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WAR GOOD Taking care of kids BAD!


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Wow.... 4 vetos. this time and he chooses some of the stupidest shit.







look at the cost of the war vs's hooking the kids UP!


I don't like the idea of spending more as I want to see a smaller gov BUT, If I choose between the war and this. I'm damn sure the war would not win.

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You agree 100% but yet you disagree with his decision? Thorne, just stop posting. You post the most retarded BS of anyone on this site. You spout off pages of opinionated crap with only an ounce of fact. The worst part is, you usually skew the little fact from what it was originally meant to be. I'm sick of seeing anything that you type lately. Can't you just go a week without posting 20 different political threads about how you're right and everyone else is wrong. Just stop posting your thoughts, they make the rest of us less intelligent for having read them.



PS. I didn't read the story and don't plan on it. I'm just sick of seeing Thorne's political stuff, and we're not even into the thick of things.

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I personally haven't suffered without insurance. I've been uninsured over a year. Be safe, smart, and have some money saved just incase something happens.


When you have kids its kind of hard to have enough money saved, just in case...

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get a job that has insurance, its not hard, or if you aren't financially able to have kids then don't, i know it is a little hindsight looking but people need to quit blaming the government for covering up their mistakes. Guess what I don't have the money to support kids so I am not going bareback.


and you can always change jobs, and if you say you can't if they job you have doesn't provide insurance it isn't a good enough job that you can't replace. Too not have insurance in this day and age is your own fault

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get a job that has insurance, its not hard, or if you aren't financially able to have kids then don't, i know it is a little hindsight looking but people need to quit blaming the government for covering up their mistakes. Guess what I don't have the money to support kids so I am not going bareback.


and you can always change jobs, and if you say you can't if they job you have doesn't provide insurance it isn't a good enough job that you can't replace. Too not have insurance in this day and age is your own fault



The only reason I don't have insurance is because I'm finishing up the paperwork. I wasn't eligible for a while, but, now that I am I need to have it. However, not having it I never complained and never blamed anyone else.

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It's the whole shit about welfare and shit. There's jobs out there, people in America believe that their too good for certain jobs. News flash, no education or experience means you start at the bottom, unless you get a lucky break. I'll say this, the US Military needs all the money it can get to be 10 steps above everyone else. Amen.
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It's the whole shit about welfare and shit. There's jobs out there, people in America believe that their too good for certain jobs. News flash, no education or experience means you start at the bottom, unless you get a lucky break. I'll say this, the US Military needs all the money it can get to be 10 steps above everyone else. Amen.





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I'll say this, the US Military needs all the money it can get to be 10 steps above everyone else. Amen.


Only if we "need" to police the world... I only feel this was ok up to a year or so after 9/11. As of now (knock on wood) nothing MAJOR has been blown up by terrorist on our soil. No need to drop 10 times the amount of funding into the military at this time. We have other things that could use more funding. And I am talking in general NOT JUST INSURANCE.

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I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than let an undeserving kid who doesn't even have the grades get a free ride through college because his parents are poor and are a minority in this country.


I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than have illegal citizens make the money because they found a way here so we must let them be here.


On and on and on about shit we are wasting money on but people focus on this war.

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get a job that has insurance, its not hard, or if you aren't financially able to have kids then don't, i know it is a little hindsight looking but people need to quit blaming the government for covering up their mistakes. Guess what I don't have the money to support kids so I am not going bareback.


and you can always change jobs, and if you say you can't if they job you have doesn't provide insurance it isn't a good enough job that you can't replace. Too not have insurance in this day and age is your own fault



My wife and I decided to hold off on kids because we are both too busy. It's called personal accountability. Stop asking me to pay for someone else's mistakes.


In my line of work (the car business) most people look at us like the scum of the earth. Guess what, any "Tom, Dick or Harry" that sells cars is eligible for FAMILY health insurance at most dealerships. The jobs are out there, but as was posted before, beggars can't be choosers.


God Bless the Military. God Bless their families. You can believe what you want, but I believe we are kicking the crap out of them over there. I believe we havent been attacked over here for 6 years in large part because we are winning.


