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What OS for my laptop?


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I ate another hard drive, so I think this time around I'm going to try a new OS just for shits. Right now I'm running Linspire Live so I don't have to use a broken hard drive, but once I get a new one, I don't know what to run. I'm liking Linspire due to its simplicity and since all my drivers seem to be working, but I don't know that I want to spend $50 for a full copy of it. I have an older copy of Freespire Live, but I couldn't get the wireless networking to work with it. I've heard that BSD would be good to learn to help me to learn Cisco, but I don't know how true that is.


All that I am really looking for is something to use as an every day desktop, that I can run IM programs on, web browse and maybe play some music. I'd rather not have something that would take a lot of learning just to use the basic functions.

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I used Ubuntu once upon a time but I couldn't figure out how to find and install programs. Do Linux programs come with installers these days, or do you still have to unpack tarballs and all that?


Sounds like Ubuntu is for you. It is simple to use. There is a program that is installed when you load ubuntu and you update your os with it aswell as all freeware software known to man. you search and click all that u want and hit install and it does all the work for you.

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Also install both of these... They will help you install almost all the software you'll want/need. I also reccommend a program called 'Crossover' if you want to run any Windows software within Linux. It's a little easier to use than Wine.







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Ok, my laptop is an HP and it has a button beside the arrow keys that is suppose to be mapped to "back". Well, it's mapped to page up, and it's annoying me because normally I use this key constantly while web browsing. Any idea how I can remap that to the right function?
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Do Linux programs come with installers these days, or do you still have to unpack tarballs and all that?


Pretty much, yea. Very few programs that I've installed needed compiled before installing from a command line.


Alot of what you'll want you should find with getautomatix and easyubuntu.


Oh and don't for get about the Synaptic Package Manager after you edit the ect/apt/sources.list file.

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