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Why do red vettes with old drivers suck.


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And you are beating him from a roll???? Are you just leaving on him or is he just chasing you. I find it hard to believe that you are beating a c5 from a roll. I dunno though, maybe the guy cant drive??????

I'm on the bike, From a digg I beat the shit out of a c5 from light to light on morse few weeks ago in the wrx.

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Sam.. I beat that Red C5 at the track a few weeks ago remember?


haha.. I bet that was him.. Older dude with gray hair? Kinda skinny?

Its thorne at christians house, Yeah that sounds about like him. I thought he had glasses on butman its hard to tell at night at hime kinda of speeds.


I wont be out tonight cause I've got shit going down but tommorow I will, Off the bottle sam I might have a chance ROFL.


The wrx will not be out till next friday. Then I got a few races I'm taken


bucky's going down, I don't care if he's faster when he hears my insanely loud pipes he will get scared let off ..


Does anyone got a extra tank i could get some 100 coaten if so I'm going to add sometiming and boost 22lbs is about as high as I can get high with out knocking and blocking nothing but hot air. The sick as I've got let ot cool after each race or ice the IC.


so I think I'm going to stay at night. 2 weeks the new turbo will be picked up, sending the injectors off to get modded. Then its going to be on.

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