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New Radiohead album in 10 days

Flyin Miata

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I like threads like this. Without reading it I wouldn't of known they had a new cd coming out. People should make more of these posts.


I only knew because it's my favorite band and I check their blog/website every day, and when they announced it last night I nearly pissed myself. They had been saying up until now that nothing would be released until next year at the earliest, and for them to just come out and be like "uhh... oh yea, cd comes out in ten days" was unexpected. As soon as I have the money I'm ordering the box set as well. It's 82 bucks with the current conversion rate, but I am sure it will be worth it :cool:

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I only knew because it's my favorite band and I check their blog/website every day' date=' and when they announced it last night I nearly pissed myself. They had been saying up until now that nothing would be released until next year at the earliest, and for them to just come out and be like "uhh... oh yea, cd comes out in ten days" was unexpected. As soon as I have the money I'm ordering the box set as well. It's 82 bucks with the current conversion rate, but I am sure it will be worth it :cool:[/quote']


Im sure they're stuff is stolen alot on the internets, maybe coming out of no where and announcing its release in 10 days will somehow help curb that from happening? Either way, im happy I need some new music on my ipod.

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Im sure they're stuff is stolen alot on the internets, maybe coming out of no where and announcing its release in 10 days will somehow help curb that from happening? Either way, im happy I need some new music on my ipod.


Well this should make it nearly impossible for the album to leak, because there won't be any pre-release copies for people to upload. And assuming they won't upload the files until right before it's available for download, I would be downright impressed if it leaked.

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How much is the transaction charge?


It will show you when you get to checkout, but I don't think it's that much. I had to end up paying nothing for it because the website wouldn't accept my credit card (Verified by Visa is a pain in the arse). But I know I'll end up buying the discbox anyways, so they'll be getting enough of my money as it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
almost twice through now, it's really good. I had all the "expected to be on a new cd" tracks that were recorded live and it's awesome to see how they recorded them.


same here... i kinda wish i didnt download them and this was the first time hearing the songs

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ok I'm pissed and maybe confused....i went to the site in the first post and bought it and clicked on save.....it took a minute to upload and it was supposed to upload in my itunes. When it was done I checked itunes and it was not there and I can't find it in any of my files. So I spent money for nothing? Can someone please help explain where I can find it or if I did something wrong so I can ask for my money back.
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