employ an illegal.


Make it nearly impossible to get in, solve one major issue. Deport as many that you can that are already here. Then make it nearly impossible for them to find work or housing here, and the remainder won't have a reason to stay.

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When I went to Panama a few weeks ago, I had to take a 7-hour bus ride from the capital to the province I stay at. On the way there, there is a checkpoint where a cop (not an immigration official) gets on and asks everyone to show their ID (it is illegal in Panama for an adult to be out without an ID). Anyone who doesn't have an ID or a Passport showing you are in the country legally gets taken off the bus and sent to jail until they can determine the legal status of the person. Makes perfect sense. Yet if a cop here stopped a bus here and tried to do the same thing, you can imagine the outcry.
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No one making minimum wage pays taxes. If anything, by filing, they will cost us more money in EIC. The standard deduction would be more than they would make for the year. The middle class pays taxes in this country. Not the rich, and definitely not the poor.
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No one making minimum wage pays taxes. If anything, by filing, they will cost us more money in EIC. The standard deduction would be more than they would make for the year. The middle class pays taxes in this country. Not the rich, and definitely not the poor.


I concede, you're right. They wouldn't pay taxes. However, they would pay social security and be a valid part of our workforce.

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When I read, "Felipe Calderon Sunday demanded the United States surrender its sovereignty, abandon the rule of law and accede to Mexico's inherent supremacy.", I thought to myself, "wow, I have never heard words that were more worthy of an ass-kicking." Be it via sanctions, war, or other.
That's exactly my point. What a shit-talking motherfucker... Maybe we don't need to make Mexico the 51st state. Maybe we should just bush the US border back about 100 miles to prove a point. Then build the wall, since it would now be shorter thus cheaper (Mexico narrows as you go South for those who didn't get that one).
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Oh, and I can say such things because I'm an immigrant... a legal one. Makes me wonder why I go through the process to become a citizen when illegals get all the social benefits and not having to pay taxes for any of them (not counting sales tax).


Thank-you Alex for being an cool immigrant and going through the process... :nod:

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