One thing I will never forget. When Bin Laden claimed responsibility for 9-11, he said he wasnt concerned about an American retaliation. He knew it would be popular with the American people for a while, but that we would tire when the going got tough. We would all start to whine. We would turn on each other and devour ourselves from within. HE WAS RIGHT!

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I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than let an undeserving kid who doesn't even have the grades get a free ride through college because his parents are poor and are a minority in this country.


I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than have illegal citizens make the money because they found a way here so we must let them be here.


On and on and on about shit we are wasting money on but people focus on this war.


I rather have our country filled with intelligent people that cure diseases, find ways to produce energy from the soil, and make the world a better place to live. I feel the armed forces should be protecting OUR soil not other countries half way across the world. I honestly would feel much better about our "war" if they said to the people of USA that "we are doing it for the oil".

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Only if we "need" to police the world... I only feel this was ok up to a year or so after 9/11. As of now (knock on wood) nothing MAJOR has been blown up by terrorist on our soil. No need to drop 10 times the amount of funding into the military at this time. We have other things that could use more funding. And I am talking in general NOT JUST INSURANCE.

Negative. First strike capability means we need to hit faster, harder, and more accurate. I hope one day we get to the point, where we can send a cruise missile from say Ohio, to middle of Iran, and blow someone out of their shoes. Military funding isn't exactly up under homeland security. Granted we are to PROTECT the USA, but the department of Homeland security is #1 in protecting America from the inside out. So, first strike capabilities, rapid deployment, and the best weapons money can buy will help us.

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You guys know that there are some people who are trying hard but cannot afford to provide for there kids and have them on a insurance policy. I am all for making sure the military has enough funding. Think alot of the men over there come from those not well off families that need gov't help. Kids do not ask to be in that situation. Hell my insurance is pricey, still pay a pretty pennie out of pocket. You have to look at it from both sides before you go jumping off. Illegal immigrants work the jobs that most people refuse to because people are lazy! Remember alot of minority kids are fighting as we speak!
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we need abstinence-only education, banned abortions, and no health insurance for kids.




that'll solve our problems.


edit: if the sarcasm wasn't enough, what about the people who keep losing jobs due to NAFTA, etc.? DON'T GIVE ME SOME 'THAT WAS CLINTON' BULLSHIT. The fact remains that we have free trade, we are NOT competitive enough, and people are losing jobs. just gonna tell that guy that his kids can't get insured cuz he got laid off and there's no program for it?



fuck that. fuck this half trillion dollar war.

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we need abstinence-only education, banned abortions, and no health insurance for kids.




that'll solve our problems.


I hope that was being sarcastic. Otherwise what about people who get raped? No abortions and no health insurance? Sounds correct...

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I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than let an undeserving kid who doesn't even have the grades get a free ride through college because his parents are poor and are a minority in this country.


I'd rather pay soldiers 10x more than have illegal citizens make the money because they found a way here so we must let them be here.


On and on and on about shit we are wasting money on but people focus on this war.

:thumbup: Good job! Don't even get me started on free loading college kids. They wouldn't know reality if it bit them in the ass.

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get a job that has insurance, its not hard, or if you aren't financially able to have kids then don't, i know it is a little hindsight looking but people need to quit blaming the government for covering up their mistakes. Guess what I don't have the money to support kids so I am not going bareback.


and you can always change jobs, and if you say you can't if they job you have doesn't provide insurance it isn't a good enough job that you can't replace. Too not have insurance in this day and age is your own fault


It takes a child between 17 - 23 years before they are typically taken off of an insurance policy (college students still count as kids when it comes to insurance). Just because you are financially able to have kids now does not mean you will not get laid off, down sized, or have medical problems that throw you a curve ball. Most low end jobs make you wait a certain amount of time before you are even eligible for insurance. These jobs that you guys are saying are easy to get are not. It could easily take a person a year to find a good job with immediate benefits. The job market sucks! Yes you could find a job cleaning toilets in a heart beat, but its not going to have insurance benefits right away... and when they finally do give you the option it costs too damn much.


I would love to see money spent to protect our troops/country. I would also love to see the government focus more on improving the conditions in America. I dont know about you guys, but I'm tired of watching this country slowy go down the toilet.

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