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Dave... I need tires for the black 97 GT

AI Coupe

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Hey Dave. So the Potenza S-03's that Dan put on the 97 this summer ran for about 4000 miles and need replacing. We just installed new BBK castor/camber plates and did the front end so time for tires. The UPR C/C plates were just junk and we never got the front end right.


So... the G-009's on Dans 89 GT look and handle great. I'm not sure I need the same for the stock 97 4.6 but why not? I just had it painted and a new top and it looks great.


What do you suggest for everyday that has a nice wide footprint. The S-03's we now have on it are 245 - 45 ZR 17's. Should I just buy 2 news S-03's for the front?


Let me know.


Thanks, Ron

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