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Firebird got punched in the eye


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Soo.... i am driving home tonight after working on my buddys turbo d series honda... when the typical 40 something year old d bag pulls up next to me at a light..he decides he wants to do a little jump at me and rev up... then proceed to yell at me "take daddys car home it has to much power for a punk kid like you" .. so i get pissed and on green we went... distance idk.. but i know for damn sure just as i slammed third theres a ramp to 3 inch curb in the middle of the road.. well we both hit third about the same time.. his driver door to my front bumper.. well he hits third and gets squirrly and basically merges into my fucking car.. gently tapping it and throwing me into the fucking curb.. dont know the damage yet.. jsut got towed home and i am to pissed to look... I know i need a new rim and tire.. and i have every light on in my car.. and i either destroyed the radiator or busted some line because coolant was everywhere.


sorry... had to vent.. i am just sick of old guys thinking there fucking hot shit.... and then when they fuck up tag a car and not having the common fucking curtesy to stop and see what happened to the kid they jsut raced who spun out in the middle of the road behinde them.


End Rant.

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Sorry about the luck man. The simplest solution is not to street race. Take it to the track. 2 wrongs don't make a right (in the case of the "old man"). My buddy was in your shoes before, with me in the car, won't touch a street race anymore.
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Rule one of street racing: Never assume anyone else knows what the fuck they're doing. It basically means "dont race strangers unless you're fine with writing off your car and your life." Also, you were committing a crime and got boned, don't expect a stranger to stop and trust you enough not to nail his ass.

When you race, you always sign the waiver. Whether its at the track and litteral, or on the street and a metaphor, you waive your rights.

his driver door to my front bumper.

lol you were losing. If you were faster, he wouldn't have hit you. ;)

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Just happened yesterday, but in reality it happens every day. I gotta say if anything like the below happens to me and my kids, I'll kill the fuckers involved right then and there. God help anyone if the cops don't arrive or if I am not injured seriously as I'd be 10ft tall and bullet proof at that moment.


LOS ANGELES – Two men were charged with murder Thursday for a road-rage crash that killed a 4-year-old boy and critically injured the child's mother and his infant sister, authorities said.


Brian Barnes, 44, and Armando Gamboa Ayon, 19, both of Los Angeles, each face one count of murder, vehicular manslaughter and three counts of reckless driving causing specified injury. Barnes also was charged with three counts of leaving the scene of an accident.


Both men were booked on more than $1 million bail, and were expected to be arraigned late Thursday.


"We're going to throw the book at them and enforce the law, because what happened to that family was unacceptable," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said at a news conference.


Police said the two men were driving their cars Tuesday in the San Fernando Valley when they got into an argument. The vehicles weaved along city streets between speeds of 50 mph to 90 mph, "cutting each other off" and jockeying for position, said Detective Bill Butos said.


Police said one the drivers was tapping on his brakes, trying to get the other motorist to ran into his vehicle.


Barnes eventually slammed on his brakes and Ayon tried to avoid the vehicle and plowed into the back of a parked car, Officer Jason Lee said. The parked car slammed into another vehicle, crushing the boy, Ayman Arif, his sister, Ikra Arif, and his 31-year-old mother Syeda Arif.


All three were taken to the hospital where Ayman was taken off of life support late Wednesday, police said. Syeda Arif and her daughter were both listed in critical condition.


Ayon was arrested at the crash site and Barnes later surrendered at a police station after he drove away from the scene.

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Just happened yesterday, but in reality it happens every day. I gotta say if anything like the below happens to me and my kids, I'll kill the fuckers involved right then and there. God help anyone if the cops don't arrive or if I am not injured seriously as I'd be 10ft tall and bullet proof at that moment.




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Guest peechtree05
If you think about it though it could have been worse. I mean my buddy has a cobra that was lowered and went over a 2 inch ramp at 2-3 mph and ripped out his entire exhaust from the headers back AND his airbags deployed. Imagine if that happened as well as the punch out. But I do completely agree with the whole old guys not knowing their role. Every now and then you run across a cool group of them but yeh I agree with you. Love your car by the way my dad had the same one when I was younger and they are pretty sweet.
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i have to find my chord to my camera.. but ill have pics in the enxt day or two.. its not as bad as i originally thought... but i think i am just going to do a quick fix with the rim and fix it over winter.. and put it away for the rest of the year...


big bitch of the problem i jsut put the new gears in 2 days ago...i didnt even get to run it.. kinda salt.


as far as the plate goes... i asked the local pd about it..and they said we both wouldve been cited... so that to no avail.

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Damn Nick that's awful. After hearing about that I don't feel so bad about having my window smashed in because someone wanted my CD player (which they couldn't get out anyways). Hopefully you can get it all fixed up without any problems. If you're ever down in Columbus and need some help let me know.
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