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fuck craigslist


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yet another bullshit sale on Craigslist

talked to a guy last night about a car, agreed a price, which is what he was asking in the first place, setup to look at it today with intentions to buy, which he knew.

call this morning (mind you i work nights and getting up at 10 am is not easy for me)

call him, no answer, call him 2 more times, 30 min s apart.. nothing.. finally a call, and then i get this..


"well here is the thing, i now want to sell the car for $500 more than i originally told you"


WHAT THE FUCK!!... why would i want to pay more for a car we already agreed a price on. and it wasnt even a price i negotiated down to. it was set by him.


i say no thanks and we get off the phone.


he calls back


" well i feel bad for doing that to you, and i had someone do that to me before, so heres the deal ill let ya have for $300 more than the original price we agreed on"


again ... WHAT THE FUCK like he is doing me a favor.

i say no thanks and thats the end of that




then 2 hours later, i called another guy about an air compressor listed for $100. call him say ill pick it up right now, he says ok he will call me back and give me directions. i wait and wait and wait. nothign.. i call him back and what ya know he said well he has a guy that wants to buy it for $125 and if ill pay that much i can come get it.


WHAT THE FUCK.. he had it listed for $100 on there.



seriously what is wrong with people these days.


either sell it for what ya listed it for or kill yourself.

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Sounds like folks need to price things correctly before posting them. I always try and do my homework on what I'm selling. If it's better than the average product in terms of conditions and what not, I'll ask about 5-10% more than others which weeds out the cheap folks and gives a little cushion should someone try and haggle....which is cool.


I have some kids toys and clothing if you're interested :p

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Guest v8_What?
you should have seen the size of my house I had over in Okinawa, Japan......man do those people like small places. My old Japanese friend that help me build my car there told me that the house I had was too big for me and my wife.....wow. It was only maybe 900 square feet with 2 bedrooms. I never had the chance to walk into one of the Okinawan apartments there....I bet they were the size of a basement or something!
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I have had this happen before too. I get super pissed when people list their cars and then you call and look at it, and before you hang up "well, do you have the title" they go yeah well its in my brother friends uncles name, or idk where it is, or its registered in like three other states. PEOPLE if you are selling your car know where the damn title is or don't list your shit......
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There is an easy solution to this. Tell the people that you will buy it for whatever they are asking or changing it to. If they say they want 500$ more then be like well ok, then tell them that you will be there tomorrow to pick it up. Call them the next day in the morning and tell them that you need directions. Get the directions and tell them you are an hour away from where they live but will be there. Then call 2 hours later and tell them that you are lost. Call them another hour later and tell them you still cant find it. Then call them 10 mins later and tell them you are on route and will be there in a few mins. Then dont call back and dont answer their calls and leave it at that, while the whole time you never left your house. That way they lost all other people that wanted to buy it and plus they had to sit on it a few more days.
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If you want it that bad show up with the original amount of cash in hand. If he wants 500 more, show him you have the exact amount of CASH IN HAND. People will usually change their mind for the easy way out. If he still wants more then leave.


But I will admit I like sam's idea too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The good thing about craigslist is that alot of people dont sell there shit so i can get shit redicously cheap. I got a almost brand new set of FRPP 3.73's for 50 bucks and a e303 for 50 bucks. I also go 2 good tribars for 40 bucks. But if i was in your situation i would be really pissed, people who fuck others over will eventually have the favor returned to them.
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